lib/build/ in uppercutbuild- vs lib/build/ in uppercutbuild-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,76 +1,77 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<project name="Customize UppercuT" default="go">
- <!-- Project UppercuT - -->
- <!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - Add custom tasks in BuildTasks.Custom folder with file by the same name - find out more at -->
- <property name="build.config.settings" value="__NONE__" overwrite="false" />
- <include buildfile="${build.config.settings}" if="${file::exists(build.config.settings)}" />
- <property name="file.current.no_extension" value="customize" />
- <property name="dirs.current" value="${directory::get-parent-directory(project::get-buildfile-path())}" />
- <property name="" value=".." />
- <property name="folder.build_scripts_custom" value="build.custom" overwrite="false" />
- <property name="dirs.build_scripts_custom" value="${dirs.current}\${}\${folder.build_scripts_custom}" />
- <property name="" value="__REPLACE__" overwrite="false" />
- <property name="customize.step.type" value="__REPLACE__" overwrite="false" />
- <property name="customize.step.type.lowered" value="${string::to-lower(customize.step.type)}" />
- <property name="file.customize.template" value="item.template" />
- <property name="file.customized" value="" readonly="false" />
- <property name="" value="-1" />
- <property name="" value="" if="${file::exists(}" />
- <target name="go" depends="run_tasks, report_finish_time" />
- <target name="run_tasks">
- <echo message="Running ${project::get-name()} to create custom tasks." />
- <call target="prepare" if="${target::exists('prepare')}" />
- <call target="run_normal_tasks" />
- </target>
- <target name="run_normal_tasks"
- depends="error_check, customize"
- description="Setting up a customize file for UppercuT." />
- <target name="error_check">
- <echo message="Error checking - the input for is '${}' and the input for customize.step.type is '${customize.step.type}'." />
- <fail message="Please send in the arguments for what step to customize and what type of customization. Call customize.bat /? for usage instructions."
- if="${'__REPLACE__' or customize.step.type =='__REPLACE__'}" />
- <fail message="The type of customization can only be pre, post, or replace."
- unless="${customize.step.type.lowered =='pre' or customize.step.type.lowered =='post' or customize.step.type.lowered =='replace'}" />
- </target>
- <target name="customize">
- <property name="file.customized" value="${path::get-file-name-without-extension(}.${customize.step.type.lowered}${path::get-extension(}" />
- <echo message="Creating a customized step called ${file.customized}." />
- <call target="resolve_path_to_custom_file" />
- <fail message="${file.customized} already exists in ${dirs.build_scripts_custom}. Will not run." if="${file::exists(dirs.build_scripts_custom + '\' + file.customized)}" />
- <call target="create_file_if_not_already_existing" />
- <call target="replace_template_values" />
- </target>
- <target name="resolve_path_to_custom_file">
- <property name="" value="\analyzers" if="${file::exists('analyzers\' +}" />
- <property name="" value="\versioners" if="${file::exists('versioners\' +}" />
- <fail message="${} does not exist in anywhere in the build directory." if="${'-1'}" />
- <property name="dirs.build_scripts_custom" value="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}${}" />
- <echo message="Found ${} in '${dirs.current}\${}'. This means the custom path is going to be ${dirs.build_scripts_custom}." />
- </target>
- <target name="create_file_if_not_already_existing">
- <copy file="customizers\${file.customize.template}" tofile="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}\${file.customized}" if="${not file::exists(dirs.build_scripts_custom + '\' + file.customized)}" />
- </target>
- <target name="replace_template_values">
- <xmlpoke
- file="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}\${file.customized}"
- xpath="/project/@name"
- value="CUSTOM ${string::to-upper(customize.step.type)} ${string::to-upper(path::get-file-name-without-extension(}" />
- <xmlpoke
- file="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}\${file.customized}"
- xpath="/project/property[@name = '']/@value"
- value="..\.." if="${ !=''}" />
- </target>
- <target name="report_finish_time">
- <echo message="Customize finished at ${datetime::now()}. Please make any customizations you need to now to ${dirs.build_scripts_custom}\${file.customized} and don't forget to add it to source control." />
- </target>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<project name="Customize UppercuT" default="go">
+ <!-- Project UppercuT - -->
+ <!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - Add custom tasks in BuildTasks.Custom folder with file by the same name - find out more at -->
+ <property name="build.config.settings" value="__NONE__" overwrite="false" />
+ <include buildfile="${build.config.settings}" if="${file::exists(build.config.settings)}" />
+ <property name="path.separator" value="${string::trim(path::combine(' ', ' '))}" />
+ <property name="file.current.no_extension" value="customize" />
+ <property name="dirs.current" value="${directory::get-parent-directory(project::get-buildfile-path())}" />
+ <property name="" value=".." />
+ <property name="folder.build_scripts_custom" value="build.custom" overwrite="false" />
+ <property name="dirs.build_scripts_custom" value="${dirs.current}${path.separator}${}${path.separator}${folder.build_scripts_custom}" />
+ <property name="" value="__REPLACE__" overwrite="false" />
+ <property name="customize.step.type" value="__REPLACE__" overwrite="false" />
+ <property name="customize.step.type.lowered" value="${string::to-lower(customize.step.type)}" />
+ <property name="file.customize.template" value="item.template" />
+ <property name="file.customized" value="" readonly="false" />
+ <property name="" value="-1" />
+ <property name="" value="" if="${file::exists(}" />
+ <target name="go" depends="run_tasks, report_finish_time" />
+ <target name="run_tasks">
+ <echo message="Running ${project::get-name()} to create custom tasks." />
+ <call target="prepare" if="${target::exists('prepare')}" />
+ <call target="run_normal_tasks" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="run_normal_tasks"
+ depends="error_check, customize"
+ description="Setting up a customize file for UppercuT." />
+ <target name="error_check">
+ <echo message="Error checking - the input for is '${}' and the input for customize.step.type is '${customize.step.type}'." />
+ <fail message="Please send in the arguments for what step to customize and what type of customization. Call customize.bat /? for usage instructions."
+ if="${'__REPLACE__' or customize.step.type =='__REPLACE__'}" />
+ <fail message="The type of customization can only be pre, post, or replace."
+ unless="${customize.step.type.lowered =='pre' or customize.step.type.lowered =='post' or customize.step.type.lowered =='replace'}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="customize">
+ <property name="file.customized" value="${path::get-file-name-without-extension(}.${customize.step.type.lowered}${path::get-extension(}" />
+ <echo message="Creating a customized step called ${file.customized}." />
+ <call target="resolve_path_to_custom_file" />
+ <fail message="${file.customized} already exists in ${dirs.build_scripts_custom}. Will not run." if="${file::exists(dirs.build_scripts_custom + path.separator + file.customized)}" />
+ <call target="create_file_if_not_already_existing" />
+ <call target="replace_template_values" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="resolve_path_to_custom_file">
+ <property name="" value="${path.separator}analyzers" if="${file::exists('analyzers' + path.separator +}" />
+ <property name="" value="${path.separator}versioners" if="${file::exists('versioners' + path.separator +}" />
+ <fail message="${} does not exist in anywhere in the build directory." if="${'-1'}" />
+ <property name="dirs.build_scripts_custom" value="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}${}" />
+ <echo message="Found ${} in '${dirs.current}${path.separator}${}'. This means the custom path is going to be ${dirs.build_scripts_custom}." />
+ </target>
+ <target name="create_file_if_not_already_existing">
+ <copy file="customizers${path.separator}${file.customize.template}" tofile="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}${path.separator}${file.customized}" if="${not file::exists(dirs.build_scripts_custom + path.separator + file.customized)}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="replace_template_values">
+ <xmlpoke
+ file="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}${path.separator}${file.customized}"
+ xpath="/project/@name"
+ value="CUSTOM ${string::to-upper(customize.step.type)} ${string::to-upper(path::get-file-name-without-extension(}" />
+ <xmlpoke
+ file="${dirs.build_scripts_custom}${path.separator}${file.customized}"
+ xpath="/project/property[@name = '']/@value"
+ value="..${path.separator}.." if="${ !=''}" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="report_finish_time">
+ <echo message="Customize finished at ${datetime::now()}. Please make any customizations you need to now to ${dirs.build_scripts_custom}${path.separator}${file.customized} and don't forget to add it to source control." />
+ </target>
\ No newline at end of file