Rakefile in veewee-0.2.3 vs Rakefile in veewee-0.3.0.alpha1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,97 +1,63 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'bundler/setup'
+require 'veewee'
-#Setup some base variables to use
-veewee_dir = "."
-lib_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "lib"))
-box_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "boxes"))
-vbox_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "tmp"))
-tmp_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "tmp"))
-iso_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "iso"))
-definition_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "definitions"))
-template_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(veewee_dir, "templates"))
+desc 'Default: run tests'
+task :default => :test
+require 'rake/testtask'
-#Load Veewee::Session libraries
-Dir.glob(File.join(lib_dir, '**','*.rb')).each { |f| require f }
- :veewee_dir => veewee_dir,
- :definition_dir => definition_dir,
- :template_dir => template_dir,
- :iso_dir => iso_dir,
- :box_dir => box_dir,
- :tmp_dir => tmp_dir
-desc 'Default: list templates'
-task :default => [:templates]
-desc 'List templates'
-task :templates do
- Veewee::Session.list_templates
+desc 'Tests not requiring an real box'
+Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
+ t.libs << "test"
+ t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
-desc 'Define box'
-task :define, [:boxname,:template_name] do |t,args|
- if args.to_hash.size!=2
- puts "needs two arguments: rake define['boxname','template_name']"
- exit
- end
- Veewee::Session.define(args.boxname,args.template_name)
+desc 'Tests requiring an real box'
+Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
+ t.name="realtest"
+ t.libs << "test"
+ t.pattern = 'test/**/*_realtest.rb'
-desc 'Undefine box'
-task :undefine, [:boxname] do |t,args|
- if args.to_hash.size!=1
- puts "needs one arguments: rake undefine[\"yourname\"]"
- exit
+desc 'Verify ISO'
+task :iso, [:box_name] do |t,args|
+ require 'net/http'
+ #if args.to_hash.size!=1
+ #puts "needs one arguments: rake iso [\"yourname\"]"
+ #exit
+ #end
+ Dir.glob("templates/*").each do |name|
+ definition_name=File.basename(name)
+ definition=Veewee::Environment.new(:cwd => ".",:definition_dir => "templates",:definition_path => "templates").get_definition(definition_name)
+ next if definition.iso_src.nil? || definition.iso_src==""
+ begin
+ url=definition.iso_src
+ found=false
+ response = nil
+ while found==false
+ uri=URI.parse(url)
+ Net::HTTP.start(uri.host,uri.port) {|http|
+ response = http.head(uri.path)
+ }
+ unless response['location'].nil?
+ #puts "Redirecting to "+response['location']
+ url=response['location']
+ else
+ found=true
+ end
+ end
+ length=response['content-length']
+ if length.to_i < 10000
+ puts definition.iso_src
+ p response['content-type']
+ puts uri.host,uri.port, uri.path,response.code
+ end
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ puts "Error"+ex.to_s+definition.iso_src
+ end
- Veewee::Session.undefine(args.boxname)
-desc 'List Definitions'
-task :definitions do
- Veewee::Session.list_definitions
-desc 'Build box'
-task :build, [:boxname] do |t,args|
- if args.to_hash.size!=1
- puts "needs one arguments: rake build['boxname']"
- exit
- end
- Veewee::Session.build(args.boxname)
-desc 'List boxes'
-task :boxes do
- Veewee::Session.list_boxes
-desc 'Export box'
-task :export, [:boxname] do |t,args|
- if args.to_hash.size!=1
- puts "needs one arguments: rake export['boxname']"
- exit
- end
- Veewee::Session.export_box(args.boxname)
-desc 'Remove box'
-task :remove_box, [:boxname] do |t,args|
- Veewee::Session.remove_box(args.boxname)
-desc 'List ostypes available'
-task :list_ostypes do |t,args|
- Veewee::Session.list_ostypes
-desc 'Clean all unfinished builds'
-task :clean do
- Veewee::Session.clean