./test/dummy/tmp/cache/assets/DE8/790/sprockets%2Fd1333bde2b9aafcc712d11dd09ab35d8 in umlaut-3.0.0alpha13 vs ./test/dummy/tmp/cache/assets/DE8/790/sprockets%2Fd1333bde2b9aafcc712d11dd09ab35d8 in umlaut-3.0.0alpha14
- old
+ new
@@ -1,178 +1,6 @@
-o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1330634906.5935822:@value"{I"
-class:EFI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; F"umlaut/update_html.jsI"
pathname; F"G/home/rochkind/umlaut/app/assets/javascripts/umlaut/update_html.jsI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI"
-mtime; FI"2012-02-29T14:11:58-05:00; FI"length; FiI"digest; F"%375d247cf81a4c0ceacc4306dee19ba5I"source; FI"/* update_html.js: Provide functions to update content on page with background responses from Umlaut. Used by Umlaut itself, as well as by third party callers.*/
-(function($) {
- function SectionTarget(config) {
- //Add properties from config to ourself
- $.extend(this, config);
- //Defaults
- if (this.selector == undefined)
- this.selector = "#" + this.umlaut_section_id;
- if (this.position == undefined)
- this.position = "html";
- }
- //Callback default to no-op function please.
- var noop = function() {};
- SectionTarget.prototype.before_update = noop;
- SectionTarget.prototype.after_update = noop;
- SectionTarget.prototype.complete = noop;
- SectionTarget.prototype.ensure_placement_destination = function() {
- if ( this.selector == undefined) {
- return null;
- }
- //Already have it cached?
- if ( this.host_div_element ) {
- return this.host_div_element;
- }
- var new_div = $('<div class="umlaut" style="display:none"></div>');
- // Find the first thing matched by selector, and call the
- // method specified in "action" string on it, giving it our
- // HTML to replace. This works because our actions are
- // all arguments that will take one method: html, before, after, append,
- // prepend.
- $(this.selector).eq(0)[ this.position ]( new_div );
- //Cache for later
- this.host_div_element = new_div;
- return this.host_div_element;
- };
- // Define an object constructor on the global window object
- // For our UmlautHtmlUpdater object.
- function HtmlUpdater(umlaut_base, context_object) {
- if (context_object == undefined)
- context_object = "";
- umlaut_base = umlaut_base.replace(/\/$/,'');
- this.umlaut_uri = umlaut_base + '/resolve/partial_html_sections?umlaut.response_format=json&' + context_object;
- this.section_targets = [];
- this.add_section_target = function(config) {
- this.section_targets.push( new SectionTarget(config) );
- };
- //default no-op call-backs
- this.complete = function() {};
- //Code for seeing if a URI is same origin or not borrowed from jQuery
- this.is_remote_url = function(url) {
- var regexp = /^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/;
- var parts = regexp.exec( url );
- return (parts && (parts[1] && parts[1] !== location.protocol || parts[2] !== location.host));
- }
- this.update = function() {
- // Need to capture because we won't have 'this' inside the ajax
- // success handler.
- var myself = this;
- var dataType = this.is_remote_url( this.umlaut_uri ) ? "jsonp" : "json";
- $.ajax({
- url: myself.umlaut_uri,
- dataType: dataType,
- jsonp: "umlaut.jsonp",
- error: function() {
- $.error("Problem loading background elements.");
- },
- success: function(umlaut_response) {
- for (var i = 0; i < myself.section_targets.length; i++) {
- var section_target = myself.section_targets[i];
- var umlaut_html_section = myself.find_umlaut_response_section(umlaut_response, section_target.umlaut_section_id);
- if (umlaut_html_section == undefined) {
- continue;
- }
- var count = null;
- if (typeof umlaut_html_section.response_count != "undefined") {
- count = parseInt(umlaut_html_section.response_count.value);
- }
- var existing_element = section_target.ensure_placement_destination();
- var new_element = $('<div class="umlaut" style="display:none" class="' + section_target.umlaut_section_id +'"></div>');
- new_element.html(umlaut_html_section.html_content);
- var should_continue = section_target.before_update(new_element, count, section_target);
- if (should_continue != false) {
- existing_element.replaceWith(new_element);
- section_target.host_div_element = new_element;
- new_element.show();
- section_target.after_update(new_element, count, section_target)
- }
- }
- //Do we need to update again?
- if (umlaut_response.partial_html_sections.in_progress) {
- //Fix our update URI to be the one umlaut suggests
- //Except strip out the umlaut.jsonp parameter, jquery is
- //going to add that back in as desired.
- myself.umlaut_uri =
- umlaut_response.partial_html_sections.in_progress.refresh_url.replace(/[?;&]umlaut\.jsonp=[^;&]+/, '');
- var refresh_seconds =
- umlaut_response.partial_html_sections.in_progress.requested_wait_seconds;
- window.setTimeout(function() { myself.update(); }, refresh_seconds * 1000);
- } else {
- myself.complete();
- for (var i = 0; i < myself.section_targets.length; i++) {
- var section_target = myself.section_targets[i];
- section_target.complete(section_target);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- };
- this.find_umlaut_response_section = function(response, id) {
- return $.grep(response.partial_html_sections.html_section, function(section) {
- return section.id == id;
- })[0];
- };
- };
- //Put it in a global object, leave space for other things in "Umlaut" later.
- if (window.Umlaut == undefined)
- window.Umlaut = new Object();
- window.Umlaut.HtmlUpdater = HtmlUpdater;
- /* LEGACY Loader was recommended for loading Umlaut JS behaviors
- in an external page, for JQuery Content Utility.
- var loader = new Umlaut.Loader();
- loader.load();
- We will provide just enough code to keep that from
- error'ing (and halting js execution), although at present it does not
- actually load the JS behaviors using new style, app wont' have
- JS behaviors. */
- window.Umlaut.Loader = function() {
- this.load = function(option_list) {
- // log problem in browsers that support it.
- if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.log != "undefined") {
- console.log("WARN: Umlaut.Loader no longer supported in Umlaut 3.x, you have not loaded Umlaut JS Behaviors. See Umlaut documentation for new way.");
- }
- }
- }
-; FI"dependency_digest; F"%4b5c07f5a148d1e4d035d9abed23bb16I"required_paths; F["G/home/rochkind/umlaut/app/assets/javascripts/umlaut/update_html.jsI"dependency_paths; F[{I" path; F"G/home/rochkind/umlaut/app/assets/javascripts/umlaut/update_html.jsI"
-mtime; FI"2012-02-29T14:11:58-05:00; FI"digest; F"%0e20d53d7fde96515ed65cd8adf30640I"
_version; F"%aa7d0db7619379e13b08335dee027df2
+o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1332169548.321156:@value"R{I"
+class:EFI"BundledAsset; FI"logical_path; F"umlaut/update_html.jsI"
pathname; F"G/home/rochkind/umlaut/app/assets/javascripts/umlaut/update_html.jsI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI"
+mtime; FI"2012-02-29T14:11:58-05:00; FI"length; Fi
+I"digest; F"%7eac6da7767629563b1b32b79c586770I"source; FI"
+/* update_html.js: Provide functions to update content on page with background responses from Umlaut. Used by Umlaut itself, as well as by third party callers.*/
+(function(a){function b(b){a.extend(this,b),this.selector==undefined&&(this.selector="#"+this.umlaut_section_id),this.position==undefined&&(this.position="html")}function d(c,d){d==undefined&&(d=""),c=c.replace(/\/$/,""),this.umlaut_uri=c+"/resolve/partial_html_sections?umlaut.response_format=json&"+d,this.section_targets=[],this.add_section_target=function(a){this.section_targets.push(new b(a))},this.complete=function(){},this.is_remote_url=function(a){var b=/^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/,c=b.exec(a);return c&&(c[1]&&c[1]!==location.protocol||c[2]!==location.host)},this.update=function(){var b=this,c=this.is_remote_url(this.umlaut_uri)?"jsonp":"json";a.ajax({url:b.umlaut_uri,dataType:c,jsonp:"umlaut.jsonp",error:function(){a.error("Problem loading background elements.")},success:function(c){for(var d=0;d<b.section_targets.length;d++){var e=b.section_targets[d],f=b.find_umlaut_response_section(c,e.umlaut_section_id);if(f==undefined)continue;var g=null;typeof f.response_count!="undefined"&&(g=parseInt(f.response_count.value));var h=e.ensure_placement_destination(),i=a('<div class="umlaut" style="display:none" class="'+e.umlaut_section_id+'"></div>');i.html(f.html_content);var j=e.before_update(i,g,e);j!=0&&(h.replaceWith(i),e.host_div_element=i,i.show(),e.after_update(i,g,e))}if(c.partial_html_sections.in_progress){b.umlaut_uri=c.partial_html_sections.in_progress.refresh_url.replace(/[?;&]umlaut\.jsonp=[^;&]+/,"");var k=c.partial_html_sections.in_progress.requested_wait_seconds;window.setTimeout(function(){b.update()},k*1e3)}else{b.complete();for(var d=0;d<b.section_targets.length;d++){var e=b.section_targets[d];e.complete(e)}}}})},this.find_umlaut_response_section=function(b,c){return a.grep(b.partial_html_sections.html_section,function(a){return a.id==c})[0]}}var c=function(){};b.prototype.before_update=c,b.prototype.after_update=c,b.prototype.complete=c,b.prototype.ensure_placement_destination=function(){if(this.selector==undefined)return null;if(this.host_div_element)return this.host_div_element;var b=a('<div class="umlaut" style="display:none"></div>');return a(this.selector).eq(0)[this.position](b),this.host_div_element=b,this.host_div_element},window.Umlaut==undefined&&(window.Umlaut=new Object),window.Umlaut.HtmlUpdater=d,window.Umlaut.Loader=function(){this.load=function(a){typeof console!="undefined"&&typeof console.log!="undefined"&&console.log("WARN: Umlaut.Loader no longer supported in Umlaut 3.x, you have not loaded Umlaut JS Behaviors. See Umlaut documentation for new way.")}}})(jQuery);; TI"required_assets_digest; F"%ff7e6e8bdbd5bac064f23638df1d8c89I"
_version; F"%95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd
\ No newline at end of file