bin/understudy in understudy-0.0.8 vs bin/understudy in understudy-0.0.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,119 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'optparse'
-require 'ostruct'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'rdiff_simple'
+# Trap interrupts to quit cleanly.
+# See
+Signal.trap("INT") { exit 1 }
-options =
-@verbose = false
-usage = "Usage: understudy [options] job-name"
- do |opts|
- opts.banner = usage
- opts.on '-v', '--verbose', 'Output extra information' do |v|
- @verbose = v
- end
- opts.on '-f', '--first-time', 'Force first-time run' do |f|
- options.first = f
- end
-def error msg
- STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{msg}"
- exit 255
-error usage if ARGV.length != 1
-job_name = ARGV.shift
-config_file = "/etc/understudy/#{job_name}.conf"
-error "Cannot find '#{config_file}'" unless File.exist? config_file
-DATA_DIR = "/var/lib/understudy/#{job_name}"
-FileUtils.mkdir_p DATA_DIR
-lockfile = "#{DATA_DIR}/LOCK", File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644 )
-unless lockfile.flock File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB
- error "Job #{job_name} is already running"
-lockfile.puts $$
-config =
-# Any options that aren't our options go to rdiff-backup
-OUR_OPTIONS = %w{source dest command}
-rdiff_args = []
- config_file ).split( /\n/ ).each do |line|
- line.sub! /#.*$/, ''
- line.sub! /^\s+/, ''
- line.sub! /\s+$/, ''
- next if line.empty?
- line =~ /^([-\w]+)(\s+=\s+(.*))?$/ or raise "Strange line in config: #{line}"
- key = $1
- val = $3
- if OUR_OPTIONS.member? key
- config.send "#{key}=".to_sym, val
- else
- rdiff_args.push "--#{key}" + ( val ? "=#{val}" : "" )
- end
-error "Missing 'dest' config option" unless config.dest
-error "Missing 'source' config option" unless config.source
-rdiff_data = "#{config.dest}/rdiff-backup-data"
-exists = rdiff_data
-if exists && options.first
- error "Cannot force first time, destination '#{config.dest}' already exists"
-elsif !exists && !options.first
- error "Destination '#{config.dest}' does not appear to exist, try again with --first-time"
-def info message
- return unless @verbose
-def run command
- friendly = nil
- if command.is_a? Array
- friendly = { |i| i =~ /[^-=\/\.\w]/ ? "#{i}" : i }.join ' '
- info "Running: #{friendly}"
- RdiffSimple.execute( friendly ) or error "Could not run #{friendly}"
- else
- friendly = command
- info "Running: #{friendly}"
- RdiffSimple.execute( friendly ) or error "Could not run #{friendly}"
- end
- if $? != 0
- error "Could not run #{friendly}"
- end
-ENV['PATH'] += ":/etc/understudy"
-run config.command if config.command
-command = []
-command << "--terminal-verbosity=5" if @verbose
-command << "--print-statistics"
-command += rdiff_args
-command << config.source
-command << config.dest
-run command
-info "Backup successful"
-exit 0
+require 'understudy'