in vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider-1.1.5 vs in vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider-1.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -19,80 +19,38 @@
* Create instances with a specific list of networks
## Usage
-$ git clone
-$ cd vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider
-$ gem build vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider.gemspec
-$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider-*.gem
-$ vagrant up --provider=openstack
-Of course prior to doing this, you'll need to obtain an OpenStack-compatible
-box file for Vagrant.
-## Quick Start
-After installing the plugin (instructions above), the quickest way to get
-started is to actually use a dummy OpenStack box and specify all the details
-manually within a `config.vm.provider` block. So first, add the dummy
-box using any name you want:
-$ vagrant box add dummy
-And then make a Vagrantfile that looks like the following, filling in
-your information where necessary.
+$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider
+$ cat <<EOF > Vagrantfile
require 'vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider'
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
- = "dummy"
- config.vm.provider :openstack do |os| # e.g.
- os.username = "YOUR USERNAME" # "#{ENV['OS_USERNAME']}"
- os.api_key = "YOUR API KEY" # "#{ENV['OS_PASSWORD']}"
+ # This is a publicly available dummy box.
+ = "sharpie/dummy"
+ config.vm.provider :openstack do |os|
+ os.username = "${OS_USERNAME}"
+ os.api_key = "${OS_PASSWORD}"
os.flavor = /m1.tiny/
os.image = /Ubuntu/
- os.endpoint = "KEYSTONE AUTH URL" # "#{ENV['OS_AUTH_URL']}/tokens"
- os.keypair_name = "YOUR KEYPAIR NAME"
- os.ssh_username = "SSH USERNAME"
- os.public_network_name = "NAME OF THE PUBLIC NETWORK"
- os.networks = %w(net1 net2 net3)
- os.tenant = "NAME OF THE TENANT"
- os.region = "REGION_NAME"
+ os.endpoint = "${OS_AUTH_URL}/tokens"
+ os.keypair_name = "" # Your keypair name
+ os.ssh_username = "" # Your image SSH username
+ os.public_network_name = "public" # Your Neutron network name
+ os.networks = %w() # Additional neutron networks
+ os.tenant = "${OS_TENANT_NAME}"
+ os.region = "${OS_REGION_NAME}"
+$ vagrant up --provider=openstack
-And then run `vagrant up --provider=openstack`.
-This will start a tiny Ubuntu instance in your OpenStack installation within
-your tenant. And assuming your SSH information was filled in properly
-within your Vagrantfile, SSH and provisioning will work as well.
-Note that normally a lot of this boilerplate is encoded within the box
-file, but the box file used for the quick start, the "dummy" box, has
-no preconfigured defaults.
-## Box Format
-Every provider in Vagrant must introduce a custom box format. This
-provider introduces `openstack` boxes. You can view an example box in
-the [example_box/ directory](
-That directory also contains instructions on how to build a box.
-The box format is basically just the required `metadata.json` file
-along with a `Vagrantfile` that does default settings for the
-provider-specific configuration for this provider.
## Configuration
This provider exposes quite a few provider-specific configuration options:
* `api_key` - The API key for accessing OpenStack.
@@ -144,11 +102,12 @@
This is good enough for all built-in Vagrant provisioners (shell,
chef, and puppet) to work!
## Development
-To work on the `vagrant-openstack` plugin, clone this repository out, and use
-[Bundler]( to get the dependencies:
+To work on the `vagrant-openstack-cloud-provider` plugin, clone this
+repository out, and use [Bundler]( to get the
$ bundle