spec/receipt_spec.rb in venice-0.5.0 vs spec/receipt_spec.rb in venice-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,62 +1,10 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Venice::Receipt do
describe 'parsing the response' do
- let(:response) do
- {
- 'status' => 0,
- 'environment' => 'Production',
- 'receipt' => {
- 'receipt_type' => 'Production',
- 'adam_id' => 7654321,
- 'bundle_id' => 'com.foo.bar',
- 'application_version' => '2',
- 'download_id' => 1234567,
- 'receipt_creation_date' => '2014-06-04 23:20:47 Etc/GMT',
- 'receipt_creation_date_ms' => '1401924047883',
- 'receipt_creation_date_pst' => '2014-06-04 16:20:47 America/Los_Angeles',
- 'request_date' => '2014-06-04 23:20:47 Etc/GMT',
- 'request_date_ms' => '1401924047883',
- 'request_date_pst' => '2014-06-04 16:20:47 America/Los_Angeles',
- 'original_purchase_date' => '2014-05-17 02:09:45 Etc/GMT',
- 'original_purchase_date_ms' => '1400292585000',
- 'original_purchase_date_pst' => '2014-05-16 19:09:45 America/Los_Angeles',
- 'original_application_version' => '1',
- 'expiration_date' => '1401924047883',
- 'in_app' => [
- {
- 'quantity' => '1',
- 'product_id' => 'com.foo.product1',
- 'transaction_id' => '1000000070107111',
- 'original_transaction_id' => '1000000061051111',
- 'web_order_line_item_id' => '1000000026812043',
- 'purchase_date' => '2014-05-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT',
- 'purchase_date_ms' => '1401288473000',
- 'purchase_date_pst' => '2014-05-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles',
- 'original_purchase_date' => '2014-05-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT',
- 'original_purchase_date_ms' => '1401288473000',
- 'original_purchase_date_pst' => '2014-05-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles',
- 'expires_date' => '2014-06-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT',
- 'is_trial_period' => 'false'
- }
- ],
- 'original_json_response' => {
- 'pending_renewal_info' => [
- {
- 'auto_renew_product_id' => 'com.foo.product1',
- 'original_transaction_id' => '37xxxxxxxxx89',
- 'product_id' => 'com.foo.product1',
- 'auto_renew_status' => '0',
- 'is_in_billing_retry_period' => '0',
- 'expiration_intent' => '1'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- end
+ let(:response) { JSON.parse(File.read('./spec/fixtures/receipt_not_expired_cancelled.json')) }
subject { Venice::Receipt.new(response['receipt']) }
its(:bundle_id) { 'com.foo.bar' }
its(:application_version) { '2' }
@@ -67,19 +15,122 @@
its(:receipt_type) { 'Production' }
its(:receipt_created_at) { should be_instance_of DateTime }
its(:adam_id) { 7654321 }
its(:download_id) { 1234567 }
its(:requested_at) { should be_instance_of DateTime }
+ its(:expiration_intent) { nil }
- describe '#verify!' do
+ context 'response is for expired cancelled receipt' do
+ let(:response) { JSON.parse(File.read('./spec/fixtures/receipt_expired_cancelled.json')) }
+ its(:expiration_intent) { 1 }
+ end
+ describe '.verify!' do
+ subject { described_class.verify!('asdf') }
before do
- let(:receipt) { Venice::Receipt.verify('asdf') }
+ it 'creates the receipt' do
+ expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Venice::Receipt)
+ end
- it 'should create the receipt' do
- receipt.should_not be_nil
+ describe 'retrying VerificationError' do
+ let(:retryable_error_response) do
+ {
+ 'status' => 21000,
+ 'receipt' => {},
+ 'is_retryable' => true
+ }
+ end
+ let(:error_response) do
+ {
+ 'status' => 21000,
+ 'receipt' => {},
+ 'is_retryable' => false
+ }
+ end
+ context 'with a retryable error response' do
+ before do
+ Venice::Client.any_instance.stub(:json_response_from_verifying_data).and_return(retryable_error_response, response)
+ end
+ it 'creates the receipt' do
+ expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Venice::Receipt)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with 4 retryable error responses' do
+ before do
+ Venice::Client.any_instance.stub(:json_response_from_verifying_data).and_return(
+ retryable_error_response,
+ retryable_error_response,
+ retryable_error_response,
+ retryable_error_response,
+ response
+ )
+ end
+ it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(Venice::Receipt::VerificationError) }
+ end
+ context 'with a not retryable error response' do
+ before do
+ Venice::Client.any_instance.stub(:json_response_from_verifying_data).and_return(error_response, response)
+ end
+ it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(Venice::Receipt::VerificationError) }
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'retrying http error' do
+ def stub_json_response_from_verifying_data(returns)
+ counter = 0
+ Venice::Client.any_instance.stub(:json_response_from_verifying_data) do
+ begin
+ returns[counter].call
+ ensure
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'given 3 http errors' do
+ before do
+ returns = [
+ -> { raise(Net::ReadTimeout) },
+ -> { raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) },
+ -> { raise(Errno::ECONNRESET) },
+ -> { response }
+ ]
+ stub_json_response_from_verifying_data(returns)
+ end
+ it 'creates the receipt' do
+ expect(subject).to be_an_instance_of(Venice::Receipt)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'given 4 Net::ReadTimeout' do
+ before do
+ returns = [
+ -> { raise(Net::ReadTimeout) },
+ -> { raise(Net::ReadTimeout) },
+ -> { raise(Net::ReadTimeout) },
+ -> { raise(Net::ReadTimeout) },
+ -> { response }
+ ]
+ stub_json_response_from_verifying_data(returns)
+ end
+ it 'raises http error' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Net::ReadTimeout)
+ end
+ end
it 'parses the pending rerenewal information' do
expect(subject.to_hash[:pending_renewal_info]).to eql([{ expiration_intent: 1,