spec/receipt_spec.rb in venice-0.2.0 vs spec/receipt_spec.rb in venice-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,93 +1,70 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Venice::Receipt do
describe "parsing the response" do
- let(:response) {
+ let(:response) do
+ "status" => 0,
+ "environment" => "Production",
"receipt" => {
- "original_purchase_date_pst" => "2012-12-30 09:39:24 America/Los_Angeles",
- "unique_identifier" => "0000b031c818",
- "original_transaction_id" => "1000000061051565",
- "expires_date" => "1357074383000",
- "transaction_id" => "1000000070107235",
- "quantity" => "1",
- "product_id" => "com.foo.product1",
- "item_id" => "590265423",
- "bid" => "com.foo.bar",
- "unique_vendor_identifier" => "77FA64BC-23BB-46CF-9A42-D022494D20D5",
- "web_order_line_item_id" => "1000000026510809",
- "bvrs" => "0.1",
- "expires_date_formatted" => "2013-01-01 21:06:23 Etc/GMT",
- "purchase_date" => "2013-01-01 21:01:23 Etc/GMT",
- "purchase_date_ms" => "1357074083000",
- "expires_date_formatted_pst" => "2013-01-01 13:06:23 America/Los_Angeles",
- "purchase_date_pst" => "2013-01-01 13:01:23 America/Los_Angeles",
- "original_purchase_date" => "2012-12-30 17:39:24 Etc/GMT",
- "original_purchase_date_ms" => "1356889164000"
- },
- "status" => 21006
+ "receipt_type" => "Production",
+ "adam_id" => 7654321,
+ "bundle_id" => "com.foo.bar",
+ "application_version" => "2",
+ "download_id" => 1234567,
+ "request_date" => "2014-06-04 23:20:47 Etc/GMT",
+ "request_date_ms" => "1401924047883",
+ "request_date_pst" => "2014-06-04 16:20:47 America/Los_Angeles",
+ "original_purchase_date" => "2014-05-17 02:09:45 Etc/GMT",
+ "original_purchase_date_ms" => "1400292585000",
+ "original_purchase_date_pst" => "2014-05-16 19:09:45 America/Los_Angeles",
+ "original_application_version" => "1",
+ "expiration_date" => "1401924047883",
+ "in_app" => [
+ {
+ "quantity" => "1",
+ "product_id" => "com.foo.product1",
+ "transaction_id" => "1000000070107111",
+ "original_transaction_id" => "1000000061051111",
+ "purchase_date" => "2014-05-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT",
+ "purchase_date_ms" => "1401288473000",
+ "purchase_date_pst" => "2014-05-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles",
+ "original_purchase_date" => "2014-05-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT",
+ "original_purchase_date_ms" => "1401288473000",
+ "original_purchase_date_pst" => "2014-05-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles",
+ "expires_date" => "2014-06-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT",
+ "is_trial_period" => "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- }
+ end
subject { Venice::Receipt.new(response['receipt']) }
- its(:quantity) { 1 }
- its(:product_id) { "com.foo.product1" }
- its(:transaction_id) { "1000000070107235" }
- its(:unique_identifier) { "0000b031c818" }
- its(:purchase_date) { should be_instance_of DateTime }
- its(:bvrs) { "0.1" }
- its(:bid) { "com.foo.bar" }
- its(:original) { should be_instance_of Venice::Receipt }
- its(:expires_at) { should be_instance_of Time }
+ its(:bundle_id) { "com.foo.bar" }
+ its(:application_version) { "2" }
+ its(:in_app) { should be_instance_of Array }
+ its(:original_application_version) { "1" }
+ its(:original_purchase_date) { should be_instance_of DateTime }
+ its(:expires_at) { should be_instance_of DateTime }
+ its(:receipt_type) { "Production" }
+ its(:adam_id) { 7654321 }
+ its(:download_id) { 1234567 }
+ its(:requested_at) { should be_instance_of DateTime }
- it "should parse the origin attributes" do
- subject.original.transaction_id.should == "1000000061051565"
- subject.original.purchase_date.should be_instance_of DateTime
- end
describe "#verify!" do
before do
- client = stub
- Venice::Client.stub(:production).and_return(client)
- client.stub(:verify!).and_return(response)
+ Venice::Client.any_instance.stub(:json_response_from_verifying_data).and_return(response)
let(:receipt) { Venice::Receipt.verify("asdf") }
it "should create the receipt" do
receipt.should_not be_nil
- context "with a latest expired receipt attribute" do
- before do
- response['latest_expired_receipt_info'] = {
- "original_purchase_date_pst" => "2012-12-30 09:39:24 America/Los_Angeles",
- "unique_identifier" => "0000b01147b8",
- "original_transaction_id" => "1000000061051565",
- "expires_date" => "1365114731000",
- "transaction_id" => "1000000070104252",
- "quantity" => "1",
- "product_id" => "com.ficklebits.nsscreencast.monthly_sub",
- "original_purchase_date_ms" => "1356889164000",
- "bid" => "com.ficklebits.nsscreencast",
- "web_order_line_item_id" => "1000000026812043",
- "bvrs" => "0.1",
- "expires_date_formatted" => "2013-04-04 22:32:11 Etc/GMT",
- "purchase_date" => "2013-04-04 22:27:11 Etc/GMT",
- "purchase_date_ms" => "1365114431000",
- "expires_date_formatted_pst" => "2013-04-04 15:32:11 America/Los_Angeles",
- "purchase_date_pst" => "2013-04-04 15:27:11 America/Los_Angeles",
- "original_purchase_date" => "2012-12-30 17:39:24 Etc/GMT",
- "item_id" => "590265423"
- }
- end
- it "should create a latest expired receipt" do
- receipt.latest_expired.should_not be_nil
- end
- end