lib/vagabond/cookbooks/vagabond/recipes/default.rb in vagabond-0.2.6 vs lib/vagabond/cookbooks/vagabond/recipes/default.rb in vagabond-0.2.8

- old
+ new

@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ node.set[:lxc][:dhcp_range] = "#{l_net}.2,#{l_net}.199" node.set[:lxc][:dhcp_max] = '199' end =end +include_recipe 'apt::cacher-ng' include_recipe 'lxc' ruby_block 'LXC template: lxc-centos' do block do dir = %w(/usr/share /usr/lib).map do |prefix| @@ -64,44 +65,52 @@ 'upgrade -y -q', 'install curl -y -q' ] if(!options[:template].scan(%r{debian|ubuntu}).empty?) pkg_man = 'apt-get' + proxy = ["echo \"Acquire::http::Proxy \\\"http://#{node[:lxc][:addr]}:#{node[:apt][:cacher_port]}\\\";\" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy"] + proxy << "echo \"Acquire::https::Proxy \\\"DIRECT\\\";\" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy" elsif(!options[:template].scan(%r{fedora|centos}).empty?) pkg_man = 'yum' end if(pkg_man)! do |c| "#{pkg_man} #{c}" end else pkg_coms = [] end + pkg_coms = proxy + pkg_coms if proxy lxc_container name do template options[:template] template_opts options[:template_options] default_config false if options[:memory] create_environment options[:environment] if options[:environment] initialize_commands [ + 'locale-gen en_US.UTF-8', + 'update-locale LANG="en_US.UTF-8"', 'rm -f /etc/sysctl.d/10-console-messages.conf', 'rm -f /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf', 'rm -f /etc/sysctl.d/10-kernel-hardening.conf' ] + pkg_coms + [ 'curl -L | bash' ] end end +=begin +# TODO: This will be the base for building ephemeral servers lxc_container 'chef-server' do clone 'ubuntu_1204' initialize_commands [ ] only_if do node[:vagabond][:server_base] end end +=end node[:vagabond][:customs].each do |name, options| lxc_container name do action :create