features/steps/core.steps.rb in vault-tree-0.1.0 vs features/steps/core.steps.rb in vault-tree-0.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,107 +1,5 @@
-Given(/^Alice has the blank contract$/) do
- contract_path = VaultTree::PathHelpers.reference_contract
- @contract_json = File.read(contract_path)
-# Change this to just attributes vice public attributes
-When(/^she locks all of her attributes$/) do
- @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'ALICE_SECURE_PASS', external_data: {})
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('alice_decryption_key')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('alice_public_encryption_key')
-When(/^she sends the contract to Bob$/) do
- @contract_json = @contract.as_json
- @bobs_external_data = {"congratulations_message" => "CONGRATS! YOU OPENED THE THIRD VAULT."}
- @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'BOB_SECURE_PASS', external_data: @bobs_external_data)
-Then(/^Bob can access her public attributes$/) do
- @contents = @contract.retrieve_contents('alice_public_encryption_key')
-When(/^Bob locks his attributes$/) do
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('bob_decryption_key')
- # Verify can reopen
- @contract.retrieve_contents('bob_decryption_key')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('congratulations_message')
- # Verify can reopen
- @contract.retrieve_contents('congratulations_message')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('vault_two_key')
- # Verify they can reopen
- @contract.retrieve_contents('vault_two_key')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('vault_three_key')
- # Verify they can reopen
- @contract.retrieve_contents('vault_three_key')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('bob_public_encryption_key')
- # Verify they can reopen
- @contract.retrieve_contents('bob_public_encryption_key')
-When(/^He fills and locks each of the three vaults$/) do
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('first')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('second')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('third')
-Then(/^Alice can execute the contract to recover the final message$/) do
- @contract_json = @contract.as_json
- @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'ALICE_SECURE_PASS', external_data: {})
- puts @contract.retrieve_contents('third')
- @contract.retrieve_contents('third').should == @bobs_external_data['congratulations_message']
-Given(/^the SENDER has the blank BTC Key Transfer template$/) do
- contract_path = VaultTree::PathHelpers.reference_contract
- @contract_json = File.read(contract_path)
-Given(/^the SENDER chooses an origin wallet address and concealed destination address$/) do
- @sender_external_data =
- {
- 'sender_origin_wallet_address' => '1XJEBF8EUBF855NEBHVENPFE9JE74E',
- 'sender_concealed_destination_wallet_address' => '1JVKE8HD5JDHFEJHF678JEH8DEJGHE',
- 'sender_btc_signing_key' => 'BITCOIN_SIGNING_KEY_KEEP_IT_SECRET'
- }
- @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'SENDER_SECURE_PASS', external_data: @sender_external_data)
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('sender_origin_wallet_address')
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('sender_concealed_destination_wallet_address')
-Given(/^he locks away the secret BTC signing key$/) do
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('sender_btc_signing_key')
-When(/^the SENDER transfers the Vault\-Tree contract to the RECEIVER$/) do
- @contract_json_over_the_wire = @contract.as_json
- @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json_over_the_wire, master_passphrase: 'RECEIVER_SECURE_PASS')
-Then(/^the RECEIVER can access the origin wallet address$/) do
- @contract.retrieve_contents('sender_origin_wallet_address').should == @sender_external_data['sender_origin_wallet_address']
-When(/^the SENDER reveals the hidden wallet address by Blockchain payment from the origin address$/) do
- @contract_json = @contract.as_json # save the json state
- wallet_address_from_watching_blockchain = @sender_external_data['sender_concealed_destination_wallet_address']
- @receiver_external_data = { 'receiver_revealed_destination_wallet_address' => wallet_address_from_watching_blockchain}
- @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'RECEIVER_SECURE_PASS', external_data: @receiver_external_data)
- @contract = @contract.close_vault('receiver_revealed_destination_wallet_address')
-Then(/^the RECEIVER can unlock the vault to recover the transfered signing key$/) do
- transfered_secret_key = @contract.retrieve_contents('sender_btc_signing_key')
- transfered_secret_key.should == @sender_external_data['sender_btc_signing_key']
- puts "PROPERLY TRANSFERED: #{transfered_secret_key} !"
Given(/^I have a blank reference contract$/) do
contract_path = VaultTree::PathHelpers.reference_contract
@contract_json = File.read(contract_path)
@@ -149,11 +47,11 @@
@contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'MY_SECURE_PASS')
@contract = @contract.close_vault('my_decryption_key')
@contract = @contract.close_vault('my_public_key')
-Given(/^I lock a simple message with a shared key$/) do
+Given(/^I lock a simple message with a DH Key$/) do
@contract_json = @contract.as_json
@external_data = {"asymmetric_message" => "CONGRATS! YOU OPENED THE ASYMMETRIC VAULT."}
@contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'MY_SECURE_PASS', external_data: @external_data)
@contract = @contract.close_vault('asymmetric_message')
@@ -161,8 +59,63 @@
When(/^I transfer the contract to the other user$/) do
@contract_json = @contract.as_json
@contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'ANOTHER_USERS_SECURE_PASS')
-Then(/^they can create a shared key and unlock the message$/) do
+Then(/^they can create a DH Key and unlock the message$/) do
@contract.retrieve_contents('asymmetric_message').should == @external_data['asymmetric_message']
+Given(/^Consent keys for parties A, B, and C$/) do
+ @locking_consent_keys = {
+ "a_consent_key" => "A_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY",
+ "b_consent_key" => "B_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY",
+ "c_consent_key" => "C_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY"
+ }
+When(/^I lock a message in a vault using a split key$/) do
+ @message = {"abc_consent_message" => "A, B, AND C ALL AGREED TO OPEN THE VAULT." }
+ @external_data = @locking_consent_keys.merge(@message)
+ @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, external_data: @external_data)
+ @contract = @contract.close_vault('a_consent_key')
+ @contract = @contract.close_vault('b_consent_key')
+ @contract = @contract.close_vault('c_consent_key')
+ @contract = @contract.close_vault('abc_joint_consent_key')
+ @contract = @contract.close_vault('abc_consent_message')
+ @contract_json = @contract.as_json
+Then(/^I can recover the message if each party gives consent$/) do
+ @unlocking_consent_keys = {
+ "a_consent_key" => "A_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY",
+ "b_consent_key" => "B_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY",
+ "c_consent_key" => "C_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY"
+ }
+ @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, external_data: @unlocking_consent_keys)
+ @contract.retrieve_contents('abc_consent_message').should == @external_data['abc_consent_message']
+ puts @contract.retrieve_contents('abc_consent_message')
+Then(/^I cannot recover the message if one party fails to give consent$/) do
+ @incomplete_unlocking_consent_keys = {
+ "a_consent_key" => "A_WRONG_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY",
+ "b_consent_key" => "B_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY",
+ "c_consent_key" => "C_SECRET_CONSENT_KEY"
+ }
+ @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, external_data: @incomplete_unlocking_consent_keys)
+ expect{@contract.retrieve_contents('abc_consent_message')}.to raise_error(VaultTree::Exceptions::FailedUnlockAttempt)
+Given(/^the blank contract:$/) do |string|
+ @contract_json = string
+When(/^I lock a message in a vault using a symmetric vault key$/) do
+ @external_data = {"message" => "CONGRATS! YOU OPENED THE VAULT."}
+ @contract = VaultTree::Contract.new(@contract_json, master_passphrase: 'MY_SECURE_PASS', external_data: @external_data)
+ @contract = @contract.close_vault('message')
+Then(/^I can recover the message using the same key$/) do
+ @contract.retrieve_contents('message').should == @external_data['message']