lib/assets/javascripts/up/ in upjs-rails-0.9.1 vs lib/assets/javascripts/up/ in upjs-rails-0.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -51,11 +51,10 @@
up.proxy = (->
u = up.util
- cache = undefined
$waitingLink = undefined
preloadDelayTimer = undefined
busyDelayTimer = undefined
pendingCount = undefined
busyEventEmitted = undefined
@@ -79,65 +78,76 @@
busyDelay: 300
preloadDelay: 75
cacheSize: 70
cacheExpiry: 1000 * 60 * 5
+ cacheKey = (request) ->
+ normalizeRequest(request)
+ [ request.url,
+ request.method,
+ request.selector
+ ].join('|')
+ cache = u.cache
+ size: -> config.cacheSize
+ expiry: -> config.cacheExpiry
+ key: cacheKey
+ log: 'up.proxy'
+ ###*
+ @protected
+ @method up.proxy.get
+ ###
+ get = cache.get
+ ###*
+ @protected
+ @method up.proxy.set
+ ###
+ set = cache.set
+ ###*
+ @protected
+ @method up.proxy.remove
+ ###
+ remove = cache.remove
+ ###*
+ @protected
+ @method up.proxy.clear
+ ###
+ clear = cache.clear
cancelPreloadDelay = ->
preloadDelayTimer = null
cancelBusyDelay = ->
busyDelayTimer = null
reset = ->
- cache = {}
$waitingLink = null
pendingCount = 0
busyEventEmitted = false
+ cache.clear()
- cacheKey = (request) ->
- normalizeRequest(request)
- [ request.url,
- request.method,
- request.selector
- ].join('|')
- trim = ->
- keys = u.keys(cache)
- if keys.length > config.cacheSize
- oldestKey = null
- oldestTimestamp = null
- u.each keys, (key) ->
- promise = cache[key] # we don't need to call cacheKey here
- timestamp = promise.timestamp
- if !oldestTimestamp || oldestTimestamp > timestamp
- oldestKey = key
- oldestTimestamp = timestamp
- delete cache[oldestKey] if oldestKey
- timestamp = ->
- (new Date()).valueOf()
+ alias = cache.alias
normalizeRequest = (request) ->
unless request._normalized
request.method = u.normalizeMethod(request.method)
request.url = u.normalizeUrl(request.url) if request.url
request.selector ||= 'body'
request._normalized = true
- alias = (oldRequest, newRequest) ->
- u.debug("Aliasing %o to %o", oldRequest, newRequest)
- if promise = get(oldRequest)
- set(newRequest, promise)
Makes a request to the given URL and caches the response.
If the response was already cached, returns the HTML instantly.
@@ -158,12 +168,12 @@
@param {Boolean} [request.cache]
Whether to use a cached response, if available.
If set to `false` a network connection will always be attempted.
ajax = (options) ->
- forceCache = u.castsToTrue(options.cache)
- ignoreCache = u.castsToFalse(options.cache)
+ forceCache = (options.cache == true)
+ ignoreCache = (options.cache == false)
request = u.only(options, 'url', 'method', 'data', 'selector', '_normalized')
pending = true
@@ -252,58 +262,9 @@
isIdempotent = (request) ->
u.contains(SAFE_HTTP_METHODS, request.method)
- isFresh = (promise) ->
- timeSinceTouch = timestamp() - promise.timestamp
- timeSinceTouch < config.cacheExpiry
- ###*
- @protected
- @method up.proxy.get
- ###
- get = (request) ->
- key = cacheKey(request)
- if promise = cache[key]
- if !isFresh(promise)
- u.debug("Discarding stale cache entry for %o (%o)", request.url, request)
- remove(request)
- undefined
- else
- u.debug("Cache hit for %o (%o)", request.url, request)
-# $('body').css('background-color': 'green')
- promise
- else
- u.debug("Cache miss for %o (%o)", request.url, request)
- undefined
- ###*
- @protected
- @method up.proxy.set
- ###
- set = (request, promise) ->
- trim()
- key = cacheKey(request)
- promise.timestamp = timestamp()
- cache[key] = promise
- promise
- ###*
- @protected
- @method up.proxy.remove
- ###
- remove = (request) ->
- key = cacheKey(request)
- delete cache[key]
- ###*
- @protected
- @method up.proxy.clear
- ###
- clear = ->
- cache = {}
checkPreload = ($link) ->
delay = parseInt(u.presentAttr($link, 'up-delay')) || config.preloadDelay
unless $$waitingLink)
$waitingLink = $link