spec_app/spec/javascripts/up/form_spec.js.coffee in upjs-rails-0.3.0 vs spec_app/spec/javascripts/up/form_spec.js.coffee in upjs-rails-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -6,87 +6,100 @@
it 'should have tests'
describe 'up.submit', ->
- beforeEach ->
- jasmine.Ajax.install()
- $form = affix('form[action="/path/to"][method="put"][up-target=".response"]')
- $form.append('<input name="field1" value="value1">')
- $form.append('<input name="field2" value="value2">')
- affix('.response').text('old-text')
- @promise = up.submit($form)
- @request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent()
- expect(@request.url).toMatch /\/path\/to$/
- expect(@request.method).toBe 'PUT'
- expect(@request.data()).toEqual
- field1: ['value1']
- field2: ['value2']
+ if up.browser.canPushState()
- it 'submits the given form and replaces the target with the response', (done) ->
- @request.respondWith
- status: 200
- contentType: 'text/html'
- responseText:
- """
- text-before
- <div class="response">
- new-text
- </div>
- text-after
- """
- @promise.then ->
- expect($('.response')).toHaveText('new-text')
- expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-before')
- expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-after')
- done()
- it 'places the response into the form if the submission returns a 5xx status code', (done) ->
- @request.respondWith
- status: 500
- contentType: 'text/html'
- responseText:
- """
- text-before
- <form>
- error-messages
- </form>
- text-after
- """
- @promise.always ->
- expect($('.response')).toHaveText('old-text')
- expect($('form')).toHaveText('error-messages')
- expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-before')
- expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-after')
- done()
- it 'respects a X-Up-Current-Location header that the server sends in case of a redirect', (done) ->
- @request.respondWith
- status: 200
- contentType: 'text/html'
- responseHeaders: { 'X-Up-Current-Location': '/other/path' }
- responseText:
- """
- <div class="response">
- new-text
- </div>
- """
- @promise.then ->
- expect(up.browser.url()).toMatch(/\/other\/path$/)
- done()
+ beforeEach ->
+ jasmine.Ajax.install()
+ $form = affix('form[action="/path/to"][method="put"][up-target=".response"]')
+ $form.append('<input name="field1" value="value1">')
+ $form.append('<input name="field2" value="value2">')
+ affix('.response').text('old-text')
+ @promise = up.submit($form)
+ @request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent()
+ expect(@request.url).toMatch /\/path\/to$/
+ expect(@request.method).toBe 'PUT'
+ expect(@request.data()).toEqual
+ field1: ['value1']
+ field2: ['value2']
+ it 'submits the given form and replaces the target with the response', (done) ->
+ @request.respondWith
+ status: 200
+ contentType: 'text/html'
+ responseText:
+ """
+ text-before
+ <div class="response">
+ new-text
+ </div>
+ text-after
+ """
+ @promise.then ->
+ expect($('.response')).toHaveText('new-text')
+ expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-before')
+ expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-after')
+ done()
+ it 'places the response into the form if the submission returns a 5xx status code', (done) ->
+ @request.respondWith
+ status: 500
+ contentType: 'text/html'
+ responseText:
+ """
+ text-before
+ <form>
+ error-messages
+ </form>
+ text-after
+ """
+ @promise.always ->
+ expect($('.response')).toHaveText('old-text')
+ expect($('form')).toHaveText('error-messages')
+ expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-before')
+ expect($('body')).not.toHaveText('text-after')
+ done()
+ it 'respects a X-Up-Current-Location header that the server sends in case of a redirect', (done) ->
+ @request.respondWith
+ status: 200
+ contentType: 'text/html'
+ responseHeaders: { 'X-Up-Current-Location': '/other/path' }
+ responseText:
+ """
+ <div class="response">
+ new-text
+ </div>
+ """
+ @promise.then ->
+ expect(up.browser.url()).toMatch(/\/other\/path$/)
+ done()
+ else
+ it 'submits the given form', ->
+ $form = affix('form[action="/path/to"][method="put"][up-target=".response"]')
+ form = $form.get(0)
+ spyOn(form, 'submit')
+ up.submit($form)
+ expect(form.submit).toHaveBeenCalled()
describe 'unobtrusive behavior', ->
describe 'form[up-target]', ->
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