in unidom-certificate-1.0 vs in unidom-certificate-1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -21,10 +21,24 @@
The migration versions start with 200102.
## Call the Model
-officer = Person.create name: 'John'
-mall = Shop.create name: 'WalMart'
-certification = BusinessLicense.create number: '8888-6666'
-certificating = Unidom::Certificate::Certificating.certificate(certification: certification, certificated: mall, certificator: officer, opened_at:
+officer = Unidom::Party::Person.create! name: 'John'
+mall = Unidom::Party::Shop.create! name: 'WalMart'
+certification = Unidom::Certificate::China::BusinessLicense.registration_number_is('123456789012345').valid_at.alive.first_or_create! name: 'WalMart', address: 'Beijing', legal_representative_name: 'Tim'
+certificating = Unidom::Certificate::Certificating.certificate!(certification: certification, certificated: mall, certificator: officer, opened_at:
+## Include the Concerns
+include Unidom::Certificate::Concerns::AsCertificated
+include Unidom::Certificate::Concerns::AsCertification
+### As Certificated concern
+The As Certificated concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:
+1. Define the has_many :certificatings macro as: ``has_many :certificatings, class_name: 'Unidom::Certificate::Certificating', as: :certificated``
+### As Certification concern
+The As Certification concern do the following tasks for the includer automatically:
+1. Define the has_many :certificatings macro as: ``has_many :certificatings, class_name: 'Unidom::Certificate::Certificating', as: :certification``