test/setup.rb in ultrasphinx-1.6 vs test/setup.rb in ultrasphinx-1.6.7
- old
+ new
@@ -3,13 +3,17 @@
puts ["Please make sure that test/integration/app/vendor/rails is symlinked",
"to a Rails trunk checkout in order for the rake tasks to run properly."]
Dir.chdir "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/integration/app/" do
+ system("killall searchd")
+ system("rm -rf /tmp/sphinx")
+ system("rm -rf config/ultrasphinx/development.conf")
Dir.chdir "vendor/plugins" do
system("rm ultrasphinx; ln -s ../../../../../ ultrasphinx")
system("rake db:create")
system("rake db:migrate db:fixtures:load")
system("rake us:boot")
- system("sudo rake ultrasphinx:spelling:build")
+ system("rm /tmp/ultrasphinx-stopwords.txt")
+ system("rake ultrasphinx:spelling:build")