lib/vagrant-unison/command.rb in vagrant-unison-0.0.6 vs lib/vagrant-unison/command.rb in vagrant-unison-0.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,54 @@
require "log4r"
require "vagrant"
require 'listen'
+require 'net/ssh'
+require 'net/scp'
module VagrantPlugins
module Unison
class Command < Vagrant.plugin("2", :command)
def execute
with_target_vms do |machine|
hostpath, guestpath = init_paths machine
+ ssh_info = machine.ssh_info
+ # Create the guest path
+ machine.communicate.sudo("mkdir -p '#{guestpath}'")
+ machine.communicate.sudo("chown #{ssh_info[:username]} '#{guestpath}'")
- trigger_unison_sync machine
+ #copy up everything at the beginning
+ Net::SCP.start(ssh_info[:host], ssh_info[:username],
+ { :port => ssh_info[:port],
+ :keys => [ ssh_info[:private_key_path],
+ :paranoid => false ] }) do |scp|
+ scp.upload! hostpath, guestpath, :recursive => true
+ end "Watching #{hostpath} for changes..." do |modified, added, removed|
- "Detected modifications to #{modified.inspect}" unless modified.empty?
- "Detected new files #{added.inspect}" unless added.empty?
- "Detected deleted files #{removed.inspect}" unless removed.empty?
- trigger_unison_sync machine
+ Net::SCP.start(ssh_info[:host], ssh_info[:username],
+ { :port => ssh_info[:port],
+ :keys => [ ssh_info[:private_key_path],
+ :paranoid => false ] }) do |scp|
+ (modified_list << added_list).flatten.each do |file|
+ remote_file = file.gsub(hostpath, guestpath)
+ "Uploading #{file} to #{remote_file}"
+ scp.upload! file, remote_file
+ end
+ removed.each do |file|
+ remote_file = file.gsub(hostpath, guestpath)
+ "Deleting #{remote_file}"
+ machine.communicate.sudo("rm #{remote_file}")
+ end
+ end
0 #all is well
\ No newline at end of file