lib/vagrant-solaris10.rb in vagrant-solaris10-0.0.0 vs lib/vagrant-solaris10.rb in vagrant-solaris10-0.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,168 +1,63 @@
-module VagrantPlugins
+require "vagrant-solaris10/version"
+require "vagrant"
-module GuestSolaris10
- class Guest < Vagrant.plugin("2", :guest)
- def detect?(machine)
- machine.communicate.test("grep 'Solaris' /etc/release")
+module Vagrant
+ module Solaris10
+ class A
+ def self.mount_parallels_shared_folder(machine, name, guestpath, options)
+ p "mount parallels"
- def configure_networks(networks)
- networks.each do |network|
- device = "#{vm.config.solaris.device}#{network[:interface]}"
- su_cmd = vm.config.solaris.suexec_cmd
- ifconfig_cmd = "#{su_cmd} /sbin/ifconfig #{device}"
- vm.communicate.execute("#{ifconfig_cmd} plumb")
- if network[:type].to_sym == :static
- vm.communicate.execute("#{ifconfig_cmd} inet #{network[:ip]} netmask #{network[:netmask]}")
- vm.communicate.execute("#{ifconfig_cmd} up")
- vm.communicate.execute("#{su_cmd} sh -c \"echo '#{network[:ip]}' > /etc/hostname.#{device}\"")
- elsif network[:type].to_sym == :dhcp
- vm.communicate.execute("#{ifconfig_cmd} dhcp start")
- end
- end
+ def self.mount_vmware_shared_folder(machine, name, guestpath, options)
+ p "mount vmware"
- def change_host_name(name)
- su_cmd = vm.config.solaris.suexec_cmd
+ # Copyright (c) 2014 Mitchell Hashimoto
+ def self.insert_public_key(machine, contents)
+ contents = contents.chomp
+ contents = Vagrant::Util::ShellQuote.escape(contents, "'")
- # Only do this if the hostname is not already set
- if !vm.communicate.test("#{su_cmd} hostname | grep '#{name}'")
- vm.communicate.execute("#{su_cmd} sh -c \"echo '#{name}' > /etc/nodename\"")
- vm.communicate.execute("#{su_cmd} uname -S #{name}")
+ machine.communicate.tap do |comm|
+ comm.execute("mkdir -p ~/.ssh")
+ comm.execute("chmod 0700 ~/.ssh")
+ comm.execute("printf '#{contents}\\n' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
+ comm.execute("chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
- # There should be an exception raised if the line
- #
- # vagrant::::profiles=Primary Administrator
- #
- # does not exist in /etc/user_attr. TODO
- def halt
- # Wait until the VM's state is actually powered off. If this doesn't
- # occur within a reasonable amount of time (15 seconds by default),
- # then simply return and allow Vagrant to kill the vm.
- count = 0
- last_error = nil
- while vm.state != :poweroff
- begin
- vm.communicate.execute("#{vm.config.solaris.suexec_cmd} /usr/sbin/poweroff")
- rescue IOError => e
- # Save the last error; if it's not shutdown in a reasonable amount
- # of attempts we will re-raise the error so it's not hidden for
- # all time
- last_error = e
- end
+ # Copyright (c) 2014 Mitchell Hashimoto
+ def self.remove_public_key(machine, contents)
+ contents = contents.chomp
+ contents = Vagrant::Util::ShellQuote.escape(contents, "'")
- count += 1
- if count >= vm.config.solaris.halt_timeout
- # Check for last error and re-raise it
- if last_error != nil
- raise last_error
- else
- # Otherwise, just return
- return
- end
+ machine.communicate.tap do |comm|
+ if comm.test("test -f ~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
+ comm.execute(
+ "gsed -i '/^.*#{contents}.*$/d' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
- # Still opportunities remaining; sleep and loop
- sleep vm.config.solaris.halt_check_interval
- end # while
- end
- def mount_shared_folder(name, guestpath, options)
- # These are just far easier to use than the full options syntax
- owner = options[:owner]
- group = options[:group]
- # Create the shared folder
- vm.communicate.execute("#{vm.config.solaris.suexec_cmd} mkdir -p #{guestpath}")
- # We have to use this `id` command instead of `/usr/bin/id` since this
- # one accepts the "-u" and "-g" flags.
- id_cmd = "/usr/xpg4/bin/id"
- # Mount the folder with the proper owner/group
- mount_options = "-o uid=`#{id_cmd} -u #{owner}`,gid=`#{id_cmd} -g #{group}`"
- mount_options += ",#{options[:extra]}" if options[:extra]
- vm.communicate.execute("#{vm.config.solaris.suexec_cmd} /sbin/mount -F vboxfs #{mount_options} #{name} #{guestpath}")
- # chown the folder to the proper owner/group
- vm.communicate.execute("#{vm.config.solaris.suexec_cmd} chown `#{id_cmd} -u #{owner}`.`#{id_cmd} -g #{group}` #{guestpath}")
- end
- end
- class SolarisConfig < Vagrant.plugin("2", :config)
- def detect?(vm)
- vm.communicate.test("grep 'Solaris' /etc/release")
- end
- attr_accessor :halt_timeout
- attr_accessor :halt_check_interval
- # This sets the command to use to execute items as a superuser. pfexec is default
- attr_accessor :suexec_cmd
- attr_accessor :device
- def initialize
- @halt_timeout = 30
- @halt_check_interval = 1
- @suexec_cmd = 'pfexec'
- @device = "e1000g"
+ end
- # A general Vagrant system implementation for "solaris10".
class Plugin < Vagrant.plugin("2")
name "Solaris10 guest"
description "Solaris10 guest support."
- # A custom config class which will be made accessible via `config.solaris10`
- # This is not necessary for all system implementers, of course. However,
- # generally, Vagrant tries to make almost every aspect of its execution
- # configurable, and this assists that goal.
- guest(:solaris10) do
+ guest_capability("solaris", "mount_vmware_shared_folder") do
+ A
+ end
- p "doing the guest"
- p Vagrant::Plugin::V2::Plugin
+ guest_capability("solaris", "mount_parallels_shared_folder") do
+ A
+ end
- Guest
- end
+ guest_capability("solaris", "insert_public_key") do
+ A
+ end
- config(:solaris10) do
- SolarisConfig
- end
- #config("solaris10") do
- # SolarisConfig
- #end
- # guest_capability("solaris10", "configure_networks") do
- # Solaris10::Guest::configure_networks
- # end
- # guest_capability("solaris10", "configure_networks") do
- # Solaris10::Guest::configure_networks
- # end
- # guest_capability("solaris10", "change_host_name") do
- # Solaris10::Guest::change_host_name
- # end
- # guest_capability("solaris10", "mount_shared_folder") do
- # Solaris10::Guest::mount_shared_folder
- # end
- # guest_capability("solaris10", "halt") do
- # Guest::halt
- # end
+ guest_capability("solaris", "remove_public_key") do
+ A
+ end
+ end
+ end
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