History.txt in vegas- vs History.txt in vegas-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
+== 0.1.0 2009-08-30
+* New:
+ * options[:start] = false will keep the app from actually starting (useful for defining your own start/stop commands)
+ * options[:launch_path] Takes a string or an object that responds to call (proc/lambda) that gets the runner as its only argument. This allows you to easily manipulate options or args to launch the app to a specific path. See latest gembox for example.
+* Changed:
+ * Sinatra is no longer a dependency! Vegas can now run pure Rack apps.
+ * All methods for starting an app are grouped into Runner#start
+ * launch! and start both take an optional path string to launch the app to.
== 0.0.4 2009-08-09
* new -L (--skip-launch) option doesn't launch the web browser (thanks bmabey!)
* rubygems is required only on LoadError