features/test_frameworks/rspec_metadata.feature in vcr-2.5.0 vs features/test_frameworks/rspec_metadata.feature in vcr-2.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
VCR provides easy integration with RSpec using metadata. To set this
up, call `configure_rspec_metadata!` in your `VCR.configure` block.
Once you've done that, you can have an example group or example use
VCR by passing `:vcr` as an additional argument after the description
- string. It will use set the cassette name based on the example's
+ string. It will set the cassette name based on the example's
full description.
If you need to override the cassette name or options, you can pass a
hash (`:vcr => { ... }`).
@@ -26,10 +26,35 @@
# so we can use `:vcr` rather than `:vcr => true`;
# in RSpec 3 this will no longer be necessary.
c.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true
+ And a previously recorded cassette file "spec/cassettes/Group/optionally_raises_an_error.yml" with:
+ """
+ ---
+ http_interactions:
+ - request:
+ method: get
+ uri: http://example.com/foo
+ body:
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ string: ""
+ headers: {}
+ response:
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+ headers:
+ Content-Length:
+ - "5"
+ body:
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ string: Hello
+ http_version: "1.1"
+ recorded_at: Tue, 01 Nov 2011 04:58:44 GMT
+ recorded_with: VCR 2.0.0
+ """
Scenario: Use `:vcr` metadata
Given a file named "spec/vcr_example_spec.rb" with:
start_sinatra_app(:port => 7777) do
@@ -68,9 +93,42 @@
Then it should pass with "4 examples, 0 failures"
And the file "spec/cassettes/VCR_example_group_metadata/records_an_http_request.yml" should contain "Hello"
And the file "spec/cassettes/VCR_example_group_metadata/records_another_http_request.yml" should contain "Hello"
And the file "spec/cassettes/VCR_example_group_metadata/in_a_nested_example_group/records_another_one.yml" should contain "Hello"
And the file "spec/cassettes/VCR_example_metadata/records_an_http_request.yml" should contain "Hello"
+ Scenario: `:allow_unused_http_interactions => false` causes a failure if there are unused interactions
+ And a file named "spec/vcr_example_spec.rb" with:
+ """ruby
+ require 'spec_helper'
+ describe "Group", :vcr => { :allow_unused_http_interactions => false } do
+ it 'optionally raises an error' do
+ # don't fail
+ end
+ end
+ """
+ When I run `rspec spec/vcr_example_spec.rb`
+ Then it should fail with an error like:
+ """
+ There are unused HTTP interactions left in the cassette:
+ - [get http://example.com/foo] => [200 "Hello"]
+ """
+ Scenario: `:allow_unused_http_interactions => false` does not raise if the example already failed
+ And a file named "spec/vcr_example_spec.rb" with:
+ """ruby
+ require 'spec_helper'
+ describe "Group", :vcr => { :allow_unused_http_interactions => false } do
+ it 'optionally raises an error' do
+ raise "boom"
+ end
+ end
+ """
+ When I run `rspec spec/vcr_example_spec.rb`
+ Then it should fail with "boom"
+ And the output should not contain "There are unused HTTP interactions"
Scenario: Pass a hash to set the cassette options
Given a file named "spec/vcr_example_spec.rb" with:
require 'spec_helper'