spec/private/recognize_spec.rb in usher-0.5.3 vs spec/private/recognize_spec.rb in usher-0.5.4
- old
+ new
@@ -29,18 +29,21 @@
route_set.add_route('/sample', :controller => 'sample', :action => 'action2', :conditions => {:domain => 'www.host.com'})
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/sample', :domain => 'admin.host.com'})).path.route.should == target_route
it "should recognize a specific route when several http-style restrictions are used" do
+ target_route_http_admin_generic = route_set.add_route('/sample', :conditions => {:domain => 'admin.spec.com'})
target_route_http_admin = route_set.add_route('/sample', :conditions => {:protocol => 'http', :domain => 'admin.spec.com'})
target_route_http_www = route_set.add_route('/sample', :conditions => {:protocol => 'http', :domain => 'www.spec.com'})
- target_route_https_msie = route_set.add_route('/sample', :conditions => {:protocol => 'https', :user_agent => 'MSIE 6.0'})
+ target_route_https_msie = route_set.add_route('/sample', :conditions => {:protocol => 'https', :domain => 'admin.spec.com', :user_agent => 'MSIE 6.0'})
target_route_https_admin = route_set.add_route('/sample', :conditions => {:protocol => 'https', :domain => 'admin.spec.com'})
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/sample', :protocol => 'http', :domain => 'admin.spec.com', :user_agent => nil})).path.route.should == target_route_http_admin
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/sample', :protocol => 'http', :domain => 'www.spec.com', :user_agent => nil})).path.route.should == target_route_http_www
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/sample', :protocol => 'https', :domain => 'admin.spec.com', :user_agent => 'MSIE 6.0'})).path.route.should == target_route_https_msie
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/sample', :protocol => 'https', :domain => 'admin.spec.com', :user_agent => nil})).path.route.should == target_route_https_admin
+ route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'put', :path => '/sample', :protocol => 'wacky', :domain => 'admin.spec.com', :user_agent => nil})).path.route.should == target_route_http_admin_generic
it "should correctly fix that tree if conditionals are used later" do
noop_route = route_set.add_route('/noop', :controller => 'products', :action => 'noop')
product_show_route = route_set.add_route('/products/show/:id', :id => /\d+/, :conditions => {:method => 'get'})
@@ -176,12 +179,12 @@
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/sample.html', :domain => 'admin.host.com'})).should == Usher::Node::Response.new(target_route.paths.first, [[:action , 'sample'], [:format, 'html']], nil, '/sample.html')
it "should use a requirement (proc) on incoming variables" do
route_set.add_route('/:controller/:action/:id', :id => proc{|v| Integer(v)})
- proc {route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/products/show/123', :domain => 'admin.host.com'}))}.should_not raise_error Usher::ValidationException
- proc {route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/products/show/123asd', :domain => 'admin.host.com'}))}.should raise_error Usher::ValidationException
+ proc {route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/products/show/123', :domain => 'admin.host.com'}))}.should_not raise_error(Usher::ValidationException)
+ proc {route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/products/show/123asd', :domain => 'admin.host.com'}))}.should raise_error(Usher::ValidationException)
it "shouldn't care about mildly weird characters in the URL" do
route = route_set.add_route('/!asd,qwe/hjk$qwe/:id')
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/!asd,qwe/hjk$qwe/09AZaz$-_+!*\'', :domain => 'admin.host.com'})).params.rassoc('09AZaz$-_+!*\'').first.should == :id
@@ -210,7 +213,54 @@
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'get', :path => '/foo/bar'})).path.route.should == route
route_set.recognize(build_request({:method => 'post', :path => '/foo/bar'})).should.nil?
+ end
+ describe "dup safety" do
+ before do
+ route_set.add_route("/foo", :foo => "foo")
+ @r2 = route_set.dup
+ end
+ it "should provide a different object" do
+ route_set.should_not eql(@r2)
+ end
+ it "should recognize the originals routes in the dup" do
+ route_set.recognize(build_request(:path => "/foo")).path.route.destination.should == {:foo =>"foo"}
+ @r2.recognize( build_request(:path => "/foo")).path.route.destination.should == {:foo =>"foo"}
+ end
+ it "should not add routes added to the dup to the original" do
+ @r2.add_route("/bar", :bar => "bar")
+ @r2.recognize( build_request(:path => "/bar")).path.route.destination.should == {:bar => "bar"}
+ route_set.recognize( build_request(:path => "/bar")).should == nil
+ end
+ it "should not delete routes added to the dup to the original" do
+ @r2.delete_route("/foo")
+ route_set.recognize( build_request(:path => "/foo")).path.route.destination.should == {:foo => "foo"}
+ @r2.recognize( build_request(:path => "/foo")).should == nil
+ end
+ it "should safely dup with nested ushers" do
+ r1 = Usher.new
+ r2 = Usher.new
+ r3 = Usher.new
+ r1.add_route("/mounted" ).match_partially!.to(r2)
+ r2.add_route("/inner" ).match_partially!.to(r3)
+ r3.add_route("/baz", :baz => :baz )
+ r1.recognize(build_request(:path => "/mounted/inner")).path.route.destination.should == r2
+ r4 = r1.dup
+ r4.recognize(build_request(:path => "/mounted/inner")).path.route.destination.should == r2
+ r4.add_route("/r3").match_partially!.to(r3)
+ r4.recognize(build_request(:path => "/r3")).path.route.destination.should == r3
+ r1.recognize(build_request(:path => "/r3")).should be_nil
+ end
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