in vagrant-docker-compose-1.0.0 vs in vagrant-docker-compose-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -104,9 +104,10 @@
### Other configs
* `yml` – one or more [Compose files]( (YAML), may be a `String` for a single file, or `Array` for multiple.
* `compose_version` – defaults to `1.6.2`.
* `project_name` – compose will default to naming the project `vagrant`.
+* `env` – a `Hash` of environment variables to value that are passed to the `docker-compose` commands, defaults to an empty `Hash`.
* `executable_symlink_path` – the location the executable will be symlinked to, defaults to `/usr/local/bin/docker-compose`.
* `executable_install_path` – the location the executable will be stored, defaults to `<executable_symlink_path>-<compose_version>`, i.e. `/usr/local/bin/docker-compose-1.5.0`.
* `options` - a `String` that's included as the first arguments when calling the docker-compose executable, you can use this to pass arbitrary options/flags to docker-compose, default to `nil`.
* `command_options` - a `Hash` of docker-compose commands to options, you can use this to pass arbitrary options/flags to the docker-compose commands, defaults to: `{ rm: "--force", up: "-d" }`.