Gemfile in vagrant-managed-servers-0.2.0 vs Gemfile in vagrant-managed-servers-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
group :development do
# We depend on Vagrant for development, but we don't add it as a
# gem dependency because we expect to be installed within the
# Vagrant environment itself using `vagrant plugin`.
- gem "vagrant", "1.4.3",
- :git => "",
- :ref => "v1.4.3"
- gem "vagrant-berkshelf", "1.4.0.dev1",
- :git => "",
- :ref => "28941db7c2f7d769b979c1d2695ac19b172a6542"
- gem "vagrant-omnibus", "1.3.0",
- :git => "",
- :ref => "4c91e0f85acdaa88de5e21c5f3f61471a28455d2"
+ gem "vagrant", "1.6.3",
+ git: "",
+ ref: "v1.6.3"
+group :plugins do
+ gem "vagrant-managed-servers", path: "."
+ gem "vagrant-omnibus", "1.4.1"
+ gem "vagrant-berkshelf", "3.0.1"
\ No newline at end of file