./test/unit/primo_service_test.rb in umlaut-3.0.0alpha10 vs ./test/unit/primo_service_test.rb in umlaut-3.0.0alpha11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,942 +1,947 @@
require 'test_helper'
class PrimoServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- fixtures :requests, :referents, :referent_values, :sfx_urls
- def setup
- @primo_definition = YAML.load( %{
- type: PrimoService
- priority: 2 # After SFX, to get SFX metadata enhancement
- status: active
- base_url: http://bobcat.library.nyu.edu
- vid: NYU
- institution: NYU
- holding_search_institution: NYU
- holding_search_text: Search for this title in BobCat.
- suppress_holdings: [ !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LBWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LNWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LTWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$1Restricted Internet Resources/' ]
- ez_proxy: !ruby/regexp '/https\:\/\/ezproxy\.library\.nyu\.edu\/login\?url=/'
- service_types:
- - primo_source
- - holding_search
- - fulltext
- - table_of_contents
- - referent_enhance
- - cover_image
- })
- @base_url = @primo_definition["base_url"]
- @vid = @primo_definition["vid"]
- @institution = @primo_definition["institution"]
+ nyu_only_tests(self.name) do
- @primo_default = ServiceStore.instantiate_service!(
- YAML.load(%{
- type: PrimoService
- service_id: NYUPrimo
- priority: 2 # After SFX, to get SFX metadata enhancement
- status: active
- base_url: http://bobcat.library.nyu.edu
- vid: NYU
- institution: NYU
- holding_search_institution: NYU
- holding_search_text: Search for this title in BobCat.
- suppress_holdings: [ !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LBWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LNWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LTWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$1Restricted Internet Resources/' ]
- ez_proxy: !ruby/regexp '/https\:\/\/ezproxy\.library\.nyu\.edu\/login\?url=/'
- service_types:
- - holding
- - holding_search
- - fulltext
- - table_of_contents
- - referent_enhance
- - cover_image
- }), nil)
- @primo_tns = ServiceStore.instantiate_service!(
- YAML.load(%{
- type: PrimoService
- priority: 2 # After SFX, to get SFX metadata enhancement
- status: active
- base_url: http://bobcat.library.nyu.edu
- vid: NS
- institution: NS
- holding_search_institution: NS
- holding_search_text: Search for this title in BobCat.
- suppress_holdings: [ !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LBWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LNWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LTWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$1Restricted Internet Resources/' ]
- ez_proxy: !ruby/regexp '/https\:\/\/ezproxy\.library\.nyu\.edu\/login\?url=/'
- primo_config: tns_primo.yml
- service_types:
- - primo_source
- - holding_search
- - fulltext
- - table_of_contents
- - referent_enhance
- - cover_image
+ fixtures :requests, :referents, :referent_values, :sfx_urls
+ def setup
+ @primo_definition = YAML.load( %{
+ type: PrimoService
+ priority: 2 # After SFX, to get SFX metadata enhancement
+ status: active
+ base_url: http://bobcat.library.nyu.edu
+ vid: NYU
+ institution: NYU
+ holding_search_institution: NYU
+ holding_search_text: Search for this title in BobCat.
+ suppress_holdings: [ !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LBWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LNWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LTWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$1Restricted Internet Resources/' ]
+ ez_proxy: !ruby/regexp '/https\:\/\/ezproxy\.library\.nyu\.edu\/login\?url=/'
+ service_types:
+ - primo_source
+ - holding_search
+ - fulltext
+ - table_of_contents
+ - referent_enhance
+ - cover_image
+ })
+ @base_url = @primo_definition["base_url"]
+ @vid = @primo_definition["vid"]
+ @institution = @primo_definition["institution"]
+ @primo_default = ServiceStore.instantiate_service!(
+ YAML.load(%{
+ type: PrimoService
+ service_id: NYUPrimo
+ priority: 2 # After SFX, to get SFX metadata enhancement
+ status: active
+ base_url: http://bobcat.library.nyu.edu
+ vid: NYU
+ institution: NYU
+ holding_search_institution: NYU
+ holding_search_text: Search for this title in BobCat.
+ suppress_holdings: [ !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LBWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LNWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LTWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$1Restricted Internet Resources/' ]
+ ez_proxy: !ruby/regexp '/https\:\/\/ezproxy\.library\.nyu\.edu\/login\?url=/'
+ service_types:
+ - holding
+ - holding_search
+ - fulltext
+ - table_of_contents
+ - referent_enhance
+ - cover_image
}), nil)
+ @primo_tns = ServiceStore.instantiate_service!(
+ YAML.load(%{
+ type: PrimoService
+ priority: 2 # After SFX, to get SFX metadata enhancement
+ status: active
+ base_url: http://bobcat.library.nyu.edu
+ vid: NS
+ institution: NS
+ holding_search_institution: NS
+ holding_search_text: Search for this title in BobCat.
+ suppress_holdings: [ !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LBWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LNWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LTWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$LWEB/', !ruby/regexp '/\$\$1Restricted Internet Resources/' ]
+ ez_proxy: !ruby/regexp '/https\:\/\/ezproxy\.library\.nyu\.edu\/login\?url=/'
+ primo_config: tns_primo.yml
+ service_types:
+ - primo_source
+ - holding_search
+ - fulltext
+ - table_of_contents
+ - referent_enhance
+ - cover_image
+ }), nil)
+ @holding_search_institution =
+ @primo_minimum = PrimoService.new({
+ "priority"=>1, "service_id" => "Primo",
+ "base_url" => @base_url, "vid" => @vid, "institution" => @institution,
+ "holding_search_institution" => @primo_definition["holding_search_institution"] })
+ @primo_old_minimum = PrimoService.new({
+ "priority"=>1, "service_id" => "Primo",
+ "base_path" => @base_url, "base_view_id" => @vid, "institution" => @institution })
+ @primo_minimum_no_config = PrimoService.new({
+ "priority"=>1, "service_id" => "Primo",
+ "base_url" => @base_url, "vid" => @vid, "institution" => @institution,
+ "holding_search_institution" => @primo_definition["holding_search_institution"],
+ "primo_config" => "missing_config.yml" })
+ end
+ def test_primo_service_benchmarks
+ request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
+ results.report("PrimoService Minimum Config:") {
+ (1..10).each {
+ @primo_minimum.handle(request)
+ }
+ }
+ results.report("PrimoService Default Config:") {
+ (1..10).each {
+ @primo_default.handle(request)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # def test_to_primo_source_benchmarks
+ # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # service_type = request.get_service_type('primo_source', {}).first
+ # Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
+ # results.report("PrimoService :to_primo_source via view data - NYUAleph:") {
+ # (1..10).each {
+ # service_type.view_data
+ # }
+ # }
+ # service_response = service_type.service_response
+ # results.report("PrimoService :to_primo_source - NYUAleph:") {
+ # (1..10).each {
+ # @primo_default.to_primo_source(service_response)
+ # }
+ # }
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_primo_source_benchmarks
+ # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
+ # results.report("PrimoSource - NYUAleph:") {
+ # (1..10).each {
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # }
+ # }
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_source_expand_benchmarks
+ # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # primo_source = request.get_service_type('primo_source', {}).first.view_data
+ # Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
+ # results.report("PrimoSource :expand - NYUAleph:") {
+ # (1..10).each {
+ # primo_source.expand
+ # }
+ # }
+ # end
+ # end
+ def test_primo_service_minimum
+ request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ @primo_minimum.handle(request)
+ request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ request.dispatched_services.reset
+ request.service_responses.reset
+ test_data = {
+ "aulast" => "Greene",
+ "aufirst" => "Graham,",
+ "au" => "Greene, Graham, 1904-1991",
+ "title" => "Travels with my aunt",
+ "btitle" => "Travels with my aunt",
+ "place" => "New York",
+ "pub" => "Penguin Books",
+ "oclcnum" => "56781200",
+ "lccn" => "2004559272"
+ }
+ test_data.each { |key, value|
+ assert_equal(
+ value,
+ request.referent.metadata[key],
+ "#{key} different than expected.")
+ }
+ holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ assert_equal(
+ 1, holdings.length)
+ test_data = {
+ :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
+ :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ :source_record_id => "000062856",
+ :institution_code => "NYU",
+ :institution => "NYU",
+ :library_code => "BOBST",
+ :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ :status_code => "check_holdings",
+ :status => "Check Availability",
+ :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
+ :collection => "Main Collection",
+ :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
+ :origin => nil,
+ :display_type => "book",
+ :coverage => [],
+ :notes => "",
+ :url => "#{@base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?docId=nyu_aleph000062856&institution=NYU&vid=#{@vid}",
+ :request_url => nil,
+ :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
+ test_data.each { |key, value|
+ assert_equal(
+ value,
+ holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ "#{key} different than expected.")
+ }
+ end
- @holding_search_institution =
- @primo_minimum = PrimoService.new({
- "priority"=>1, "service_id" => "Primo",
- "base_url" => @base_url, "vid" => @vid, "institution" => @institution,
- "holding_search_institution" => @primo_definition["holding_search_institution"] })
- @primo_old_minimum = PrimoService.new({
- "priority"=>1, "service_id" => "Primo",
- "base_path" => @base_url, "base_view_id" => @vid, "institution" => @institution })
- @primo_minimum_no_config = PrimoService.new({
- "priority"=>1, "service_id" => "Primo",
- "base_url" => @base_url, "vid" => @vid, "institution" => @institution,
- "holding_search_institution" => @primo_definition["holding_search_institution"],
- "primo_config" => "missing_config.yml" })
- end
- def test_primo_service_benchmarks
- request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
- results.report("PrimoService Minimum Config:") {
- (1..10).each {
- @primo_minimum.handle(request)
- }
+ def test_primo_service_minimum_no_config
+ request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ @primo_minimum_no_config.handle(request)
+ request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ request.dispatched_services.reset
+ request.service_responses.reset
+ test_data = {
+ "aulast" => "Greene",
+ "aufirst" => "Graham,",
+ "au" => "Greene, Graham, 1904-1991",
+ "title" => "Travels with my aunt",
+ "btitle" => "Travels with my aunt",
+ "place" => "New York",
+ "pub" => "Penguin Books",
+ "oclcnum" => "56781200",
+ "lccn" => "2004559272"
- results.report("PrimoService Default Config:") {
- (1..10).each {
- @primo_default.handle(request)
- }
+ test_data.each { |key, value|
+ assert_equal(
+ value,
+ request.referent.metadata[key],
+ "#{key} different than expected.")
+ holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ assert_equal(
+ 1, holdings.length)
+ test_data = {
+ :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
+ :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ :source_record_id => "000062856",
+ :institution_code => "NYU",
+ :institution => "NYU",
+ :library_code => "BOBST",
+ :library => "BOBST",
+ :status_code => "check_holdings",
+ :status => "check_holdings",
+ :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
+ :collection => "Main Collection",
+ :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
+ :origin => nil,
+ :display_type => "book",
+ :coverage => [],
+ :notes => "",
+ :url => "#{@base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?docId=nyu_aleph000062856&institution=NYU&vid=#{@vid}",
+ :request_url => nil,
+ :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
+ test_data.each { |key, value|
+ assert_equal(
+ value,
+ holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ "#{key} different than expected.")
+ }
- end
- #
- # def test_to_primo_source_benchmarks
- # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- # @primo_default.handle(request)
- # service_type = request.get_service_type('primo_source', {}).first
- # Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
- # results.report("PrimoService :to_primo_source via view data - NYUAleph:") {
- # (1..10).each {
- # service_type.view_data
- # }
+ def test_primo_service_legacy_settings_minimum
+ request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ @primo_old_minimum.handle(request)
+ request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ request.dispatched_services.reset
+ request.service_responses.reset
+ test_data = {
+ "aulast" => "Greene",
+ "aufirst" => "Graham,",
+ "au" => "Greene, Graham, 1904-1991",
+ "title" => "Travels with my aunt",
+ "btitle" => "Travels with my aunt",
+ "place" => "New York",
+ "pub" => "Penguin Books",
+ "oclcnum" => "56781200",
+ "lccn" => "2004559272"
+ }
+ test_data.each { |key, value|
+ assert_equal(
+ value,
+ request.referent.metadata[key],
+ "#{key} different than expected.")
+ }
+ holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ assert_equal(
+ 1, holdings.length)
+ test_data = {
+ :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
+ :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ :source_record_id => "000062856",
+ :institution_code => "NYU",
+ :institution => "NYU",
+ :library_code => "BOBST",
+ :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ :status_code => "check_holdings",
+ :status => "Check Availability",
+ :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
+ :collection => "Main Collection",
+ :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
+ :origin => nil,
+ :display_type => "book",
+ :coverage => [],
+ :notes => "",
+ :url => "#{@base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?docId=nyu_aleph000062856&institution=NYU&vid=#{@vid}",
+ :request_url => nil,
+ :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
+ test_data.each { |key, value|
+ assert_equal(
+ value,
+ holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ "#{key} different than expected.")
+ }
+ end
+ # def test_available_nyu_aleph
+ # # Available
+ # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "000062856",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "available",
+ # :status => "Available",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "book",
+ # :coverage => [],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000062856&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000062856&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
# }
- # service_response = service_type.service_response
- # results.report("PrimoService :to_primo_source - NYUAleph:") {
- # (1..10).each {
- # @primo_default.to_primo_source(service_response)
- # }
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "000062856",
+ # :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000062856000010",
+ # :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
+ # :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
+ # :aleph_item_doc_number => "000062856",
+ # :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
+ # :aleph_item_barcode => "31142041146104",
+ # :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
+ # :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_circulation_status => "On Shelf",
+ # :aleph_item_location => "PR6013.R44 T7 2004",
+ # :aleph_item_description => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "002992203"
# }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
# end
+ #
+ # def test_available_tns_aleph
+ # # Available
+ # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
+ # @primo_tns.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "000062856",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "available",
+ # :status => "Available",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "book",
+ # :coverage => [],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000062856&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => nil,
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "000062856",
+ # :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000062856000010",
+ # :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
+ # :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
+ # :aleph_item_doc_number => "000062856",
+ # :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
+ # :aleph_item_barcode => "31142041146104",
+ # :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
+ # :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_circulation_status => "On Shelf",
+ # :aleph_item_location => "PR6013.R44 T7 2004",
+ # :aleph_item_description => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "002992203"
+ # }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
# end
- # def test_primo_source_benchmarks
- # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- # @primo_default.handle(request)
- # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
- # Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
- # results.report("PrimoSource - NYUAleph:") {
- # (1..10).each {
- # primo_source.handle(request)
- # }
+ # def test_checked_out_nyu_aleph
+ # request = requests(:primo_checked_out_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph000742457",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "000742457",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "checked_out",
+ # :status => "Due: 08/25/11",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(DR557 .J86 2001)",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(DR557 .J86 2001)",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "book",
+ # :coverage => [],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000742457&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000742457&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
# }
- # end
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(DR557 .J86 2001)",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "000742457",
+ # :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000742457000010",
+ # :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
+ # :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
+ # :aleph_item_doc_number => "000742457",
+ # :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
+ # :aleph_item_barcode => "31142031951646",
+ # :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
+ # :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_circulation_status => "08/25/11",
+ # :aleph_item_location => "DR557 .J86 2001",
+ # :aleph_item_description => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "002815266"
+ # }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
# end
- # def test_source_expand_benchmarks
- # request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- # @primo_default.handle(request)
- # primo_source = request.get_service_type('primo_source', {}).first.view_data
- # Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
- # results.report("PrimoSource :expand - NYUAleph:") {
- # (1..10).each {
- # primo_source.expand
- # }
+ # def test_in_process_nyu_aleph
+ # request = requests(:primo_bobst_in_processing_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph002723601",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "002723601",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "overridden_by_nyu_aleph",
+ # :status => "In Processing",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(PN691 .B78 1983)",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(PN691 .B78 1983)",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "book",
+ # :coverage => [],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002723601&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002723601&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
# }
- # end
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(PN691 .B78 1983)",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "002723601",
+ # :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_id => "NYU50002723601000010",
+ # :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
+ # :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
+ # :aleph_item_doc_number => "002723601",
+ # :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
+ # :aleph_item_barcode => "31142011075952",
+ # :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
+ # :aleph_item_process_status_code => "BD",
+ # :aleph_item_circulation_status => "At Bindery",
+ # :aleph_item_location => "PN691 .B78 1983",
+ # :aleph_item_description => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "000631538"
+ # }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
# end
+ #
+ # def test_journal1_nyu_aleph
+ # request = requests(:primo_journal1_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 4, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 4, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph002895625",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "002895625",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "check_holdings",
+ # :status => "Check Availability",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(ML1 .M819 )",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "journal",
+ # :coverage => ["Available in Main Collection: VOLUMES: 1-89 (YEARS: 1915-2006)"],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002895625&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => nil,
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "002895625",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST"
+ # }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_journal1_tns_aleph
+ # request = requests(:primo_journal1_request)
+ # @primo_tns.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 4, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 4, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph002895625",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "002895625",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "check_holdings",
+ # :status => "Check Availability",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(ML1 .M819 )",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "journal",
+ # :coverage => ["Available in Main Collection: VOLUMES: 1-89 (YEARS: 1915-2006)"],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002895625&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => nil,
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "002895625",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST"
+ # }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_journal2_nyu_aleph
+ # # Journal 2
+ # request = requests(:primo_journal2_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
+ # assert_equal("Macomb", request.referent.metadata["place"]);
+ # assert_equal("Center for Business and Economic Research, Western Illinois University]", request.referent.metadata["pub"]);
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert(1 <= primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert(1 <= holdings.length)
+ # assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
+ # assert_equal("NYU", holdings.first.view_data[:institution])
+ # assert_equal("NYU Bobst", holdings.first.view_data[:library])
+ # assert_equal("Main Collection", holdings.first.view_data[:id_one])
+ # assert_equal("http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002736245&sub_library=BOBST", holdings.first.view_data[:url])
+ # assert_equal("(HB1 .J55 )", holdings.first.view_data[:id_two])
+ # assert_equal("Check Availability", holdings.first.view_data[:status])
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_journal3_nyu_aleph
+ # # Journal 3
+ # request = requests(:primo_journal3_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
+ # assert_equal("Sydney", request.referent.metadata["place"]);
+ # assert_equal("Association for the Journal of Religious History]", request.referent.metadata["pub"]);
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(0, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(0, holdings.length)
+ # assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_journal4_nyu_aleph
+ # # Journal 4
+ # request = requests(:primo_journal4_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
+ # assert_equal("Waltham, MA", request.referent.metadata["place"]);
+ # assert_equal("Published for the Board by the Massachusetts Medical Society", request.referent.metadata["pub"]);
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(0, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(0, holdings.length)
+ # assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_journal5_nyu_aleph
+ # request = requests(:primo_journal5_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.referent.referent_values.reset
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(1, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(1, holdings.length)
+ # assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_bobst_genre_discrepancy
+ # request = requests(:primo_bobst_problem1_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 1, holdings.length)
+ # test_data = {
+ # :record_id => "nyu_aleph000509288",
+ # :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
+ # :original_source_id => "NYU01",
+ # :source_record_id => "000509288",
+ # :institution_code => "NYU",
+ # :institution => "NYU",
+ # :library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :status_code => "available",
+ # :status => "Available",
+ # :id_one => "Main Collection",
+ # :id_two => "(ML410.J33 M47 2005a)",
+ # :collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :call_number => "(ML410.J33 M47 2005a)",
+ # :origin => nil,
+ # :display_type => "book",
+ # :coverage => [],
+ # :notes => "",
+ # :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000509288&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000509288&sub_library=BOBST",
+ # :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
+ # :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
+ # test_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # source_data = {
+ # :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
+ # :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
+ # :aleph_call_number => "(ML410.J33 M47 2005a)",
+ # :aleph_doc_number => "000509288",
+ # :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
+ # :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000509288000010",
+ # :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
+ # :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
+ # :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
+ # :aleph_item_doc_number => "000509288",
+ # :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
+ # :aleph_item_barcode => "31142045676163",
+ # :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
+ # :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_circulation_status => "On Shelf",
+ # :aleph_item_location => "ML410.J33 M47 2005a",
+ # :aleph_item_description => nil,
+ # :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "003227224"
+ # }
+ # source_data.each { |key, value|
+ # assert_equal(
+ # value,
+ # holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
+ # "#{key} different than expected.")
+ # }
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_critical_inquiry_bug
+ # request = requests(:critical_inquiry_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 4, primo_sources.length)
+ # primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
+ # primo_source.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
+ # assert_equal(
+ # 4, holdings.length)
+ # end
+ #
+ # def test_sfx_owner_but_fulltext_empty
+ # request = requests(:sfx_owner_but_fulltext_empty_request)
+ # @primo_default.handle(request)
+ # request.dispatched_services.reset
+ # request.service_types.reset
+ # fulltext = request.get_service_type('fulltext')
+ # assert_equal(0, fulltext.length)
+ # end
- def test_primo_service_minimum
- request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- @primo_minimum.handle(request)
- request.referent.referent_values.reset
- request.dispatched_services.reset
- request.service_responses.reset
- test_data = {
- "aulast" => "Greene",
- "aufirst" => "Graham,",
- "au" => "Greene, Graham, 1904-1991",
- "title" => "Travels with my aunt",
- "btitle" => "Travels with my aunt",
- "place" => "New York",
- "pub" => "Penguin Books",
- "oclcnum" => "56781200",
- "lccn" => "2004559272"
- }
- test_data.each { |key, value|
- assert_equal(
- value,
- request.referent.metadata[key],
- "#{key} different than expected.")
- }
- holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
- assert_equal(
- 1, holdings.length)
- test_data = {
- :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
- :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
- :original_source_id => "NYU01",
- :source_record_id => "000062856",
- :institution_code => "NYU",
- :institution => "NYU",
- :library_code => "BOBST",
- :library => "NYU Bobst",
- :status_code => "check_holdings",
- :status => "Check Availability",
- :id_one => "Main Collection",
- :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
- :collection => "Main Collection",
- :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
- :origin => nil,
- :display_type => "book",
- :coverage => [],
- :notes => "",
- :url => "#{@base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?docId=nyu_aleph000062856&institution=NYU&vid=#{@vid}",
- :request_url => nil,
- :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
- :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
- test_data.each { |key, value|
- assert_equal(
- value,
- holdings.first.view_data[key],
- "#{key} different than expected.")
- }
- def test_primo_service_minimum_no_config
- request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- @primo_minimum_no_config.handle(request)
- request.referent.referent_values.reset
- request.dispatched_services.reset
- request.service_responses.reset
- test_data = {
- "aulast" => "Greene",
- "aufirst" => "Graham,",
- "au" => "Greene, Graham, 1904-1991",
- "title" => "Travels with my aunt",
- "btitle" => "Travels with my aunt",
- "place" => "New York",
- "pub" => "Penguin Books",
- "oclcnum" => "56781200",
- "lccn" => "2004559272"
- }
- test_data.each { |key, value|
- assert_equal(
- value,
- request.referent.metadata[key],
- "#{key} different than expected.")
- }
- holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
- assert_equal(
- 1, holdings.length)
- test_data = {
- :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
- :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
- :original_source_id => "NYU01",
- :source_record_id => "000062856",
- :institution_code => "NYU",
- :institution => "NYU",
- :library_code => "BOBST",
- :library => "BOBST",
- :status_code => "check_holdings",
- :status => "check_holdings",
- :id_one => "Main Collection",
- :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
- :collection => "Main Collection",
- :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
- :origin => nil,
- :display_type => "book",
- :coverage => [],
- :notes => "",
- :url => "#{@base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?docId=nyu_aleph000062856&institution=NYU&vid=#{@vid}",
- :request_url => nil,
- :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
- :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
- test_data.each { |key, value|
- assert_equal(
- value,
- holdings.first.view_data[key],
- "#{key} different than expected.")
- }
- end
- def test_primo_service_legacy_settings_minimum
- request = requests(:primo_id_request)
- @primo_old_minimum.handle(request)
- request.referent.referent_values.reset
- request.dispatched_services.reset
- request.service_responses.reset
- test_data = {
- "aulast" => "Greene",
- "aufirst" => "Graham,",
- "au" => "Greene, Graham, 1904-1991",
- "title" => "Travels with my aunt",
- "btitle" => "Travels with my aunt",
- "place" => "New York",
- "pub" => "Penguin Books",
- "oclcnum" => "56781200",
- "lccn" => "2004559272"
- }
- test_data.each { |key, value|
- assert_equal(
- value,
- request.referent.metadata[key],
- "#{key} different than expected.")
- }
- holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
- assert_equal(
- 1, holdings.length)
- test_data = {
- :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
- :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
- :original_source_id => "NYU01",
- :source_record_id => "000062856",
- :institution_code => "NYU",
- :institution => "NYU",
- :library_code => "BOBST",
- :library => "NYU Bobst",
- :status_code => "check_holdings",
- :status => "Check Availability",
- :id_one => "Main Collection",
- :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
- :collection => "Main Collection",
- :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004 )",
- :origin => nil,
- :display_type => "book",
- :coverage => [],
- :notes => "",
- :url => "#{@base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?docId=nyu_aleph000062856&institution=NYU&vid=#{@vid}",
- :request_url => nil,
- :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
- :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
- test_data.each { |key, value|
- assert_equal(
- value,
- holdings.first.view_data[key],
- "#{key} different than expected.")
- }
- end
-# def test_available_nyu_aleph
-# # Available
-# request = requests(:primo_id_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "000062856",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "available",
-# :status => "Available",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "book",
-# :coverage => [],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000062856&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000062856&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "000062856",
-# :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
-# :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000062856000010",
-# :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
-# :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
-# :aleph_item_doc_number => "000062856",
-# :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
-# :aleph_item_barcode => "31142041146104",
-# :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
-# :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
-# :aleph_item_circulation_status => "On Shelf",
-# :aleph_item_location => "PR6013.R44 T7 2004",
-# :aleph_item_description => nil,
-# :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "002992203"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_available_tns_aleph
-# # Available
-# request = requests(:primo_id_request)
-# @primo_tns.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph000062856",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "000062856",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "available",
-# :status => "Available",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "book",
-# :coverage => [],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000062856&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => nil,
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(PR6013.R44 T7 2004)",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "000062856",
-# :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
-# :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000062856000010",
-# :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
-# :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
-# :aleph_item_doc_number => "000062856",
-# :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
-# :aleph_item_barcode => "31142041146104",
-# :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
-# :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
-# :aleph_item_circulation_status => "On Shelf",
-# :aleph_item_location => "PR6013.R44 T7 2004",
-# :aleph_item_description => nil,
-# :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "002992203"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_checked_out_nyu_aleph
-# request = requests(:primo_checked_out_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph000742457",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "000742457",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "checked_out",
-# :status => "Due: 08/25/11",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(DR557 .J86 2001)",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(DR557 .J86 2001)",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "book",
-# :coverage => [],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000742457&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000742457&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(DR557 .J86 2001)",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "000742457",
-# :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
-# :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000742457000010",
-# :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
-# :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
-# :aleph_item_doc_number => "000742457",
-# :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
-# :aleph_item_barcode => "31142031951646",
-# :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
-# :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
-# :aleph_item_circulation_status => "08/25/11",
-# :aleph_item_location => "DR557 .J86 2001",
-# :aleph_item_description => nil,
-# :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "002815266"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_in_process_nyu_aleph
-# request = requests(:primo_bobst_in_processing_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph002723601",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "002723601",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "overridden_by_nyu_aleph",
-# :status => "In Processing",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(PN691 .B78 1983)",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(PN691 .B78 1983)",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "book",
-# :coverage => [],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002723601&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002723601&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(PN691 .B78 1983)",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "002723601",
-# :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
-# :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_id => "NYU50002723601000010",
-# :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
-# :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
-# :aleph_item_doc_number => "002723601",
-# :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
-# :aleph_item_barcode => "31142011075952",
-# :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
-# :aleph_item_process_status_code => "BD",
-# :aleph_item_circulation_status => "At Bindery",
-# :aleph_item_location => "PN691 .B78 1983",
-# :aleph_item_description => nil,
-# :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "000631538"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_journal1_nyu_aleph
-# request = requests(:primo_journal1_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 4, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 4, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph002895625",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "002895625",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "check_holdings",
-# :status => "Check Availability",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(ML1 .M819 )",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "journal",
-# :coverage => ["Available in Main Collection: VOLUMES: 1-89 (YEARS: 1915-2006)"],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002895625&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => nil,
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "002895625",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_journal1_tns_aleph
-# request = requests(:primo_journal1_request)
-# @primo_tns.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 4, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 4, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph002895625",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "002895625",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "check_holdings",
-# :status => "Check Availability",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(ML1 .M819 )",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "journal",
-# :coverage => ["Available in Main Collection: VOLUMES: 1-89 (YEARS: 1915-2006)"],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002895625&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => nil,
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => false }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(ML1 .M819 )",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "002895625",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_journal2_nyu_aleph
-# # Journal 2
-# request = requests(:primo_journal2_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
-# assert_equal("Macomb", request.referent.metadata["place"]);
-# assert_equal("Center for Business and Economic Research, Western Illinois University]", request.referent.metadata["pub"]);
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert(1 <= primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert(1 <= holdings.length)
-# assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
-# assert_equal("NYU", holdings.first.view_data[:institution])
-# assert_equal("NYU Bobst", holdings.first.view_data[:library])
-# assert_equal("Main Collection", holdings.first.view_data[:id_one])
-# assert_equal("http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=002736245&sub_library=BOBST", holdings.first.view_data[:url])
-# assert_equal("(HB1 .J55 )", holdings.first.view_data[:id_two])
-# assert_equal("Check Availability", holdings.first.view_data[:status])
-# end
-# def test_journal3_nyu_aleph
-# # Journal 3
-# request = requests(:primo_journal3_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
-# assert_equal("Sydney", request.referent.metadata["place"]);
-# assert_equal("Association for the Journal of Religious History]", request.referent.metadata["pub"]);
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(0, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(0, holdings.length)
-# assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
-# end
-# def test_journal4_nyu_aleph
-# # Journal 4
-# request = requests(:primo_journal4_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
-# assert_equal("Waltham, MA", request.referent.metadata["place"]);
-# assert_equal("Published for the Board by the Massachusetts Medical Society", request.referent.metadata["pub"]);
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(0, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(0, holdings.length)
-# assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
-# end
-# def test_journal5_nyu_aleph
-# request = requests(:primo_journal5_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.referent.referent_values.reset
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# # record_id = request.referent.metadata["primo"]
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(1, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(1, holdings.length)
-# assert_equal(primo_sources.length, holdings.length)
-# end
-# def test_bobst_genre_discrepancy
-# request = requests(:primo_bobst_problem1_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 1, holdings.length)
-# test_data = {
-# :record_id => "nyu_aleph000509288",
-# :source_id => "nyu_aleph",
-# :original_source_id => "NYU01",
-# :source_record_id => "000509288",
-# :institution_code => "NYU",
-# :institution => "NYU",
-# :library_code => "BOBST",
-# :library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :status_code => "available",
-# :status => "Available",
-# :id_one => "Main Collection",
-# :id_two => "(ML410.J33 M47 2005a)",
-# :collection => "Main Collection",
-# :call_number => "(ML410.J33 M47 2005a)",
-# :origin => nil,
-# :display_type => "book",
-# :coverage => [],
-# :notes => "",
-# :url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000509288&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :request_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu/F?func=item-global&doc_library=NYU01&local_base=PRIMOCOMMON&doc_number=000509288&sub_library=BOBST",
-# :match_reliability => ServiceResponse::MatchExact,
-# :request_link_supports_ajax_call => true }
-# test_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# source_data = {
-# :aleph_doc_library => "NYU01",
-# :aleph_sub_library => "NYU Bobst",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_collection => "Main Collection",
-# :aleph_call_number => "(ML410.J33 M47 2005a)",
-# :aleph_doc_number => "000509288",
-# :aleph_url => "http://alephstage.library.nyu.edu",
-# :illiad_url => "http://illiaddev.library.nyu.edu",
-# :aleph_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_id => "NYU50000509288000010",
-# :aleph_item_adm_library => "NYU50",
-# :aleph_item_sub_library_code => "BOBST",
-# :aleph_item_collection_code => "MAIN",
-# :aleph_item_doc_number => "000509288",
-# :aleph_item_sequence_number => "1.0",
-# :aleph_item_barcode => "31142045676163",
-# :aleph_item_status_code => "01",
-# :aleph_item_process_status_code => nil,
-# :aleph_item_circulation_status => "On Shelf",
-# :aleph_item_location => "ML410.J33 M47 2005a",
-# :aleph_item_description => nil,
-# :aleph_item_hol_doc_number => "003227224"
-# }
-# source_data.each { |key, value|
-# assert_equal(
-# value,
-# holdings.first.view_data[:source_data][key],
-# "#{key} different than expected.")
-# }
-# end
-# def test_critical_inquiry_bug
-# request = requests(:critical_inquiry_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# primo_sources = request.get_service_type('primo_source')
-# assert_equal(
-# 4, primo_sources.length)
-# primo_source = ServiceList.instance.instantiate!("NYU_Primo_Source", nil)
-# primo_source.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# holdings = request.get_service_type('holding')
-# assert_equal(
-# 4, holdings.length)
-# end
-# def test_sfx_owner_but_fulltext_empty
-# request = requests(:sfx_owner_but_fulltext_empty_request)
-# @primo_default.handle(request)
-# request.dispatched_services.reset
-# request.service_types.reset
-# fulltext = request.get_service_type('fulltext')
-# assert_equal(0, fulltext.length)
-# end
\ No newline at end of file