spec/vcloud/launcher/vm_orchestrator_spec.rb in vcloud-launcher-0.0.5 vs spec/vcloud/launcher/vm_orchestrator_spec.rb in vcloud-launcher-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,80 +1,82 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-module Vcloud
- module Launcher
- describe VmOrchestrator do
+describe Vcloud::Launcher::VmOrchestrator do
- before(:each) do
- @vm_id = "vm-12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456712312"
- end
+ before(:each) do
+ @vm_id = "vm-12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456712312"
+ end
- it "orchestrate customization" do
- vm_config = {
- :hardware_config => {
- :memory => 4096,
- :cpu => 2
- },
- :metadata => {
- :shutdown => true
- },
- :extra_disks => [
- {:size => '1024', :name => 'Hard disk 2', :fs_file => 'mysql', :fs_mntops => 'mysql-something'},
- {:size => '2048', :name => 'Hard disk 3', :fs_file => 'solr', :fs_mntops => 'solr-something'}
- ],
+ let(:fog_vm) {
+ { :href => "/#{@vm_id}" }
+ }
+ let(:vapp) {
+ double(:vapp, :name => 'web-app1')
+ }
+ subject {
+ Vcloud::Launcher::VmOrchestrator.new(fog_vm, vapp)
+ }
- :network_connections => [
- {:name => "network1", :ip_address => ""},
- ],
- :bootstrap => {
- :script_path => '/tmp/boostrap.erb',
- :vars => {
- :message => 'hello world'
- }
- },
- :storage_profile => {
- :name => 'basic-storage',
- :href => 'https://vcloud.example.net/api/vdcStorageProfile/000aea1e-a5e9-4dd1-a028-40db8c98d237'
+ it "orchestrate customization" do
+ vm_config = {
+ :hardware_config => {
+ :memory => 4096,
+ :cpu => 2
+ },
+ :metadata => {
+ :shutdown => true
+ },
+ :extra_disks => [
+ {:size => '1024', :name => 'Hard disk 2', :fs_file => 'mysql', :fs_mntops => 'mysql-something'},
+ {:size => '2048', :name => 'Hard disk 3', :fs_file => 'solr', :fs_mntops => 'solr-something'}
+ ],
+ :network_connections => [
+ {:name => "network1", :ip_address => ""},
+ ],
+ :bootstrap => {
+ :script_path => '/tmp/boostrap.erb',
+ :vars => {
+ :message => 'hello world'
+ },
+ :storage_profile => {
+ :name => 'basic-storage',
+ :href => 'https://vcloud.example.net/api/vdcStorageProfile/000aea1e-a5e9-4dd1-a028-40db8c98d237'
- fog_vm = { :href => "/#{@vm_id}" }
- vapp = double(:vapp, :name => 'web-app1')
- vm = double(:vm, :id => @vm_id, :vapp_name => 'web-app1', :vapp => vapp, :name => 'test-vm-1')
- Core::Vm.should_receive(:new).with(@vm_id, vapp).and_return(vm)
+ }
+ vm = double(:vm, :id => @vm_id, :vapp_name => 'web-app1', :vapp => vapp, :name => 'test-vm-1')
+ Vcloud::Core::Vm.should_receive(:new).with(@vm_id, vapp).and_return(vm)
- vm.should_receive(:update_name).with('web-app1')
- vm.should_receive(:configure_network_interfaces).with(vm_config[:network_connections])
- vm.should_receive(:update_storage_profile).with(vm_config[:storage_profile])
- vm.should_receive(:update_cpu_count).with(2)
- vm.should_receive(:update_memory_size_in_mb).with(4096)
- vm.should_receive(:add_extra_disks).with(vm_config[:extra_disks])
- vm.should_receive(:update_metadata).with(vm_config[:metadata])
- vm.should_receive(:configure_guest_customization_section).with('web-app1', vm_config[:bootstrap], vm_config[:extra_disks])
+ vm.should_receive(:update_name).with('web-app1')
+ vm.should_receive(:configure_network_interfaces).with(vm_config[:network_connections])
+ vm.should_receive(:update_storage_profile).with(vm_config[:storage_profile])
+ vm.should_receive(:update_cpu_count).with(2)
+ vm.should_receive(:update_memory_size_in_mb).with(4096)
+ vm.should_receive(:add_extra_disks).with(vm_config[:extra_disks])
+ vm.should_receive(:update_metadata).with(vm_config[:metadata])
+ vm.should_receive(:configure_guest_customization_section).with('web-app1', vm_config[:bootstrap], vm_config[:extra_disks])
- VmOrchestrator.new(fog_vm, vapp).customize(vm_config)
- end
+ subject.customize(vm_config)
+ end
- it "if a storage_profile is not specified, customize continues with other customizations" do
- fog_vm = { :href => "/#{@vm_id}" }
- vapp = double(:vapp, :name => 'web-app1')
- vm = double(:vm, :id => @vm_id, :vapp_name => 'web-app1', :vapp => vapp, :name => 'test-vm-1')
- vm_config = {
- :metadata => {:shutdown => true},
- :network_connections => [{:name => "network1", :ip_address => ""}],
- :extra_disks => [
- {:size => '1024', :name => 'Hard disk 2', :fs_file => 'mysql', :fs_mntops => 'mysql-something'},
- {:size => '2048', :name => 'Hard disk 3', :fs_file => 'solr', :fs_mntops => 'solr-something'}
- ]
- }
- Core::Vm.should_receive(:new).with(@vm_id, vapp).and_return(vm)
- vm.should_receive(:update_metadata).with(:shutdown => true)
- vm.should_receive(:update_name).with('web-app1')
- vm.should_receive(:add_extra_disks).with(vm_config[:extra_disks])
- vm.should_receive(:configure_network_interfaces).with(vm_config[:network_connections])
- vm.should_receive(:configure_guest_customization_section).with('web-app1', vm_config[:bootstrap], vm_config[:extra_disks])
+ it "if a storage_profile is not specified, customize continues with other customizations" do
+ vm = double(:vm, :id => @vm_id, :vapp_name => 'web-app1', :vapp => vapp, :name => 'test-vm-1')
+ vm_config = {
+ :metadata => {:shutdown => true},
+ :network_connections => [{:name => "network1", :ip_address => ""}],
+ :extra_disks => [
+ {:size => '1024', :name => 'Hard disk 2', :fs_file => 'mysql', :fs_mntops => 'mysql-something'},
+ {:size => '2048', :name => 'Hard disk 3', :fs_file => 'solr', :fs_mntops => 'solr-something'}
+ ]
+ }
+ Vcloud::Core::Vm.should_receive(:new).with(@vm_id, vapp).and_return(vm)
+ vm.should_receive(:update_metadata).with(:shutdown => true)
+ vm.should_receive(:update_name).with('web-app1')
+ vm.should_receive(:add_extra_disks).with(vm_config[:extra_disks])
+ vm.should_receive(:configure_network_interfaces).with(vm_config[:network_connections])
+ vm.should_receive(:configure_guest_customization_section).with('web-app1', vm_config[:bootstrap], vm_config[:extra_disks])
- VmOrchestrator.new(fog_vm, vapp).customize(vm_config)
+ subject.customize(vm_config)
- end
- end