lib/validates_timeliness/parser.rb in validates_timeliness-2.3.2 vs lib/validates_timeliness/parser.rb in validates_timeliness-3.0.0.beta
- old
+ new
@@ -1,44 +1,416 @@
+require 'date'
module ValidatesTimeliness
- module Parser
+ # A date and time parsing library which allows you to add custom formats using
+ # simple predefined tokens. This makes it much easier to catalogue and customize
+ # the formats rather than dealing directly with regular expressions.
+ #
+ # Formats can be added or removed to customize the set of valid date or time
+ # string values.
+ #
+ class Parser
+ cattr_accessor :time_formats,
+ :date_formats,
+ :datetime_formats,
+ :time_expressions,
+ :date_expressions,
+ :datetime_expressions,
+ :format_tokens,
+ :format_proc_args
+ # Set the threshold value for a two digit year to be considered last century
+ #
+ # Default: 30
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # year = '29' is considered 2029
+ # year = '30' is considered 1930
+ #
+ cattr_accessor :ambiguous_year_threshold
+ self.ambiguous_year_threshold = 30
+ # Set the dummy date part for a time type value. Should be an array of 3 values
+ # being year, month and day in that order.
+ #
+ # Default: [ 2000, 1, 1 ] same as ActiveRecord
+ #
+ cattr_accessor :dummy_date_for_time_type
+ self.dummy_date_for_time_type = [ 2000, 1, 1 ]
+ # Format tokens:
+ # y = year
+ # m = month
+ # d = day
+ # h = hour
+ # n = minute
+ # s = second
+ # u = micro-seconds
+ # ampm = meridian (am or pm) with or without dots (e.g. am, a.m, or a.m.)
+ # _ = optional space
+ # tz = Timezone abbreviation (e.g. UTC, GMT, PST, EST)
+ # zo = Timezone offset (e.g. +10:00, -08:00, +1000)
+ #
+ # All other characters are considered literal. You can embed regexp in the
+ # format but no gurantees that it will remain intact. If you avoid the use
+ # of any token characters and regexp dots or backslashes as special characters
+ # in the regexp, it may well work as expected. For special characters use
+ # POSIX character clsses for safety.
+ #
+ # Repeating tokens:
+ # x = 1 or 2 digits for unit (e.g. 'h' means an hour can be '9' or '09')
+ # xx = 2 digits exactly for unit (e.g. 'hh' means an hour can only be '09')
+ #
+ # Special Cases:
+ # yy = 2 or 4 digit year
+ # yyyy = exactly 4 digit year
+ # mmm = month long name (e.g. 'Jul' or 'July')
+ # ddd = Day name of 3 to 9 letters (e.g. Wed or Wednesday)
+ # u = microseconds matches 1 to 6 digits
+ #
+ # Any other invalid combination of repeating tokens will be swallowed up
+ # by the next lowest length valid repeating token (e.g. yyy will be
+ # replaced with yy)
+ @@time_formats = [
+ 'hh:nn:ss',
+ 'hh-nn-ss',
+ 'h:nn',
+ 'h.nn',
+ 'h nn',
+ 'h-nn',
+ 'h:nn_ampm',
+ 'h.nn_ampm',
+ 'h nn_ampm',
+ 'h-nn_ampm',
+ 'h_ampm'
+ ]
+ @@date_formats = [
+ 'yyyy-mm-dd',
+ 'yyyy/mm/dd',
+ '',
+ 'm/d/yy',
+ 'd/m/yy',
+ 'm\d\yy',
+ 'd\m\yy',
+ 'd-m-yy',
+ 'dd-mm-yyyy',
+ 'd.m.yy',
+ 'd mmm yy'
+ ]
+ @@datetime_formats = [
+ 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss',
+ 'yyyy-mm-dd h:nn',
+ 'yyyy-mm-dd h:nn_ampm',
+ 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.u',
+ 'm/d/yy h:nn:ss',
+ 'm/d/yy h:nn_ampm',
+ 'm/d/yy h:nn',
+ 'd/m/yy hh:nn:ss',
+ 'd/m/yy h:nn_ampm',
+ 'd/m/yy h:nn',
+ 'dd-mm-yyyy hh:nn:ss',
+ 'dd-mm-yyyy h:nn_ampm',
+ 'dd-mm-yyyy h:nn',
+ 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy hh:nn:ss (zo|tz)', # RFC 822
+ 'ddd mmm d hh:nn:ss zo yyyy', # Ruby time string
+ 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ssZ', # iso 8601 without zone offset
+ 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:sszo' # iso 8601 with zone offset
+ ]
+ # All tokens available for format construction. The token array is made of
+ # validation regexp and key for format proc mapping if any.
+ # If the token needs no format proc arg then the validation regexp should
+ # not have a capturing group, as all captured groups are passed to the
+ # format proc.
+ #
+ # The token regexp should only use a capture group if 'look-behind' anchor
+ # is required. The first capture group will be considered a literal and put
+ # into the validation regexp string as-is. This is a hack.
+ #
+ @@format_tokens = {
+ 'ddd' => [ '\w{3,9}' ],
+ 'dd' => [ '\d{2}', :day ],
+ 'd' => [ '\d{1,2}', :day ],
+ 'ampm' => [ '[aApP]\.?[mM]\.?', :meridian ],
+ 'mmm' => [ '\w{3,9}', :month ],
+ 'mm' => [ '\d{2}', :month ],
+ 'm' => [ '\d{1,2}', :month ],
+ 'yyyy' => [ '\d{4}', :year ],
+ 'yy' => [ '\d{4}|\d{2}', :year ],
+ 'hh' => [ '\d{2}', :hour ],
+ 'h' => [ '\d{1,2}', :hour ],
+ 'nn' => [ '\d{2}', :min ],
+ 'n' => [ '\d{1,2}', :min ],
+ 'ss' => [ '\d{2}', :sec ],
+ 's' => [ '\d{1,2}', :sec ],
+ 'u' => [ '\d{1,6}', :usec ],
+ 'zo' => [ '[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2}', :offset ],
+ 'tz' => [ '[A-Z]{1,4}' ],
+ '_' => [ '\s?' ]
+ }
+ # Arguments which will be passed to the format proc if matched in the
+ # time string. The key must be the key from the format tokens. The array
+ # consists of the arry position of the arg, the arg name, and the code to
+ # place in the time array slot. The position can be nil which means the arg
+ # won't be placed in the array.
+ #
+ # The code can be used to manipulate the arg value if required, otherwise
+ # should just be the arg name.
+ #
+ @@format_proc_args = {
+ :year => [0, 'y', 'unambiguous_year(y)'],
+ :month => [1, 'm', 'month_index(m)'],
+ :day => [2, 'd', 'd'],
+ :hour => [3, 'h', 'full_hour(h, md ||= nil)'],
+ :min => [4, 'n', 'n'],
+ :sec => [5, 's', 's'],
+ :usec => [6, 'u', 'microseconds(u)'],
+ :offset => [7, 'z', 'offset_in_seconds(z)'],
+ :meridian => [nil, 'md', nil]
+ }
+ @@type_wrapper = {
+ :date => [/\A/, nil],
+ :time => [nil , /\Z/],
+ :datetime => [/\A/, /\Z/]
+ }
class << self
+ def compile_format_expressions
+ @@time_expressions = compile_formats(@@time_formats)
+ @@date_expressions = compile_formats(@@date_formats)
+ @@datetime_expressions = compile_formats(@@datetime_formats)
+ end
def parse(raw_value, type, options={})
return nil if raw_value.blank?
- return raw_value if raw_value.acts_like?(:time) || raw_value.is_a?(Date)
+ return raw_value if raw_value.acts_like?(:time) || raw_value.acts_like?(:date)
- time_array = ValidatesTimeliness::Formats.parse(raw_value, type, options.reverse_merge(:strict => true))
+ time_array = _parse(raw_value, type, options.reverse_merge(:strict => true))
return nil if time_array.nil?
if type == :date*time_array[0..2]) rescue nil
- make_time(time_array[0..6])
+ make_time(time_array[0..7], options[:timezone_aware])
- def make_time(time_array)
- # Enforce date part validity which Time class does not
+ def make_time(time_array, timezone_aware=false)
+ # Enforce strict date part validity which Time class does not
return nil unless Date.valid_civil?(*time_array[0..2])
- if Time.respond_to?(:zone) && ValidatesTimeliness.use_time_zones
+ if timezone_aware*time_array)
- # Older AR way of handling times with datetime fallback
- begin
- time_zone = ValidatesTimeliness.default_timezone
- Time.send(time_zone, *time_array)
- rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
- zone_offset = time_zone == :local ? DateTime.local_offset : 0
- time_array.pop # remove microseconds
- DateTime.civil(*(time_array << zone_offset))
- end
+ Time.time_with_datetime_fallback(ValidatesTimeliness.default_timezone, *time_array)
rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
- end
+ # Loop through format expressions for type and call the format method on a match.
+ # Allow pre or post match strings to exist if strict is false. Otherwise wrap
+ # regexp in start and end anchors.
+ #
+ # Returns time array if matches a format, nil otherwise.
+ #
+ def _parse(string, type, options={})
+ options.reverse_merge!(:strict => true)
+ sets = if options[:format]
+ options[:strict] = true
+ [ send("#{type}_expressions").assoc(options[:format]) ]
+ else
+ expression_set(type, string)
+ end
+ set = sets.find do |format, regexp|
+ string =~ wrap_regexp(regexp, type, options[:strict])
+ end
+ if set
+ last = options[:include_offset] ? 8 : 7
+ values = send(:"format_#{set[0]}", *$~[1..last])
+ values[0..2] = ValidatesTimeliness.dummy_date_for_time_type if type == :time
+ return values
+ end
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
+ # Delete formats of specified type. Error raised if format not found.
+ def remove_formats(type, *remove_formats)
+ remove_formats.each do |format|
+ unless self.send("#{type}_formats").delete(format)
+ raise "Format #{format} not found in #{type} formats"
+ end
+ end
+ compile_format_expressions
+ end
+ # Adds new formats. Must specify format type and can specify a :before
+ # option to nominate which format the new formats should be inserted in
+ # front on to take higher precedence.
+ # Error is raised if format already exists or if :before format is not found.
+ def add_formats(type, *add_formats)
+ formats = self.send("#{type}_formats")
+ options = {}
+ options = add_formats.pop if add_formats.last.is_a?(Hash)
+ before = options[:before]
+ raise "Format for :before option #{format} was not found." if before && !formats.include?(before)
+ add_formats.each do |format|
+ raise "Format #{format} is already included in #{type} formats" if formats.include?(format)
+ index = before ? formats.index(before) : -1
+ formats.insert(index, format)
+ end
+ compile_format_expressions
+ end
+ # Removes formats where the 1 or 2 digit month comes first, to eliminate
+ # formats which are ambiguous with the European style of day then month.
+ # The mmm token is ignored as its not ambigous.
+ def remove_us_formats
+ us_format_regexp = /\Am{1,2}[^m]/
+ date_formats.reject! { |format| us_format_regexp =~ format }
+ datetime_formats.reject! { |format| us_format_regexp =~ format }
+ compile_format_expressions
+ end
+ def full_hour(hour, meridian)
+ hour = hour.to_i
+ return hour if meridian.nil?
+ if meridian.delete('.').downcase == 'am'
+ raise if hour == 0 || hour > 12
+ hour == 12 ? 0 : hour
+ else
+ hour == 12 ? hour : hour + 12
+ end
+ end
+ def unambiguous_year(year)
+ if year.length <= 2
+ century =[0..1].to_i
+ century -= 1 if year.to_i >= ambiguous_year_threshold
+ year = "#{century}#{year.rjust(2,'0')}"
+ end
+ year.to_i
+ end
+ def month_index(month)
+ return month.to_i if month.to_i.nonzero?
+ abbr_month_names.index(month.capitalize) || month_names.index(month.capitalize)
+ end
+ def month_names
+ I18n.t('date.month_names')
+ end
+ def abbr_month_names
+ I18n.t('date.abbr_month_names')
+ end
+ def microseconds(usec)
+ (".#{usec}".to_f * 1_000_000).to_i
+ end
+ def offset_in_seconds(offset)
+ sign = offset =~ /^-/ ? -1 : 1
+ parts = offset.scan(/\d\d/).map {|p| p.to_f }
+ parts[1] = parts[1].to_f / 60
+ (parts[0] + parts[1]) * sign * 3600
+ end
+ private
+ # Generate regular expression from format string
+ def generate_format_expression(string_format)
+ format = string_format.dup
+ format.gsub!(/([\.\\])/, '\\\\\1') # escapes dots and backslashes
+ found_tokens, token_order = [], []
+ tokens = format_tokens.keys.sort {|a,b| a.size <=> b.size }.reverse
+ tokens.each do |token|
+ regexp_str, arg_key = *format_tokens[token]
+ if format.gsub!(/#{token}/, "%<#{found_tokens.size}>")
+ regexp_str = "(#{regexp_str})" if arg_key
+ found_tokens << [regexp_str, arg_key]
+ end
+ end
+ format.scan(/%<(\d)>/).each {|token_index|
+ token_index = token_index.first
+ token = found_tokens[token_index.to_i]
+ format.gsub!("%<#{token_index}>", token[0])
+ token_order << token[1]
+ }
+ compile_format_method(token_order.compact, string_format)
+ rescue
+ raise "The following format regular expression failed to compile: #{format}\n from format #{string_format}."
+ end
+ # Compiles a format method which maps the regexp capture groups to method
+ # arguments based on order captured. A time array is built using the values
+ # in the position indicated by the first element of the proc arg array.
+ #
+ def compile_format_method(order, name)
+ values = [nil] * 7
+ args = []
+ order.each do |part|
+ proc_arg = format_proc_args[part]
+ args << proc_arg[1]
+ values[proc_arg[0]] = proc_arg[2] if proc_arg[0]
+ end
+ class_eval <<-DEF
+ class << self
+ define_method(:"format_#{name}") do |#{args.join(',')}|
+ [#{ {|i| i || 'nil' }.join(',')}].map {|i| i.is_a?(Float) ? i : i.to_i }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compile_formats(formats)
+ { |format| [ format, generate_format_expression(format) ] }
+ end
+ # Pick expression set and combine date and datetimes for
+ # datetime attributes to allow date string as datetime
+ def expression_set(type, string)
+ case type
+ when :date
+ date_expressions
+ when :time
+ time_expressions
+ when :datetime
+ # gives a speed-up for date string as datetime attributes
+ if string.length < 11
+ date_expressions + datetime_expressions
+ else
+ datetime_expressions + date_expressions
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def wrap_regexp(regexp, type, strict=false)
+ type = strict ? :datetime : type
+ /#{@@type_wrapper[type][0]}#{regexp}#{@@type_wrapper[type][1]}/
+ end
+ end