lib/vagrant-vcloud/command.rb in vagrant-vcloud-0.3.1 vs lib/vagrant-vcloud/command.rb in vagrant-vcloud-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -3,55 +3,17 @@
module VagrantPlugins
module VCloud
class Command < Vagrant.plugin('2', :command)
def self.synopsis
- 'outputs status of the vCloud Director setup [vcloud provider only]'
+ 'namespace to interact with vCloud Director specifics [vcloud provider only]'
- def execute
- options = {}
- opts = do |o|
- o.banner = 'Usage: vagrant vcloud-status [--all]'
- # We can probably extend this if needed for specific information
- o.on('-a', '--all', 'Displays all available information') do |f|
- options[:all] = true
- end
- end
- @argv = parse_options(opts)
- return unless @argv
- # initialize some variables
- vapp_id = nil
- cfg = nil
- # Go through the vagrant machines
- with_target_vms(@argv) do |machine|
- # FIXME/Bug: why does the provider switch to virtualbox when
- # destroying VMs within the the vApp:
- # .vagrant/machines/<machine>/virtualbox Cannot trace why this
- # happens :-( (tsugliani)
- if machine.provider_name != :vcloud
- # Not a vCloud Director provider, exit with explicit error message
- puts "#{machine.provider_name} provider is incompatible with " +
- 'this command'
- exit 1
- end
- # Force reloads on objects by fetching the ssh_info
- machine.provider.ssh_info
- # populate cfg & vApp Id for later use.
- cfg = machine.provider_config
- vapp_id = machine.get_vapp_id
- break
- end
+ def command_vcloud_status(cfg, vapp_id)
# Set our handlers to the driver and objects
+ puts "Fetching vCloud Director status..."
cnx = cfg.vcloud_cnx.driver
vapp = cnx.get_vapp(vapp_id)
organization = cnx.get_organization_by_name(cfg.org_name)
cfg.vdc_id = cnx.get_vdc_id_by_name(organization, cfg.vdc_name)
@@ -78,133 +40,226 @@
table << ["-> #{vm[0]}", vm[1][:id]]
# Print the General Information Table
puts table
+ end
- # Display Network information only if --all is passed to the cmd
- if options[:all] == true
+ def command_vcloud_network(cfg, vapp_id)
+ # FIXME: this needs to be fixed to accomodate the bridged scenario
+ # potentially showing only the assigned IPs in the VMs
- # FIXME: this needs to be fixed to accomodate the bridged scenario
- # potentially showing only the assigned IPs in the VMs
+ puts 'Fetching vCloud Director network settings ...'
+ cnx = cfg.vcloud_cnx.driver
+ vapp = cnx.get_vapp(vapp_id)
- if !cfg.network_bridge.nil?
+ organization = cnx.get_organization_by_name(cfg.org_name)
+ cfg.vdc_id = cnx.get_vdc_id_by_name(organization, cfg.vdc_name)
- # Create a new table for the network information
- network_table =
- network_table.title = 'Network Map'
+ if !cfg.network_bridge.nil?
+ # Create a new table for the network information
+ network_table =
+ network_table.title = 'Network Map'
- network_table << ['VM Name', 'IP Address', 'Connection']
- network_table << :separator
+ network_table << ['VM Name', 'IP Address', 'Connection']
+ network_table << :separator
- # ap vapp[:vms_hash]
+ vapp[:vms_hash].each do |vm|
+ network_table << [vm[0], vm[1][:addresses][0], 'Direct']
+ end
+ else
+ vapp_edge_ip = cnx.get_vapp_edge_public_ip(vapp_id)
+ vapp_edge_rules = cnx.get_vapp_port_forwarding_rules(vapp_id)
+ edge_gateway_rules = cnx.get_edge_gateway_rules(cfg.vdc_edge_gateway,
+ cfg.vdc_id)
+ # Create a new table for the network information
+ network_table =
+ network_table.title = 'Vagrant vCloud Director Network Map'
+ network_table << ['VM Name', 'Destination NAT Mapping', 'Enabled']
+ network_table << :separator
+ # Fetching Destination NAT Rules for each vApp/Edge/VM/Mapping
+ vapp_edge_rules.each do |vapp_edge_rule|
+ edge_gateway_rule = edge_gateway_rules.find {|r|
+ (r[:rule_type] == 'DNAT' &&
+ r[:original_ip] == cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip &&
+ r[:translated_ip] == vapp_edge_ip)}
+ # Loop on every VM in the vApp
vapp[:vms_hash].each do |vm|
- # ap vm
+ # Only Map valid vAppEdge scope to VM scope
+ vm_scope = vm[1][:vapp_scoped_local_id]
+ vapp_edge_scope = vapp_edge_rule[:vapp_scoped_local_id]
- network_table << [vm[0], vm[1][:addresses][0], 'Direct']
+ if vm_scope == vapp_edge_scope
+ # Generate DNAT Mappings for the valid machines
+ # If rules don't match, you will not see them !
+ if edge_gateway_rule
+ # DNAT rule from edge to vapp to vm
+ network_table << [
+ "#{vm[0]}",
+ "#{cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip}:" +
+ "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_external_port]}" +
+ " -> #{vapp_edge_ip}:" +
+ "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_external_port]}" +
+ " -> #{vm[1][:addresses][0]}:" +
+ "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_internal_port]}",
+ edge_gateway_rule[:is_enabled]
+ ]
+ else
+ # DNAT rule only from vapp to vm
+ network_table << [
+ "#{vm[0]}",
+ "#{vapp_edge_ip}:" +
+ "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_external_port]}" +
+ " -> #{vm[1][:addresses][0]}:" +
+ "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_internal_port]}",
+ true
+ ]
+ end
+ end
- else
+ end
- vapp_edge_ip = cnx.get_vapp_edge_public_ip(vapp_id)
- vapp_edge_rules = cnx.get_vapp_port_forwarding_rules(vapp_id)
- edge_gateway_rules = cnx.get_edge_gateway_rules(cfg.vdc_edge_gateway,
- cfg.vdc_id)
+ # Fetching Source NAT Rules for the vApp
+ network_table << :separator
+ network_table << ['Network Name', 'Source NAT Mapping', 'Enabled']
+ network_table << :separator
- # Create a new table for the network information
- network_table =
- network_table.title = 'Vagrant vCloud Director Network Map'
+ edge_gateway_rules.each do |edge_gateway_rule|
+ # Only check SNAT and src/dst
+ if edge_gateway_rule[:rule_type] == 'SNAT' &&
+ edge_gateway_rule[:original_ip] == vapp_edge_ip &&
+ edge_gateway_rule[:translated_ip] == cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip
- network_table << ['VM Name', 'Destination NAT Mapping', 'Enabled']
- network_table << :separator
+ network_table << [
+ edge_gateway_rule[:interface_name],
+ "#{vapp_edge_ip} -> #{cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip}",
+ edge_gateway_rule[:is_enabled]
+ ]
+ end
+ end
- # Fetching Destination NAT Rules for each vApp/Edge/VM/Mapping
- vapp_edge_rules.each do |vapp_edge_rule|
- edge_gateway_rule = edge_gateway_rules.find {|r|
- (r[:rule_type] == 'DNAT' &&
- r[:original_ip] == cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip &&
- r[:translated_ip] == vapp_edge_ip)}
+ # Fetching Edge Gateway Firewall Rules
+ network_table << :separator
+ network_table << ['Rule# - Description', 'Firewall Rules', 'Enabled']
+ network_table << :separator
+ edge_gateway_rules.each do |edge_gateway_rule|
+ # Only add firewall rules
+ if edge_gateway_rule[:rule_type] == 'Firewall'
+ network_table << [
+ "#{edge_gateway_rule[:id]} - " +
+ "(#{edge_gateway_rule[:description]})",
+ "#{edge_gateway_rule[:policy]} " +
+ "SRC:#{edge_gateway_rule[:source_ip]}:" +
+ "#{edge_gateway_rule[:source_portrange]} to " +
+ "DST:#{edge_gateway_rule[:destination_ip]}:" +
+ "#{edge_gateway_rule[:destination_portrange]}",
+ "#{edge_gateway_rule[:is_enabled]}"
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Print the Network Table
+ puts network_table
+ end
- # Loop on every VM in the vApp
- vapp[:vms_hash].each do |vm|
- # Only Map valid vAppEdge scope to VM scope
- vm_scope = vm[1][:vapp_scoped_local_id]
- vapp_edge_scope = vapp_edge_rule[:vapp_scoped_local_id]
+ def command_vcloud_redeploy_edge_gw(cfg)
+ cnx = cfg.vcloud_cnx.driver
- if vm_scope == vapp_edge_scope
+ organization = cnx.get_organization_by_name(cfg.org_name)
+ cfg.vdc_id = cnx.get_vdc_id_by_name(organization, cfg.vdc_name)
- # Generate DNAT Mappings for the valid machines
- # If rules don't match, you will not see them !
- if edge_gateway_rule
- # DNAT rule from edge to vapp to vm
- network_table << [
- "#{vm[0]}",
- "#{cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip}:" +
- "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_external_port]}" +
- " -> #{vapp_edge_ip}:" +
- "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_external_port]}" +
- " -> #{vm[1][:addresses][0]}:" +
- "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_internal_port]}",
- edge_gateway_rule[:is_enabled]
- ]
- else
- # DNAT rule only from vapp to vm
- network_table << [
- "#{vm[0]}",
- "#{vapp_edge_ip}:" +
- "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_external_port]}" +
- " -> #{vm[1][:addresses][0]}:" +
- "#{vapp_edge_rule[:nat_internal_port]}",
- true
- ]
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ edge_gw_id = cnx.find_edge_gateway_id(cfg.vdc_edge_gateway, cfg.vdc_id)
+ task_id = cnx.redeploy_edge_gateway(edge_gw_id)
- # Fetching Source NAT Rules for the vApp
- network_table << :separator
- network_table << ['Network Name', 'Source NAT Mapping', 'Enabled']
- network_table << :separator
+ puts "Redeploying #{cfg.vdc_edge_gateway} vShield Edge Gateway... " +
+ '(This task can take a few minutes)'
+ cnx.wait_task_completion(task_id)
+ puts 'Done'
+ end
- edge_gateway_rules.each do |edge_gateway_rule|
- # Only check SNAT and src/dst
- if edge_gateway_rule[:rule_type] == 'SNAT' &&
- edge_gateway_rule[:original_ip] == vapp_edge_ip &&
- edge_gateway_rule[:translated_ip] == cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip
+ def execute
+ options = {}
+ opts = do |o|
+ o.banner = 'Usage: vagrant vcloud [options]'
- network_table << [
- edge_gateway_rule[:interface_name],
- "#{vapp_edge_ip} -> #{cfg.vdc_edge_gateway_ip}",
- edge_gateway_rule[:is_enabled]
- ]
- end
- end
+ # We can probably extend this if needed for specific information
+ o.on(
+ '-n',
+ '--network',
+ 'Display the vCloud Director network mapping information'
+ ) do |f|
+ options[:network] = true
+ end
- # Fetching Edge Gateway Firewall Rules
- network_table << :separator
- network_table << ['Rule# - Description', 'Firewall Rules', 'Enabled']
- network_table << :separator
- edge_gateway_rules.each do |edge_gateway_rule|
- # Only add firewall rules
- if edge_gateway_rule[:rule_type] == 'Firewall'
- network_table << [
- "#{edge_gateway_rule[:id]} - " +
- "(#{edge_gateway_rule[:description]})",
- "#{edge_gateway_rule[:policy]} " +
- "SRC:#{edge_gateway_rule[:source_ip]}:" +
- "#{edge_gateway_rule[:source_portrange]} to " +
- "DST:#{edge_gateway_rule[:destination_ip]}:" +
- "#{edge_gateway_rule[:destination_portrange]}",
- "#{edge_gateway_rule[:is_enabled]}"
- ]
- end
- end
+ o.on(
+ '-s',
+ '--status',
+ 'Display the vCloud Director objects IDs'
+ ) do |f|
+ options[:status] = true
- # Print the Network Table
- puts
- puts network_table
+ o.on(
+ '-r',
+ '--redeploy-edge-gw',
+ 'Redeploy the vCloud Director Edge Gateway'
+ ) do |f|
+ options[:redeploy_edge_gw] = true
+ end
+ end
+ @argv = parse_options(opts)
+ return unless @argv
+ # If no arguments, print help
+ if options.keys.count() == 0
+ puts opts
+ exit 1
+ end
+ puts 'Initializing vCloud Director provider...'
+ # initialize some variables
+ vapp_id = nil
+ cfg = nil
+ # Go through the vagrant machines
+ with_target_vms(@argv) do |machine|
+ # FIXME/Bug: why does the provider switch to virtualbox when
+ # destroying VMs within the the vApp:
+ # .vagrant/machines/<machine>/virtualbox Cannot trace why this
+ # happens :-( (tsugliani)
+ if machine.provider_name != :vcloud
+ # Not a vCloud Director provider, exit with explicit error message
+ puts "#{machine.provider_name} provider is incompatible with " +
+ 'this command'
+ exit 1
+ end
+ # Force reloads on objects by fetching the ssh_info
+ machine.provider.ssh_info
+ # populate cfg & vApp Id for later use.
+ cfg = machine.provider_config
+ vapp_id = machine.get_vapp_id
+ break
+ end
+ # iterate through each option and call the according command.
+ options.keys.each do |key|
+ case key
+ when :status
+ command_vcloud_status(cfg, vapp_id)
+ when :network
+ command_vcloud_network(cfg, vapp_id)
+ when :redeploy_edge_gw
+ command_vcloud_redeploy_edge_gw(cfg)
+ end