dist/up.js in upjs-rails-0.12.3 vs dist/up.js in upjs-rails-0.12.4
- old
+ new
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
(function() {
var slice = [].slice;
up.util = (function($) {
- var $createElementFromSelector, ANIMATION_PROMISE_KEY, CONSOLE_PLACEHOLDERS, ajax, any, argNames, cache, castedAttr, clientSize, compact, config, contains, copy, copyAttributes, createElement, createElementFromHtml, createSelectorFromElement, cssAnimate, debug, detect, each, emptyJQuery, endsWith, error, escapePressed, evalConsoleTemplate, extend, findWithSelf, finishCssAnimate, fixedToAbsolute, forceCompositing, identity, ifGiven, isArray, isBlank, isDeferred, isDefined, isElement, isFunction, isGiven, isHash, isJQuery, isMissing, isNull, isNumber, isObject, isPresent, isPromise, isStandardPort, isString, isUndefined, isUnmodifiedKeyEvent, isUnmodifiedMouseEvent, last, locationFromXhr, map, measure, memoize, merge, methodFromXhr, multiSelector, nextFrame, normalizeMethod, normalizeUrl, nullJquery, offsetParent, once, only, option, options, presence, presentAttr, remove, resolvableWhen, resolvedDeferred, resolvedPromise, scrollbarWidth, select, setMissingAttrs, startsWith, temporaryCss, times, toArray, trim, unJquery, uniq, unwrapElement, warn;
+ var $createElementFromSelector, ANIMATION_PROMISE_KEY, CONSOLE_PLACEHOLDERS, ajax, any, cache, castedAttr, clientSize, compact, config, contains, copy, copyAttributes, createElement, createElementFromHtml, createSelectorFromElement, cssAnimate, debug, detect, each, emptyJQuery, endsWith, error, escapePressed, evalConsoleTemplate, extend, findWithSelf, finishCssAnimate, fixedToAbsolute, forceCompositing, identity, ifGiven, isArray, isBlank, isDeferred, isDefined, isElement, isFunction, isGiven, isHash, isJQuery, isMissing, isNull, isNumber, isObject, isPresent, isPromise, isStandardPort, isString, isUndefined, isUnmodifiedKeyEvent, isUnmodifiedMouseEvent, last, locationFromXhr, map, measure, memoize, merge, methodFromXhr, multiSelector, nextFrame, normalizeMethod, normalizeUrl, nullJquery, offsetParent, once, only, option, options, presence, presentAttr, remove, resolvableWhen, resolvedDeferred, resolvedPromise, scrollbarWidth, select, setMissingAttrs, startsWith, temporaryCss, times, toArray, trim, unJquery, uniq, unwrapElement, warn;
memoize = function(func) {
var cache, cached;
cache = void 0;
cached = false;
return function() {
@@ -576,11 +576,11 @@
forceCompositing = function($element) {
var memo, oldTransforms;
oldTransforms = $element.css(['transform', '-webkit-transform']);
- if (isBlank(oldTransforms)) {
+ if (isBlank(oldTransforms) || oldTransforms['transform'] === 'none') {
memo = function() {
return $element.css(oldTransforms);
'transform': 'translateZ(0)',
@@ -1100,22 +1100,11 @@
top: elementCoords.top - futureParentCoords.top + $viewport.scrollTop(),
right: '',
bottom: ''
- argNames = function(fun) {
- var code, match, pattern;
- code = fun.toString();
- pattern = new RegExp('\\(([^\\)]*)\\)');
- if (match = code.match(pattern)) {
- return match[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
- } else {
- return error('Could not parse argument names of %o', fun);
- }
- };
return {
- argNames: argNames,
offsetParent: offsetParent,
fixedToAbsolute: fixedToAbsolute,
presentAttr: presentAttr,
createElement: createElement,
normalizeUrl: normalizeUrl,
@@ -1318,11 +1307,11 @@
Currently Up.js supports IE9 with jQuery 1.9+.
On older browsers Up.js will prevent itself from booting, leaving you with
a classic server-side application.
- @up.browser.isSupported
+ @method up.browser.isSupported
isSupported = function() {
return (!isIE8OrWorse()) && isRecentJQuery();
return {
@@ -1353,11 +1342,11 @@
up.on('up:fragment:inserted', function($fragment) {
console.log("Looks like we have a new %o!", $fragment);
-The event is triggered *before* Up has compiled the fragment with your [custom behavior](/up.magic).
+The event is triggered *before* Up has compiled the fragment with your [custom elements](/up.syntax).
Upon receiving the event, Up.js will start compilation.
\#\#\# `fragment:destroyed` event
@@ -1375,127 +1364,21 @@
\#\#\# Incomplete documentation!
We need to work on this page:
-- Decide whether to refactor this into document events
-- Decide whether `fragment:enter` and `fragment:leave` would be better names
- Decide if we wouldn't rather document events in the respective module (e.g. proxy).
@class up.bus
(function() {
var slice = [].slice;
up.bus = (function($) {
- var emit, nobodyPrevents, reset, u;
+ var defaultLiveDescriptions, emit, emitReset, live, liveDescriptions, nobodyPrevents, onEscape, restoreSnapshot, snapshot, u, upListenerToJqueryListener;
u = up.util;
- /**
- Emits an event with the given name and properties.
- \#\#\#\# Example
- up.on('my:event', function(event) {
- console.log(event.foo);
- });
- up.emit('my:event', { foo: 'bar' });
- * Prints "bar" to the console
- @method up.emit
- @param {String} eventName
- The name of the event.
- @param {Object} [eventProps={}]
- A list of properties to become part of the event object
- that will be passed to listeners. Note that the event object
- will by default include properties like `preventDefault()`
- or `stopPropagation()`.
- @param {jQuery} [eventProps.$element=$(document)]
- The element on which the event is trigered.
- @protected
- */
- emit = function(eventName, eventProps) {
- var $target, event;
- if (eventProps == null) {
- eventProps = {};
- }
- event = $.Event(eventName, eventProps);
- $target = eventProps.$element || $(document);
- u.debug("Emitting %o on %o with props %o", eventName, $target, eventProps);
- $target.trigger(event);
- return event;
- };
- /**
- [Emits an event](/up.emit) and returns whether any listener has prevented the default action.
- @method up.bus.nobodyPrevents
- @param {String} eventName
- @param {Object} eventProps
- @protected
- */
- nobodyPrevents = function() {
- var args, event;
- args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
- event = emit.apply(null, args);
- return !event.isDefaultPrevented();
- };
- /**
- Resets Up.js to the state when it was booted.
- All custom event handlers, animations, etc. that have been registered
- will be discarded.
- This is an internal method for to enable unit testing.
- Don't use this in production.
- @protected
- @method up.reset
- */
- reset = function() {
- return up.emit('up:framework:reset');
- };
- return {
- emit: emit,
- nobodyPrevents: nobodyPrevents,
- reset: reset
- };
- })(jQuery);
- up.reset = up.bus.reset;
- up.emit = up.bus.emit;
-Registering behavior and custom elements
-Up.js keeps a persistent Javascript environment during page transitions.
-To prevent memory leaks it is important to cleanly set up and tear down
-event handlers and custom elements.
-\#\#\# Incomplete documentation!
-We need to work on this page:
-- Better class-level introduction for this module
-@class up.magic
- */
-(function() {
- var slice = [].slice;
- up.magic = (function($) {
- var DESTROYABLE_CLASS, DESTROYER_KEY, applyCompiler, compile, compiler, compilers, data, defaultCompilers, defaultLiveDescriptions, destroy, hello, live, liveDescriptions, onEscape, reset, snapshot, u, upListenerToJqueryListener;
- u = up.util;
- DESTROYABLE_CLASS = 'up-destroyable';
- DESTROYER_KEY = 'up-destroyer';
liveDescriptions = [];
defaultLiveDescriptions = null;
* Convert an Up.js style listener (second argument is the event target
@@ -1503,11 +1386,11 @@
upListenerToJqueryListener = function(upListener) {
return function(event) {
var $me;
$me = event.$element || $(this);
- return upListener.apply($me.get(0), [event, $me, data($me)]);
+ return upListener.apply($me.get(0), [event, $me, up.syntax.data($me)]);
Listens to an event on `document`.
@@ -1560,11 +1443,10 @@
up.on('click', '.button', function() {
@method up.on
@param {String} events
A space-separated list of event names to bind.
@param {String} [selector]
The selector of an element on which the event must be triggered.
@@ -1595,10 +1477,154 @@
return $document.off.apply($document, description);
+ Emits an event with the given name and properties.
+ \#\#\#\# Example
+ up.on('my:event', function(event) {
+ console.log(event.foo);
+ });
+ up.emit('my:event', { foo: 'bar' });
+ * Prints "bar" to the console
+ @method up.emit
+ @param {String} eventName
+ The name of the event.
+ @param {Object} [eventProps={}]
+ A list of properties to become part of the event object
+ that will be passed to listeners. Note that the event object
+ will by default include properties like `preventDefault()`
+ or `stopPropagation()`.
+ @param {jQuery} [eventProps.$element=$(document)]
+ The element on which the event is trigered.
+ @protected
+ */
+ emit = function(eventName, eventProps) {
+ var $target, event;
+ if (eventProps == null) {
+ eventProps = {};
+ }
+ event = $.Event(eventName, eventProps);
+ $target = eventProps.$element || $(document);
+ u.debug("Emitting %o on %o with props %o", eventName, $target, eventProps);
+ $target.trigger(event);
+ return event;
+ };
+ /**
+ [Emits an event](/up.emit) and returns whether any listener has prevented the default action.
+ @method up.bus.nobodyPrevents
+ @param {String} eventName
+ @param {Object} eventProps
+ @protected
+ */
+ nobodyPrevents = function() {
+ var args, event;
+ args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
+ event = emit.apply(null, args);
+ return !event.isDefaultPrevented();
+ };
+ onEscape = function(handler) {
+ return live('keydown', 'body', function(event) {
+ if (u.escapePressed(event)) {
+ return handler(event);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ Makes a snapshot of the currently registered event listeners,
+ to later be restored through [`up.bus.reset`](/up.bus.reset).
+ @private
+ */
+ snapshot = function() {
+ return defaultLiveDescriptions = u.copy(liveDescriptions);
+ };
+ /**
+ Resets the list of registered event listeners to the
+ moment when the framework was booted.
+ @private
+ */
+ restoreSnapshot = function() {
+ var description, i, len, ref;
+ for (i = 0, len = liveDescriptions.length; i < len; i++) {
+ description = liveDescriptions[i];
+ if (!u.contains(defaultLiveDescriptions, description)) {
+ (ref = $(document)).off.apply(ref, description);
+ }
+ }
+ return liveDescriptions = u.copy(defaultLiveDescriptions);
+ };
+ /**
+ Resets Up.js to the state when it was booted.
+ All custom event handlers, animations, etc. that have been registered
+ will be discarded.
+ This is an internal method for to enable unit testing.
+ Don't use this in production.
+ @protected
+ @method up.reset
+ */
+ emitReset = function() {
+ return up.emit('up:framework:reset');
+ };
+ live('up:framework:boot', snapshot);
+ live('up:framework:reset', restoreSnapshot);
+ return {
+ on: live,
+ emit: emit,
+ nobodyPrevents: nobodyPrevents,
+ onEscape: onEscape,
+ emitReset: emitReset
+ };
+ })(jQuery);
+ up.on = up.bus.on;
+ up.emit = up.bus.emit;
+ up.reset = up.bus.emitReset;
+Custom elements
+Up.js keeps a persistent Javascript environment during page transitions.
+To prevent memory leaks it is important to cleanly set up and tear down
+event handlers and custom elements.
+\#\#\# Incomplete documentation!
+We need to work on this page:
+- Better class-level introduction for this module
+@class up.syntax
+ */
+(function() {
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ up.syntax = (function($) {
+ var DESTROYABLE_CLASS, DESTROYER_KEY, applyCompiler, compile, compiler, compilers, data, defaultCompilers, destroy, hello, reset, snapshot, u;
+ u = up.util;
+ DESTROYABLE_CLASS = 'up-destroyable';
+ DESTROYER_KEY = 'up-destroyer';
+ /**
Registers a function to be called whenever an element with
the given selector is inserted into the DOM.
$('.action').compiler(function($element) {
// your code here
@@ -1813,28 +1839,33 @@
The API of this method is likely to change in the future, so
we can support getting or setting individual keys.
- @method up.magic.data
+ @method up.syntax.data
@param {String|Element|jQuery} elementOrSelector
- Stores a JSON-string with the element.
+ Looks for an `up-data` attribute on the given element, then parses
+ its value as JSON and returns the JSON object.
If an element annotated with [`up-data`] is inserted into the DOM,
Up will parse the JSON and pass the resulting object to any matching
- [`up.compiler`](/up.magic.compiler) handlers.
+ [`up.compiler`](/up.syntax.compiler) handlers.
Similarly, when an event is triggered on an element annotated with
[`up-data`], the parsed object will be passed to any matching
[`up.on`](/up.on) handlers.
@method [up-data]
@param {JSON} [up-data]
+ @return
+ The JSON-decoded value of the `up-data` attribute.
+ Returns an empty object (`{}`) if the element has no (or an empty) `up-data` attribute.
data = function(elementOrSelector) {
var $element, json;
$element = $(elementOrSelector);
json = $element.attr('up-data');
@@ -1845,36 +1876,25 @@
Makes a snapshot of the currently registered event listeners,
- to later be restored through [`up.bus.reset`](/up.bus.reset).
+ to later be restored through `reset`.
- @method up.magic.snapshot
snapshot = function() {
- defaultLiveDescriptions = u.copy(liveDescriptions);
return defaultCompilers = u.copy(compilers);
- Resets the list of registered event listeners to the
+ Resets the list of registered compiler directives to the
moment when the framework was booted.
- @method up.magic.reset
reset = function() {
- var description, i, len, ref;
- for (i = 0, len = liveDescriptions.length; i < len; i++) {
- description = liveDescriptions[i];
- if (!u.contains(defaultLiveDescriptions, description)) {
- (ref = $(document)).off.apply(ref, description);
- }
- }
- liveDescriptions = u.copy(defaultLiveDescriptions);
return compilers = u.copy(defaultCompilers);
Sends a notification that the given element has been inserted
@@ -1899,43 +1919,32 @@
up.emit('up:fragment:inserted', {
$element: $element
return $element;
- onEscape = function(handler) {
- return live('keydown', 'body', function(event) {
- if (u.escapePressed(event)) {
- return handler(event);
- }
- });
- };
- live('ready', (function() {
+ up.on('ready', (function() {
return hello(document.body);
- live('up:fragment:inserted', function(event) {
+ up.on('up:fragment:inserted', function(event) {
return compile(event.$element);
- live('up:fragment:destroy', function(event) {
+ up.on('up:fragment:destroy', function(event) {
return destroy(event.$element);
- live('up:framework:boot', snapshot);
- live('up:framework:reset', reset);
+ up.on('up:framework:boot', snapshot);
+ up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);
return {
compiler: compiler,
- on: live,
hello: hello,
- onEscape: onEscape,
data: data
- up.compiler = up.magic.compiler;
+ up.compiler = up.syntax.compiler;
- up.on = up.magic.on;
+ up.hello = up.syntax.hello;
- up.hello = up.magic.hello;
up.ready = function() {
return up.util.error('up.ready no longer exists. Please use up.hello instead.');
up.awaken = function() {
@@ -2228,17 +2237,17 @@
\#\#\#\# Example
This will scroll a `<div class="main">...</div>` to a Y-position of 100 pixels:
- up.scoll('.main', 100);
+ up.scroll('.main', 100);
\#\#\#\# Animating the scrolling motion
The scrolling can (optionally) be animated.
- up.scoll('.main', 100, {
+ up.scroll('.main', 100, {
easing: 'swing',
duration: 250
If the given viewport is already in a scroll animation when `up.scroll`
@@ -2733,21 +2742,16 @@
Changing page fragments programmatically
-This module contains Up's core functions to insert, change
-or destroy page fragments.
+This module contains Up.js's core functions to [change](/up.replace) or [destroy](/up.destroy)
+ page fragments via Javascript.
-\#\#\# Incomplete documentation!
+All the other Up.js modules (like [`up.link`](/up.link) or [`up.modal`](/up.modal))
+are based on this module.
-We need to work on this page:
-- Explain the UJS approach vs. pragmatic approach
-- Examples
@class up.flow
(function() {
up.flow = (function($) {
@@ -3165,32 +3169,36 @@
up.first = up.flow.first;
-Animation and transitions
-Any fragment change in Up.js can be animated.
+Whenever you change a page fragment (through methods like
+[`up.replace`](/up.replace) or UJS attributes like [`up-target`](/up-target))
+you can animate the change.
- <a href="/users" data-target=".list" up-transition="cross-fade">Show users</a>
+For instance, when you replace a selector `.list` with a new `.list`
+from the server, you can add an `up-transition="cross-fade"` attribute
+to smoothly fade out the old `.list` while fading in the new `.list`:
-Or a dialog open:
+ <a href="/users" up-target=".list" up-transition="cross-fade">Show users</a>
+When we morph between an old an new element, we call it a *transition*.
+In contrast, when we animate a new element without simultaneously removing an
+old element, we call it an *animation*.
+An example for an animation is opening a new dialog, which we can animate
+using the `up-animation` attribute:
<a href="/users" up-modal=".list" up-animation="move-from-top">Show users</a>
-Up.js ships with a number of predefined animations and transitions,
-and you can easily define your own using Javascript or CSS.
-\#\#\# Incomplete documentation!
-We need to work on this page:
-- Explain the difference between transitions and animations
-- Demo the built-in animations and transitions
-- Explain ghosting
+Up.js ships with a number of predefined [animations](/up.animate#named-animation)
+and [transitions](/up.morph#named-animation).
+You can also easily [define your own animations](/up.animation)
+or [transitions](/up.transition) using Javascript or CSS.
@class up.motion
@@ -3356,21 +3364,21 @@
return newScrollTop = $viewport.scrollTop();
oldCopy.moveTop(newScrollTop - oldScrollTop);
showNew = u.temporaryCss($new, {
- visibility: 'hidden'
+ opacity: '0'
promise = block(oldCopy.$ghost, newCopy.$ghost);
$old.data(GHOSTING_PROMISE_KEY, promise);
$new.data(GHOSTING_PROMISE_KEY, promise);
promise.then(function() {
+ showNew();
- newCopy.$bounds.remove();
- return showNew();
+ return newCopy.$bounds.remove();
return promise;
@@ -3431,10 +3439,28 @@
separated by a slash character (`/`):
- `move-to-bottom/fade-in`
- `move-to-left/move-from-top`
+ \#\#\#\# Implementation details
+ During a transition both the old and new element occupy
+ the same position on the screen.
+ Since the CSS layout flow will usually not allow two elements to
+ overlay the same space, Up.js:
+ - The old and new elements are cloned
+ - The old element is removed from the layout flow using `display: hidden`
+ - The new element is hidden, but still leaves space in the layout flow by setting `visibility: hidden`
+ - The clones are [absolutely positioned](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position#Absolute_positioning)
+ over the original elements.
+ - The transition is applied to the cloned elements.
+ At no point will the hidden, original elements be animated.
+ - When the transition has finished, the clones are removed from the DOM and the new element is shown.
+ The old element remains hidden in the DOM.
@method up.morph
@param {Element|jQuery|String} source
@param {Element|jQuery|String} target
@param {Function|String} transitionOrName
@param {Number} [options.duration=300]
@@ -3450,10 +3476,11 @@
@return {Promise}
A promise for the transition's end.
morph = function(source, target, transitionOrName, options) {
var $new, $old, animation, deferred, parsedOptions, parts, transition;
+ u.debug('Morphing %o to %o (using %o)', source, target, transitionOrName);
$old = $(source);
$new = $(target);
parsedOptions = u.only(options, 'reveal', 'restoreScroll');
parsedOptions = u.extend(parsedOptions, animateOptions(options));
if (up.browser.canCssAnimation()) {
@@ -3484,11 +3511,11 @@
return skipMorph($old, $new, parsedOptions);
- Cause the side effects of a successful transitions, but instantly.
+ This causes the side effects of a successful transition, but instantly.
We use this to skip morphing for old browsers, or when the developer
decides to only animate the new element (i.e. no real ghosting or transition) .
@@ -3622,11 +3649,12 @@
Returns a new promise that resolves once all promises in arguments resolve.
Other then [`$.when` from jQuery](https://api.jquery.com/jquery.when/),
- the combined promise will have a `resolve` method.
+ the combined promise will have a `resolve` method. This `resolve` method
+ will resolve all the wrapped promises.
@method up.motion.when
@param promises...
@return A new promise.
@@ -3812,17 +3840,17 @@
making requests to these URLs return insantly.
The cache is cleared whenever the user makes a non-`GET` request
(like `POST`, `PUT` or `DELETE`).
-The proxy can also used to speed up reaction times by preloading
-links when the user hovers over the click area (or puts the mouse/finger
-down before releasing). This way the
-response will already be cached when the user performs the click.
+The proxy can also used to speed up reaction times by [preloading
+links when the user hovers over the click area](/up-preload) (or puts the mouse/finger
+down before releasing). This way the response will already be cached when
+the user performs the click.
You can listen to [framework events](/up.bus) to implement a spinner
(progress indicator) that appears during a long-running request,
and disappears once the response has been received:
@@ -3833,16 +3861,19 @@
up.compiler('.spinner', function($element) {
show = function() { $element.show() };
hide = function() { $element.hide() };
- up.bus.on('proxy:busy', show);
- up.bus.on('proxy:idle', hide);
+ showOff = up.on('proxy:busy', show);
+ hideOff = up.on('proxy:idle', hide);
+ hide();
+ // Clean up when the element is removed from the DOM
return function() {
- up.bus.off('proxy:busy', show);
- up.bus.off('proxy:idle', hide);
+ showOff();
+ hideOff();
The `proxy:busy` event will be emitted after a delay of 300 ms
@@ -4223,11 +4254,11 @@
- The `up-target` mechanism also works with [forms](/up.form).
- As you switch through pages, Up.js will [update your browser's location bar and history](/up.history)
- You can [open fragments in popups or modal dialogs](/up.modal).
- You can give users [immediate feedback](/up.navigation) when a link is clicked or becomes current, without waiting for the server.
- [Controlling Up.js pragmatically through Javascript](/up.flow)
-- [Defining custom tags and event handlers](/up.magic)
+- [Defining custom tags](/up.syntax)
@class up.link
@@ -5230,11 +5261,11 @@
} else {
return autoclose();
- up.magic.onEscape(function() {
+ up.bus.onEscape(function() {
return close();
When an element with this attribute is clicked,
@@ -5709,11 +5740,11 @@
} else if (!up.popup.contains($fragment)) {
return autoclose();
- up.magic.onEscape(function() {
+ up.bus.onEscape(function() {
return close();
When this element is clicked, closes a currently open dialog.
@@ -5754,30 +5785,65 @@
-Elements that have an `up-tooltip` attribute will show the attribute
-value in a tooltip when a user hovers over the element.
-\#\#\# Incomplete documentation!
-We need to work on this page:
-- Show the tooltip's HTML structure and how to style the elements
-- Explain how to position tooltips using `up-position`
-- We should have a position about tooltips that contain HTML.
+Up.js comes with a basic tooltip implementation.
+You can an [`up-tooltip`](/up-tooltip) attribute to any HTML tag to show a tooltip whenever
+ the user hovers over the element:
+ <a href="/decks" up-tooltip="Show all decks">Decks</a>
+\#\#\#\# Styling
+The [default styles](https://github.com/makandra/upjs/blob/master/lib/assets/stylesheets/up/tooltip.css.sass)
+show a simple tooltip with white text on a gray background.
+A gray triangle points to the element.
+To change the styling, simply override CSS rules for the `.up-tooltip` selector and its `:after`
+selector that is used the triangle.
+The HTML of a tooltip element is simply this:
+ <div class="up-tooltip">
+ Show all decks
+ </div>
+The tooltip element is appended to the end of `<body>`.
@class up.tooltip
(function() {
up.tooltip = (function($) {
- var attach, close, createElement, setPosition, u;
+ var attach, close, config, createElement, reset, setPosition, u;
u = up.util;
+ /**
+ Sets default options for future tooltips.
+ @method up.tooltip.config
+ @property
+ @param {String} [config.position]
+ The default position of tooltips relative to the element.
+ Can be either `"top"` or `"bottom"`.
+ @param {String} [config.openAnimation='fade-in']
+ The animation used to open a tooltip.
+ @param {String} [config.closeAnimation='fade-out']
+ The animation used to close a tooltip.
+ */
+ config = u.config({
+ position: 'top',
+ openAnimation: 'fade-in',
+ closeAnimation: 'fade-out'
+ });
+ reset = function() {
+ return config.reset();
+ };
setPosition = function($link, $tooltip, position) {
var css, linkBox, tooltipBox;
linkBox = u.measure($link);
tooltipBox = u.measure($tooltip);
css = (function() {
@@ -5812,11 +5878,11 @@
Opens a tooltip over the given element.
- up.tooltip.open('.help', {
+ up.tooltip.attach('.help', {
html: 'Enter multiple words or phrases'
@method up.tooltip.attach
@param {Element|jQuery|String} elementOrSelector
@@ -5832,13 +5898,13 @@
if (options == null) {
options = {};
$link = $(linkOrSelector);
html = u.option(options.html, $link.attr('up-tooltip-html'));
- text = u.option(options.text, $link.attr('up-tooltip'), $link.attr('title'));
- position = u.option(options.position, $link.attr('up-position'), 'top');
- animation = u.option(options.animation, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-animation'), 'fade-in');
+ text = u.option(options.text, $link.attr('up-tooltip'));
+ position = u.option(options.position, $link.attr('up-position'), config.position);
+ animation = u.option(options.animation, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-animation'), config.openAnimation);
animateOptions = up.motion.animateOptions(options, $link);
$tooltip = createElement({
text: text,
html: html
@@ -5858,11 +5924,11 @@
close = function(options) {
var $tooltip;
$tooltip = $('.up-tooltip');
if ($tooltip.length) {
options = u.options(options, {
- animation: 'fade-out'
+ animation: config.closeAnimation
options = u.merge(options, up.motion.animateOptions(options));
return up.destroy($tooltip, options);
@@ -5870,15 +5936,23 @@
Displays a tooltip with text content when hovering the mouse over this element:
<a href="/decks" up-tooltip="Show all decks">Decks</a>
- You can also make an existing `title` attribute appear as a tooltip:
+ To make the tooltip appear below the element instead of above the element,
+ add an `up-position` attribute:
- <a href="/decks" title="Show all decks" up-tooltip>Decks</a>
+ <a href="/decks" up-tooltip="Show all decks" up-position="bottom">Decks</a>
@method [up-tooltip]
+ @param {String} [up-animation]
+ The animation used to open the tooltip.
+ Defaults to [`up.tooltip.config.openAnimation`](/up.tooltip.config).
+ @param {String} [up-position]
+ The default position of tooltips relative to the element.
+ Can be either `"top"` or `"bottom"`.
+ Defaults to [`up.tooltip.config.position`](/up.tooltip.config).
Displays a tooltip with HTML content when hovering the mouse over this element:
@@ -5898,13 +5972,14 @@
up.on('click', 'body', function(event, $body) {
return close();
up.on('up:framework:reset', close);
- up.magic.onEscape(function() {
+ up.bus.onEscape(function() {
return close();
+ up.on('up:framework:reset', reset);
return {
attach: attach,
close: close,
open: function() {
return u.error('up.tooltip.open no longer exists. Use up.tooltip.attach instead.');
@@ -6027,10 +6102,10 @@
var $section, urls;
$section = $(section);
urls = sectionUrls($section);
if (currentUrls.matchesAny(urls)) {
return $section.addClass(klass);
- } else {
+ } else if ($section.hasClass(klass) && $section.closest('.up-destroying').length === 0) {
return $section.removeClass(klass);