test/vagrant/commands/ssh_test.rb in vagrant-0.4.0 vs test/vagrant/commands/ssh_test.rb in vagrant-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -16,9 +16,67 @@
should "connect with nil name if none is given" do
+ should "execute if commands are given" do
+ @env.stubs(:vms).returns(:foo => mock("foo"))
+ @instance.expects(:ssh_execute).with("foo", @env.vms[:foo]).once
+ @instance.execute(["foo","-e","bar"])
+ end
+ should "execute over every VM if none is specified with a command" do
+ vms = {
+ :foo => mock("foo"),
+ :bar => mock("bar")
+ }
+ @env.stubs(:vms).returns(vms)
+ vms.each do |key, vm|
+ @instance.expects(:ssh_execute).with(key, vm).once
+ end
+ @instance.execute(["--execute", "bar"])
+ end
+ end
+ context "ssh executing" do
+ setup do
+ @name = :foo
+ @ssh_conn = mock("connection")
+ @ssh_conn.stubs(:exec!)
+ @ssh = mock("ssh")
+ @ssh.stubs(:execute).yields(@ssh_conn)
+ @vm = mock("vm")
+ @vm.stubs(:created?).returns(true)
+ @vm.stubs(:ssh).returns(@ssh)
+ @vm.stubs(:env).returns(@env)
+ end
+ should "error and exit if invalid VM given" do
+ @instance.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:unknown_vm, :vm => @name).once
+ @instance.ssh_execute(@name, nil)
+ end
+ should "error and exit if VM isn't created" do
+ @vm.stubs(:created?).returns(false)
+ @instance.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:environment_not_created).once
+ @instance.ssh_execute(@name, @vm)
+ end
+ should "execute each command" do
+ commands = [:a,:b,:c]
+ @instance.stubs(:options).returns(:execute => commands)
+ commands.each do |cmd|
+ @ssh_conn.expects(:exec!).with(cmd).once
+ end
+ @instance.ssh_execute(@name, @vm)
+ end
context "ssh connecting" do
setup do
@vm = mock("vm")