plugins/guests/linux/cap/network_interfaces.rb in vagrant-unbundled- vs plugins/guests/linux/cap/network_interfaces.rb in vagrant-unbundled-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,67 @@
module VagrantPlugins
module GuestLinux
module Cap
class NetworkInterfaces
+ # Valid ethernet device prefix values.
+ # eth - classic prefix
+ # en - predictable interface names prefix
+ POSSIBLE_ETHERNET_PREFIXES = ["eth".freeze, "en".freeze].freeze
+ @@logger ="vagrant::guest::linux::network_interfaces")
# Get network interfaces as a list. The result will be something like:
# eth0\nenp0s8\nenp0s9
# @return [Array<String>]
def self.network_interfaces(machine, path = "/sbin/ip")
s = ""
machine.communicate.sudo("#{path} -o -0 addr | grep -v LOOPBACK | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/://'") do |type, data|
s << data if type == :stdout
- s.split("\n")
+ ifaces = s.split("\n")
+ @@logger.debug("Unsorted list: #{ifaces.inspect}")
+ # Break out integers from strings and sort the arrays to provide
+ # a natural sort for the interface names
+ # NOTE: Devices named with a hex value suffix will _not_ be sorted
+ # as expected. This is generally seen with veth* devices, and proper ordering
+ # is currently not required
+ ifaces = do |iface|
+ iface.scan(/(.+?)(\d+)/) do |iface_part|
+ if iface_part.to_i.to_s == iface_part
+ iface_part.to_i
+ else
+ iface_part
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ifaces = ifaces.sort do |lhs, rhs|
+ result = 0
+ slice_length = [rhs.size, lhs.size].min
+ slice_length.times do |idx|
+ if(lhs[idx].is_a?(rhs[idx].class))
+ result = lhs[idx] <=> rhs[idx]
+ elsif(lhs[idx].is_a?(String))
+ result = 1
+ else
+ result = -1
+ end
+ break if result != 0
+ end
+ result
+ @@logger.debug("Sorted list: #{ifaces.inspect}")
+ # Extract ethernet devices and place at start of list
+ resorted_ifaces = []
+ resorted_ifaces += ifaces.find_all do |iface|
+ POSSIBLE_ETHERNET_PREFIXES.any?{|prefix| iface.start_with?(prefix)} &&
+ iface.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)
+ end
+ resorted_ifaces += ifaces - resorted_ifaces
+ ifaces = resorted_ifaces
+ @@logger.debug("Ethernet preferred sorted list: #{ifaces.inspect}")
+ ifaces