Rakefile in vanity-3.1.0 vs Rakefile in vanity-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
require "rake/testtask"
require "bundler/gem_tasks"
# -- Testing stuff --
desc "Test everything"
-task "test:all"=>"test:adapters"
+task "test:all" => "test:adapters"
# Ruby versions we're testing with.
RUBIES = %w{1.9.3 2.0.0 jruby-1.7.13}
# Use rake test:rubies to run all combination of tests (see test:adapters) using
@@ -17,11 +16,11 @@
# This task uses RVM to install all the Ruby versions it needs, and creates a
# vanity gemset in each one that includes Bundler and all the gems specified in
# Gemfile. If anything goes south you can always wipe these gemsets or uninstall
# these Rubies and start over.
desc "Test using multiple versions of Ruby"
-task "test:rubies", :ruby do |t, args|
+task "test:rubies", :ruby do |_t, args|
rubies = args.ruby ? [args.ruby] : RUBIES
rubies.each do |ruby|
puts "** Setup #{ruby}"
sh "env rvm_install_on_use_flag=1 rvm_gemset_create_on_use_flag=1 rvm use #{ruby}@vanity"
sh "rvm #{ruby}@vanity do rake test:setup"
@@ -47,22 +46,21 @@
# These are all the adapters we're going to test with.
ADAPTERS = %w{redis mongodb active_record}
desc "Test using different back-ends"
-task "test:adapters", :adapter do |t, args|
- begin # Make sure we have appraisal installed and available
- require "appraisal"
+task "test:adapters", :adapter do |_t, args|
+ # Make sure we have appraisal installed and available
+ require "appraisal"
- adapters = args.adapter ? [args.adapter] : ADAPTERS
- adapters.each do |adapter|
- puts "** Testing #{adapter} adapter"
- sh "bundle exec appraisal rake test DB=#{adapter} #{'--trace' if Rake.application.options.trace}"
- end
- rescue LoadError
- warn "The appraisal gem must be available"
+ adapters = args.adapter ? [args.adapter] : ADAPTERS
+ adapters.each do |adapter|
+ puts "** Testing #{adapter} adapter"
+ sh "bundle exec appraisal rake test DB=#{adapter} #{'--trace' if Rake.application.options.trace}"
+rescue LoadError
+ warn "The appraisal gem must be available"
# Run the test suit.
Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |task|
task.libs << "lib"
@@ -70,33 +68,31 @@
task.pattern = "test/**/*_test.rb"
task.verbose = false
task.warning = false
-task :default=>:test
+task default: :test
desc "Run all tests"
task(:clobber) { rm_rf "tmp" }
# -- Documenting stuff -- #TODO make sure works under 1.9/2.0
desc "Jekyll generates the main documentation (sans API)"
task(:jekyll) { sh "jekyll build -s doc -d html" }
desc "Create documentation in docs directory"
-task :docs=>[:jekyll]
+task docs: [:jekyll]
desc "Remove temporary files and directories"
task(:clobber) { rm_rf "html" }
desc "Publish documentation to vanity.labnotes.org via Github Pages on gh-pages git branch"
-task :publish=>[:clobber, :docs] do
+task publish: [:clobber, :docs] do
# -- Misc --
task :report do
$LOAD_PATH.unshift "lib"
require "vanity"
@@ -109,31 +105,36 @@
# Control 182 35 19.23% N/A
# Treatment A 180 45 25.00% 1.33
# Treatment B 189 28 14.81% -1.13
# Treatment C 188 61 32.45% 2.94
Vanity.playground.experiment(:null_abc).instance_eval do
- fake nil=>[182,35], :red=>[180,45], :green=>[189,28], :blue=>[188,61]
+ fake nil => [182, 35], :red => [180, 45], :green => [189, 28], :blue => [188, 61]
@created_at = (Date.today - 40).to_time
@completed_at = (Date.today - 35).to_time
Vanity.playground.experiment(:age_and_zipcode).instance_eval do
- fake false=>[80,35], true=>[84,32]
+ fake false => [80, 35], true => [84, 32]
@created_at = (Date.today - 30).to_time
@completed_at = (Date.today - 15).to_time
Vanity.context = Object.new
- Vanity.context.instance_eval { def vanity_identity ; 0 ; end }
+ Vanity.context.instance_eval do
+ def vanity_identity
+ 0
+ end
+ end
signups = 50
(Date.today - 90..Date.today).each do |date|
Timecop.travel date do
- signups += rand(15) - 5
+ signups += rand(-5..9)
Vanity.playground.track! :signups, signups
- cheers, yawns = 0, 0
+ cheers = 0
+ yawns = 0
(Date.today - 80..Date.today).each do |date|
Timecop.travel date do
cheers = cheers - 5 + rand(20)
Vanity.playground.track! :yawns, cheers
yawns = yawns - 5 + rand(30)