lib/vagrant-windows/guest/windows.rb in vagrant-windows-1.0.3 vs lib/vagrant-windows/guest/windows.rb in vagrant-windows-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,102 +1,71 @@
+require "vagrant"
+require "vagrant-windows/guest/cap/change_host_name"
+require "vagrant-windows/guest/cap/configure_networks"
+require "vagrant-windows/guest/cap/halt"
+require "vagrant-windows/guest/cap/mount_virtualbox_shared_folder"
+require "vagrant-windows/guest/cap/mount_vmware_shared_folder"
module VagrantWindows
module Guest
- # A general Vagrant system implementation for "windows".
- #
- # Contributed by Chris McClimans <>
class Windows < Vagrant.plugin("2", :guest)
+ # Vagrant 1.1.x compatibibility methods
+ # Implement the 1.1.x methods and call through to the new 1.2.x capabilities
attr_reader :machine
- def initialize(machine)
- super(machine)
+ def initialize(machine = nil)
+ super(machine) unless machine == nil
@machine = machine
- @logger ="vagrant_windows::guest::windows")
def change_host_name(name)
-"change host name to: #{name}")
- #### on windows, renaming a computer seems to require a reboot
- @machine.communicate.execute(
- "wmic computersystem where name=\"%COMPUTERNAME%\" call rename name=\"#{name}\"",
- :shell => :cmd)
+ VagrantWindows::Guest::Cap::ChangeHostName.change_host_name(@machine, name)
- # TODO: I am sure that ciphering windows versions will be important at some point
def distro_dispatch
-"distro_dispatch: windows")
def halt
- @machine.communicate.execute("shutdown /s /t 1 /c \"Vagrant Halt\" /f /d p:4:1")
- # Wait until the VM's state is actually powered off. If this doesn't
- # occur within a reasonable amount of time (15 seconds by default),
- # then simply return and allow Vagrant to kill the machine.
- count = 0
- while @machine.state != :poweroff
- count += 1
- return if count >=
- sleep
- end
+ VagrantWindows::Guest::Cap::Halt.halt(@machine)
- def mount_shared_folder(name, guestpath, options)
-"mount_shared_folder: #{name}")
- mount_script = VagrantWindows.load_script_template("mount_volume.ps1",
- :options => {:mount_point => guestpath, :name => name})
- @machine.communicate.execute(mount_script, {:shell => :powershell})
+ def mount_virtualbox_shared_folder(name, guestpath, options)
+ VagrantWindows::Guest::Cap::MountVirtualBoxSharedFolder.mount_virtualbox_shared_folder(
+ @machine, name, guestpath, options)
- def mount_nfs(ip, folders)
- raise NotImplementedError, "Mounting NFS Shares on windows is not implemented"
- # TODO: Maybe check for nfs support on the guest, since its often
- # not installed by default
- #folders.each do |name, opts|
- # # Expand the guestpath, so we can handle things like "~/vagrant"
- # real_guestpath = expanded_guest_path(opts[:guestpath])
- # Do the actual creating and mounting
- # @machine.communicate.sudo("mkdir -p #{real_guestpath}")
- # @machine.communicate.sudo("mount -o vers=#{opts[:nfs_version]} #{ip}:'#{opts[:hostpath]}' #{real_guestpath}",
- # :error_class => LinuxError,
- # :error_key => :mount_nfs_fail)
- #end
+ def mount_vmware_shared_folder(name, guestpath, options)
+ VagrantWindows::Guest::Cap::MountVMwareBoxSharedFolder.mount_vmware_shared_folder(
+ @machine, name, guestpath, options)
def configure_networks(networks)
-"configure_networks: #{networks.inspect}")
- driver_mac_address = @machine.provider.driver.read_mac_addresses.invert
- vm_interface_map = {}
- # NetConnectionStatus=2 -- connected
- wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionStatus=2"
- @machine.communicate.session.wql(wql)[:win32_network_adapter].each do |nic|
- naked_mac = nic[:mac_address].gsub(':','')
- if driver_mac_address[naked_mac]
- vm_interface_map[driver_mac_address[naked_mac]] =
- { :name => nic[:net_connection_id], :mac_address => naked_mac, :index => nic[:interface_index] }
- end
- end
+ VagrantWindows::Guest::Cap::ConfigureNetworks.configure_networks(@machine, networks)
+ end
+ # Vagrant 1.2.x compatibibility methods
+ def detect?(machine)
- networks.each do |network|
- netsh = "netsh interface ip set address \"#{vm_interface_map[network[:interface]+1][:name]}\" "
- if network[:type].to_sym == :static
- netsh = "#{netsh} static #{network[:ip]} #{network[:netmask]}"
- elsif network[:type].to_sym == :dhcp
- netsh = "#{netsh} dhcp"
- else
- raise WindowsError, "#{network[:type]} network type is not supported, try static or dhcp"
- end
- @machine.communicate.execute(netsh)
- end
- #netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static 1
+ # uname -o | grep Solaris
+ # uname -s | grep 'Linux'
+ # uname -s | grep 'FreeBSD'
+ # cat /etc/redhat-release
+ # uname -s | grep 'OpenBSD'
+ # cat /etc/gentoo-release
+ # cat /proc/version | grep 'Debian'
+ # cat /etc/arch-release
+ # cat /proc/version | grep 'Ubuntu'
+ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
+ # cat /etc/pld-release
+ # grep 'Fedora release 1[678]' /etc/redhat-release
+ # see if the Windows directory is present
+ machine.communicate.test("test -d $Env:SystemRoot")