lib/veewee/command/group_base.rb in veewee-0.3.7 vs lib/veewee/command/group_base.rb in veewee-0.3.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
require 'thor'
require 'thor/actions'
+require 'veewee/environment'
module Veewee
module Command
# A {GroupBase} is the superclass which should be used if you're
# creating a CLI command which has subcommands such as `veewee box`,
@@ -64,10 +65,16 @@
class GroupBase < Thor
include Thor::Actions
include Helpers
+ class_option :debug,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :desc => "enable debugging"
+ class_option :cwd, :aliases => ['-w', '--workdir'], :type => :string,
+ :default => Veewee::Environment.workdir,
+ :desc => "Change the working directory. (The folder containing the definitions folder)."
attr_reader :env
# Register the command with the main Veewee CLI under the given
# usage. The usage will be used for accessing it from the CLI,
# so if you give it a usage of `lamp [subcommand]`, then the command
@@ -81,23 +88,120 @@
# * `:alias` - If given as an array or string, these will be aliases
# for the same command. For example, `veewee version` is also
# `veewee --version` and `veewee -v`
- # @param [String] usage
- # @param [String] description
- # @param [Hash] opts
- def self.register(usage, description, opts=nil)
- @_name = Base.extract_name_from_usage(usage)
- CLI.register(self, @_name, usage, description, opts)
+ def self.register(options = {})
+ # self refers to the class object of the provider subclass
+ self.class_variable_set(:@@command, options[:command])
+ self.class_variable_set(:@@description, options[:description])
+ self.class_variable_set(:@@provider, options[:provider])
+ CLI.register(self, options[:command], options[:command], options[:description], options[:opts])
def initialize(*args)
+ # make provider class variables easily available to global task methods
+ @command = self.class.class_variable_get(:@@command)
+ @description = self.class.class_variable_get(:@@description)
+ @provider = self.class.class_variable_get(:@@provider)
+ @env.current_provider = @provider
- protected
+ desc "templates", "List the currently available templates"
+ method_option :box_name, :default => '<box_name>', :aliases => ['-b'], :desc => "Name of the box you want create."
+ def templates
+ "The following templates are available:",:prefix => false
+ env.templates.each do |name,template|
+ "veewee #{@command} define '#{options[:box_name]}' '#{name}' --workdir=#{options[:cwd]}",:prefix => false
+ end
+ end
+ desc "list", "Lists all defined boxes"
+ def list
+ venv=env
+ "The following definitions are available in #{venv.cwd}: ",:prefix => false
+ venv.definitions.each do |name,definition|
+ "- #{name}",:prefix => false
+ end
+ end
+ desc "define [BOX_NAME] [TEMPLATE]", "Define a new basebox starting from a template"
+ method_option :force,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-f", :desc => "overwrite the definition"
+ def define(definition_name, template_name)
+ begin
+ env.definitions.define(definition_name,template_name,options)
+ "The basebox '#{definition_name}' has been successfully created from the template '#{template_name}'"
+ "You can now edit the definition files stored in #{options[:cwd]}/definitions/#{definition_name} or build the box with:"
+ "veewee #{@command} build '#{definition_name}' --workdir=#{options[:cwd]}"
+ rescue Error => ex
+ env.ui.error("#{ex}",:prefix => false)
+ exit -1
+ end
+ end
+ desc "winrm [BOX_NAME] [COMMAND]", "Execute command via winrm"
+ def winrm(box_name, command=nil)
+ venv.ui=env.ui
+ venv.providers["virtualbox"].get_box(box_name).winrm(command,{:exitcode => "*"})
+ end
+ method_option :force,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-f", :desc => "force the destroy"
+ method_option :nogui,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-n", :desc => "no gui"
+ desc "destroy [BOX_NAME]", "Destroys the virtualmachine that was built"
+ def destroy(box_name)
+ env.get_box(box_name).destroy(options)
+ end
+ method_option :force,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-f", :desc => "force the shutdown"
+ desc "halt [BOX_NAME]", "Activates a shutdown the virtualmachine"
+ def halt(box_name)
+ env.get_box(box_name).halt(options)
+ end
+ method_option :nogui,:type => :boolean , :default => false, :aliases => "-n", :desc => "no gui"
+ desc "up [BOX_NAME]", "Starts a Box"
+ def up(box_name)
+ env.get_box(box_name).up(options)
+ end
+ desc "ssh [BOX_NAME] [COMMAND]", "SSH to box"
+ def ssh(box_name, command=nil)
+ env.get_box(box_name).issh(command)
+ end
+ desc "copy [BOX_NAME] [SRC] [DST]", "Copy a file to the VM"
+ def copy(box_name, src, dst)
+ env.get_box(box_name).copy_to_box(src,dst)
+ end
+ desc "undefine [BOX_NAME]", "Removes the definition of a basebox "
+ def undefine(definition_name)
+ "Removing definition #{definition_name}" , :prefix => false
+ begin
+ env.definitions.undefine(definition_name,options)
+ "Definition #{definition_name} successfully removed",:prefix => false
+ rescue Error => ex
+ env.ui.error "#{ex}" , :prefix => false
+ exit -1
+ end
+ end
+ desc "ostypes", "List the available Operating System types"
+ def ostypes
+ env.ostypes.each do |name|
+ "- #{name}"
+ end
+ end
+ desc "sendkeys [BOX_NAME] [SEQUENCE]", "Sends the key sequence (comma separated) to the box. E.g for testing the :boot_cmd_sequence"
+ def sendkeys(box_name, sequence)
+ env.get_box(box_name).console_type(sequence.split(","))
+ end
# Override the basename to include the subcommand name.
def self.basename
#"#{super} #{@_name}"