in usable-3.2.0 vs in usable-3.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
+3.3.0 (12/4/2016)
+* FIX - `Usable::ModExtender` doesn't require the target to be "usable"
+* NEW - `Usable::Struct(a: :b)` creates value classes with defaults (optional `require 'usable/struct'`)
+* NEW - `usables.merge` converts usables to a hash and merges w/ the other
+* NEW - Usable::Config#initialize takes a hash to set the initial attributes
+* NEW - Usable politely defines `.config(&block)`
+* FIX - `usables.freeze` to also freeze `@spec` so errors are raised when modifying
3.2 (12/1/2016)
* Improve performance of reads by defining usable attributes as methods
* `usables._spec` is now `usables.spec`