in umbrellio-sequel-plugins-0.16.1 vs in umbrellio-sequel-plugins-0.17.0
- old
+ new
@@ -483,9 +483,133 @@
require "umbrellio_sequel_plugins/rails_db_command"
+# Database Tasks for ClickHouse and Sequel
+## ClickHouse Rake Tasks
+We have added a set of Rake tasks to manage ClickHouse database migrations and database operations. These tasks are located in the `namespace :ch`.
+### Task: `ch:create`
+Creates a ClickHouse database in the specified cluster.
+rake ch:create
+This task will create a ClickHouse database as defined in the configuration file with the option to specify the cluster using the ClickHouse.config.database.
+ClickHouse.config do |config|
+ config.assign Rails.application.config_for(:clickhouse)
+### Task: `ch:create_migration_table`
+Creates a migration tracking table for ClickHouse in PostgreSQL. This table will be used to track applied migrations for the ClickHouse database.
+rake ch:create_migration_table
+### Task: `ch:drop`
+Drops the ClickHouse database and truncates the migration tracking table.
+rake ch:drop
+### Task: `ch:migrate`
+Runs the migrations for the ClickHouse database from the db/migrate/clickhouse directory.
+rake ch:migrate
+You can specify a version to migrate to using the VERSION environment variable.
+### Task: `ch:rollback`
+Rollbacks the migrations for the ClickHouse database to a specified version.
+rake ch:rollback VERSION=<version_number>
+If no version is provided, it rolls back the last migration.
+### Task: `ch:reset`
+Drops, recreates, and runs all migrations for the ClickHouse database. This is useful for resetting the entire ClickHouse setup.
+rake ch:reset
+### Task: `ch:rollback_missing_migrations`
+Rollbacks any missing migrations for the ClickHouse database by comparing applied migrations to the available migration files.
+rake ch:rollback_missing_migrations
+### Sequel Rake Tasks
+Several tasks have been added under the namespace :sequel to provide better management of migrations and rollbacks in Sequel. These tasks help in managing PostgreSQL and ClickHouse migrations.
+### Task: `sequel:archive_migrations`
+Archives migration source code into a PostgreSQL table for tracking purposes. This task can now accept custom paths for migrations and source tables.
+rake sequel:archive_migrations[migrations_path, migration_table_source]
+- `migrations_path`: Path to the migration files (default is `db/migrate/*.rb`).
+- `migration_table_source`: Table to store migration source code (default is `:schema_migrations_sources`).
+### `Task: sequel:rollback_archived_migrations`
+Rollbacks migrations that were applied but are no longer present in the current release. The task supports additional options such as custom migration paths, tables, and transaction settings.
+rake sequel:rollback_archived_migrations[migrations_path, migration_table, migration_table_source, use_transactions]
+- `migrations_path`: Path to the migration files (default is `db/migrate/*.rb`).
+- `migration_table`: Table used to track applied migrations (default is `:schema_migrations`).
+- `migration_table_source`: Table storing migration source code (default is `:schema_migrations_sources`).
+- `use_transactions`: Whether to use transactions for rolling back (default is `false`).
+### Task: `sequel:rollback_missing_migrations`
+Rollbacks migrations that are absent in the current release when deploying to staging or production. This task helps ensure consistency between different versions.
+rake sequel:rollback_missing_migrations[table, use_transactions]
+- `table`: The table used to track migrations (optional).
+- `use_transactions`: Whether to use transactions during rollback (default is `false`).
+### Task: `sequel:rollback_missing_migrations`
+This task specifically helps during deployment by rolling back any migrations that are not present in the current release.
+rake sequel:rollback_missing_migrations[table, use_transactions]
+- `table`: The table used to track migrations (optional).
+- `use_transactions`: Whether or not to use transactions when rolling back (optional).
## License
Released under MIT License.
## Authors