lib/ultracart_api/models/order.rb in ultracart_api-3.10.220 vs lib/ultracart_api/models/order.rb in ultracart_api-4.0.32.rc
- old
+ new
@@ -1,610 +1,604 @@
-#UltraCart Rest API V2
-#UltraCart REST API Version 2
-OpenAPI spec version: 2.0.0
-Generated by:
-Swagger Codegen version: 2.4.15-SNAPSHOT
-require 'date'
-module UltracartClient
- class Order
- # Affiliates if any were associated with the order. The first one in the array sent the order and each subsequent affiliate is the recruiter that earns a downline commission.
- attr_accessor :affiliates
- attr_accessor :auto_order
- attr_accessor :billing
- attr_accessor :buysafe
- attr_accessor :channel_partner
- attr_accessor :checkout
- # Coupons
- attr_accessor :coupons
- # Date/time that the order was created
- attr_accessor :creation_dts
- # Currency code that the customer used if different than the merchant's base currency code
- attr_accessor :currency_code
- # Current stage that the order is in.
- attr_accessor :current_stage
- attr_accessor :customer_profile
- attr_accessor :digital_order
- attr_accessor :edi
- # Exchange rate at the time the order was placed if currency code is different than the base currency
- attr_accessor :exchange_rate
- attr_accessor :fraud_score
- attr_accessor :gift
- attr_accessor :gift_certificate
- attr_accessor :internal
- # Items
- attr_accessor :items
- # Three letter ISO-639 language code used by the customer during the checkout if different than the default language
- attr_accessor :language_iso_code
- attr_accessor :linked_shipment
- attr_accessor :marketing
- # UltraCart merchant ID owning this order
- attr_accessor :merchant_id
- # Order ID
- attr_accessor :order_id
- attr_accessor :payment
- attr_accessor :point_of_sale
- # Properties, available only through update, not through insert due to the nature of how properties are handled internally
- attr_accessor :properties
- attr_accessor :quote
- # If the order was refunded, the date/time that the last refund occurred
- attr_accessor :refund_dts
- # Refund reason code. This can only be written during a refund operation otherwise this field is read only.
- attr_accessor :refund_reason
- # If the order was rejected, the date/time that the rejection occurred
- attr_accessor :reject_dts
- # Reject reason code. This can only be written during a reject operation otherwise this field is read only.
- attr_accessor :reject_reason
- attr_accessor :salesforce
- attr_accessor :shipping
- attr_accessor :summary
- # tags, available only through update, not through insert due to the nature of how tags are handled internally
- attr_accessor :tags
- attr_accessor :taxes
- # UTM clicks. The zero index is the most recent (last) UTM click
- attr_accessor :utms
- class EnumAttributeValidator
- attr_reader :datatype
- attr_reader :allowable_values
- def initialize(datatype, allowable_values)
- @allowable_values = do |value|
- case datatype.to_s
- when /Integer/i
- value.to_i
- when /Float/i
- value.to_f
- else
- value
- end
- end
- end
- def valid?(value)
- !value || allowable_values.include?(value)
- end
- end
- # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
- def self.attribute_map
- {
- :'affiliates' => :'affiliates',
- :'auto_order' => :'auto_order',
- :'billing' => :'billing',
- :'buysafe' => :'buysafe',
- :'channel_partner' => :'channel_partner',
- :'checkout' => :'checkout',
- :'coupons' => :'coupons',
- :'creation_dts' => :'creation_dts',
- :'currency_code' => :'currency_code',
- :'current_stage' => :'current_stage',
- :'customer_profile' => :'customer_profile',
- :'digital_order' => :'digital_order',
- :'edi' => :'edi',
- :'exchange_rate' => :'exchange_rate',
- :'fraud_score' => :'fraud_score',
- :'gift' => :'gift',
- :'gift_certificate' => :'gift_certificate',
- :'internal' => :'internal',
- :'items' => :'items',
- :'language_iso_code' => :'language_iso_code',
- :'linked_shipment' => :'linked_shipment',
- :'marketing' => :'marketing',
- :'merchant_id' => :'merchant_id',
- :'order_id' => :'order_id',
- :'payment' => :'payment',
- :'point_of_sale' => :'point_of_sale',
- :'properties' => :'properties',
- :'quote' => :'quote',
- :'refund_dts' => :'refund_dts',
- :'refund_reason' => :'refund_reason',
- :'reject_dts' => :'reject_dts',
- :'reject_reason' => :'reject_reason',
- :'salesforce' => :'salesforce',
- :'shipping' => :'shipping',
- :'summary' => :'summary',
- :'tags' => :'Tags',
- :'taxes' => :'taxes',
- :'utms' => :'utms'
- }
- end
- # Attribute type mapping.
- def self.swagger_types
- {
- :'affiliates' => :'Array<OrderAffiliate>',
- :'auto_order' => :'OrderAutoOrder',
- :'billing' => :'OrderBilling',
- :'buysafe' => :'OrderBuysafe',
- :'channel_partner' => :'OrderChannelPartner',
- :'checkout' => :'OrderCheckout',
- :'coupons' => :'Array<OrderCoupon>',
- :'creation_dts' => :'String',
- :'currency_code' => :'String',
- :'current_stage' => :'String',
- :'customer_profile' => :'Customer',
- :'digital_order' => :'OrderDigitalOrder',
- :'edi' => :'OrderEdi',
- :'exchange_rate' => :'Float',
- :'fraud_score' => :'OrderFraudScore',
- :'gift' => :'OrderGift',
- :'gift_certificate' => :'OrderGiftCertificate',
- :'internal' => :'OrderInternal',
- :'items' => :'Array<OrderItem>',
- :'language_iso_code' => :'String',
- :'linked_shipment' => :'OrderLinkedShipment',
- :'marketing' => :'OrderMarketing',
- :'merchant_id' => :'String',
- :'order_id' => :'String',
- :'payment' => :'OrderPayment',
- :'point_of_sale' => :'OrderPointOfSale',
- :'properties' => :'Array<OrderProperty>',
- :'quote' => :'OrderQuote',
- :'refund_dts' => :'String',
- :'refund_reason' => :'String',
- :'reject_dts' => :'String',
- :'reject_reason' => :'String',
- :'salesforce' => :'OrderSalesforce',
- :'shipping' => :'OrderShipping',
- :'summary' => :'OrderSummary',
- :'tags' => :'Array<OrderTag>',
- :'taxes' => :'OrderTaxes',
- :'utms' => :'Array<OrderUtm>'
- }
- end
- # Initializes the object
- # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash
- def initialize(attributes = {})
- return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash)
- # convert string to symbol for hash key
- attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v }
- if attributes.has_key?(:'affiliates')
- if (value = attributes[:'affiliates']).is_a?(Array)
- self.affiliates = value
- end
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'auto_order')
- self.auto_order = attributes[:'auto_order']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'billing')
- self.billing = attributes[:'billing']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'buysafe')
- self.buysafe = attributes[:'buysafe']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'channel_partner')
- self.channel_partner = attributes[:'channel_partner']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'checkout')
- self.checkout = attributes[:'checkout']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'coupons')
- if (value = attributes[:'coupons']).is_a?(Array)
- = value
- end
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'creation_dts')
- self.creation_dts = attributes[:'creation_dts']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'currency_code')
- self.currency_code = attributes[:'currency_code']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'current_stage')
- self.current_stage = attributes[:'current_stage']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'customer_profile')
- self.customer_profile = attributes[:'customer_profile']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'digital_order')
- self.digital_order = attributes[:'digital_order']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'edi')
- self.edi = attributes[:'edi']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'exchange_rate')
- self.exchange_rate = attributes[:'exchange_rate']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'fraud_score')
- self.fraud_score = attributes[:'fraud_score']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'gift')
- = attributes[:'gift']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'gift_certificate')
- self.gift_certificate = attributes[:'gift_certificate']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'internal')
- self.internal = attributes[:'internal']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'items')
- if (value = attributes[:'items']).is_a?(Array)
- self.items = value
- end
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'language_iso_code')
- self.language_iso_code = attributes[:'language_iso_code']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'linked_shipment')
- self.linked_shipment = attributes[:'linked_shipment']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'marketing')
- = attributes[:'marketing']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'merchant_id')
- self.merchant_id = attributes[:'merchant_id']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'order_id')
- self.order_id = attributes[:'order_id']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'payment')
- self.payment = attributes[:'payment']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'point_of_sale')
- self.point_of_sale = attributes[:'point_of_sale']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'properties')
- if (value = attributes[:'properties']).is_a?(Array)
- = value
- end
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'quote')
- self.quote = attributes[:'quote']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'refund_dts')
- self.refund_dts = attributes[:'refund_dts']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'refund_reason')
- self.refund_reason = attributes[:'refund_reason']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'reject_dts')
- self.reject_dts = attributes[:'reject_dts']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'reject_reason')
- self.reject_reason = attributes[:'reject_reason']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'salesforce')
- self.salesforce = attributes[:'salesforce']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'shipping')
- self.shipping = attributes[:'shipping']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'summary')
- self.summary = attributes[:'summary']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'Tags')
- if (value = attributes[:'Tags']).is_a?(Array)
- self.tags = value
- end
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'taxes')
- self.taxes = attributes[:'taxes']
- end
- if attributes.has_key?(:'utms')
- if (value = attributes[:'utms']).is_a?(Array)
- self.utms = value
- end
- end
- end
- # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid?
- # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons
- def list_invalid_properties
- invalid_properties =
- if !@currency_code.nil? && @currency_code.to_s.length > 3
- invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "currency_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.')
- end
- if !@language_iso_code.nil? && @language_iso_code.to_s.length > 3
- invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "language_iso_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.')
- end
- invalid_properties
- end
- # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid
- # @return true if the model is valid
- def valid?
- return false if !@currency_code.nil? && @currency_code.to_s.length > 3
- current_stage_validator ='String', ['Accounts Receivable', 'Pending Clearance', 'Fraud Review', 'Rejected', 'Shipping Department', 'Completed Order', 'Quote Request', 'Quote Sent', 'Least Cost Routing', 'Unknown', 'Pre-ordered', 'Advanced Order Routing', 'Hold'])
- return false unless current_stage_validator.valid?(@current_stage)
- return false if !@language_iso_code.nil? && @language_iso_code.to_s.length > 3
- true
- end
- # Custom attribute writer method with validation
- # @param [Object] currency_code Value to be assigned
- def currency_code=(currency_code)
- if !currency_code.nil? && currency_code.to_s.length > 3
- fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "currency_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.'
- end
- @currency_code = currency_code
- end
- # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum).
- # @param [Object] current_stage Object to be assigned
- def current_stage=(current_stage)
- validator ='String', ['Accounts Receivable', 'Pending Clearance', 'Fraud Review', 'Rejected', 'Shipping Department', 'Completed Order', 'Quote Request', 'Quote Sent', 'Least Cost Routing', 'Unknown', 'Pre-ordered', 'Advanced Order Routing', 'Hold'])
- unless validator.valid?(current_stage)
- fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "current_stage", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}.'
- end
- @current_stage = current_stage
- end
- # Custom attribute writer method with validation
- # @param [Object] language_iso_code Value to be assigned
- def language_iso_code=(language_iso_code)
- if !language_iso_code.nil? && language_iso_code.to_s.length > 3
- fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "language_iso_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.'
- end
- @language_iso_code = language_iso_code
- end
- # Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
- # @param [Object] Object to be compared
- def ==(o)
- return true if self.equal?(o)
- self.class == o.class &&
- affiliates == o.affiliates &&
- auto_order == o.auto_order &&
- billing == o.billing &&
- buysafe == o.buysafe &&
- channel_partner == o.channel_partner &&
- checkout == o.checkout &&
- coupons == &&
- creation_dts == o.creation_dts &&
- currency_code == o.currency_code &&
- current_stage == o.current_stage &&
- customer_profile == o.customer_profile &&
- digital_order == o.digital_order &&
- edi == o.edi &&
- exchange_rate == o.exchange_rate &&
- fraud_score == o.fraud_score &&
- gift == &&
- gift_certificate == o.gift_certificate &&
- internal == o.internal &&
- items == o.items &&
- language_iso_code == o.language_iso_code &&
- linked_shipment == o.linked_shipment &&
- marketing == &&
- merchant_id == o.merchant_id &&
- order_id == o.order_id &&
- payment == o.payment &&
- point_of_sale == o.point_of_sale &&
- properties == &&
- quote == o.quote &&
- refund_dts == o.refund_dts &&
- refund_reason == o.refund_reason &&
- reject_dts == o.reject_dts &&
- reject_reason == o.reject_reason &&
- salesforce == o.salesforce &&
- shipping == o.shipping &&
- summary == o.summary &&
- tags == o.tags &&
- taxes == o.taxes &&
- utms == o.utms
- end
- # @see the `==` method
- # @param [Object] Object to be compared
- def eql?(o)
- self == o
- end
- # Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
- # @return [Fixnum] Hash code
- def hash
- [affiliates, auto_order, billing, buysafe, channel_partner, checkout, coupons, creation_dts, currency_code, current_stage, customer_profile, digital_order, edi, exchange_rate, fraud_score, gift, gift_certificate, internal, items, language_iso_code, linked_shipment, marketing, merchant_id, order_id, payment, point_of_sale, properties, quote, refund_dts, refund_reason, reject_dts, reject_reason, salesforce, shipping, summary, tags, taxes, utms].hash
- end
- # Builds the object from hash
- # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash
- # @return [Object] Returns the model itself
- def build_from_hash(attributes)
- return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash)
- self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type|
- if type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i
- # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute
- # is documented as an array but the input is not
- if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array)
- self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) })
- end
- elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil?
- self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]]))
- end # or else data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional
- end
- self
- end
- # Deserializes the data based on type
- # @param string type Data type
- # @param string value Value to be deserialized
- # @return [Object] Deserialized data
- def _deserialize(type, value)
- case type.to_sym
- when :DateTime
- DateTime.parse(value)
- when :Date
- Date.parse(value)
- when :String
- value.to_s
- when :Integer
- value.to_i
- when :Float
- value.to_f
- when :BOOLEAN
- if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i
- true
- else
- false
- end
- when :Object
- # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly
- value
- when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/
- inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type]
- { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) }
- when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/
- k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type]
- v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type]
- {}.tap do |hash|
- value.each do |k, v|
- hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v)
- end
- end
- else # model
- temp_model = UltracartClient.const_get(type).new
- temp_model.build_from_hash(value)
- end
- end
- # Returns the string representation of the object
- # @return [String] String presentation of the object
- def to_s
- to_hash.to_s
- end
- # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility)
- # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash
- def to_body
- to_hash
- end
- # Returns the object in the form of hash
- # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash
- def to_hash
- hash = {}
- self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param|
- value = self.send(attr)
- next if value.nil?
- hash[param] = _to_hash(value)
- end
- hash
- end
- # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash
- # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value
- # @param [Object] value Any valid value
- # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash
- def _to_hash(value)
- if value.is_a?(Array)
- { |v| _to_hash(v) }
- elsif value.is_a?(Hash)
- {}.tap do |hash|
- value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) }
- end
- elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash
- value.to_hash
- else
- value
- end
- end
- end
+#UltraCart Rest API V2
+#UltraCart REST API Version 2
+The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.0.0
+Generated by:
+OpenAPI Generator version: 6.0.1-SNAPSHOT
+require 'date'
+require 'time'
+module UltracartClient
+ class Order
+ # Affiliates if any were associated with the order. The first one in the array sent the order and each subsequent affiliate is the recruiter that earns a downline commission.
+ attr_accessor :affiliates
+ attr_accessor :auto_order
+ attr_accessor :billing
+ attr_accessor :buysafe
+ attr_accessor :channel_partner
+ attr_accessor :checkout
+ # Coupons
+ attr_accessor :coupons
+ # Date/time that the order was created
+ attr_accessor :creation_dts
+ # Currency code that the customer used if different than the merchant's base currency code
+ attr_accessor :currency_code
+ # Current stage that the order is in.
+ attr_accessor :current_stage
+ attr_accessor :customer_profile
+ attr_accessor :digital_order
+ attr_accessor :edi
+ # Exchange rate at the time the order was placed if currency code is different than the base currency
+ attr_accessor :exchange_rate
+ attr_accessor :fraud_score
+ attr_accessor :gift
+ attr_accessor :gift_certificate
+ attr_accessor :internal
+ # Items
+ attr_accessor :items
+ # Three letter ISO-639 language code used by the customer during the checkout if different than the default language
+ attr_accessor :language_iso_code
+ attr_accessor :linked_shipment
+ attr_accessor :marketing
+ # UltraCart merchant ID owning this order
+ attr_accessor :merchant_id
+ # Order ID
+ attr_accessor :order_id
+ attr_accessor :payment
+ # Properties, available only through update, not through insert due to the nature of how properties are handled internally
+ attr_accessor :properties
+ attr_accessor :quote
+ # If the order was refunded, the date/time that the last refund occurred
+ attr_accessor :refund_dts
+ # If the order was rejected, the date/time that the rejection occurred
+ attr_accessor :reject_dts
+ attr_accessor :salesforce
+ attr_accessor :shipping
+ attr_accessor :summary
+ # tags, available only through update, not through insert due to the nature of how tags are handled internally
+ attr_accessor :tags
+ attr_accessor :taxes
+ class EnumAttributeValidator
+ attr_reader :datatype
+ attr_reader :allowable_values
+ def initialize(datatype, allowable_values)
+ @allowable_values = do |value|
+ case datatype.to_s
+ when /Integer/i
+ value.to_i
+ when /Float/i
+ value.to_f
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def valid?(value)
+ !value || allowable_values.include?(value)
+ end
+ end
+ # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key.
+ def self.attribute_map
+ {
+ :'affiliates' => :'affiliates',
+ :'auto_order' => :'auto_order',
+ :'billing' => :'billing',
+ :'buysafe' => :'buysafe',
+ :'channel_partner' => :'channel_partner',
+ :'checkout' => :'checkout',
+ :'coupons' => :'coupons',
+ :'creation_dts' => :'creation_dts',
+ :'currency_code' => :'currency_code',
+ :'current_stage' => :'current_stage',
+ :'customer_profile' => :'customer_profile',
+ :'digital_order' => :'digital_order',
+ :'edi' => :'edi',
+ :'exchange_rate' => :'exchange_rate',
+ :'fraud_score' => :'fraud_score',
+ :'gift' => :'gift',
+ :'gift_certificate' => :'gift_certificate',
+ :'internal' => :'internal',
+ :'items' => :'items',
+ :'language_iso_code' => :'language_iso_code',
+ :'linked_shipment' => :'linked_shipment',
+ :'marketing' => :'marketing',
+ :'merchant_id' => :'merchant_id',
+ :'order_id' => :'order_id',
+ :'payment' => :'payment',
+ :'properties' => :'properties',
+ :'quote' => :'quote',
+ :'refund_dts' => :'refund_dts',
+ :'reject_dts' => :'reject_dts',
+ :'salesforce' => :'salesforce',
+ :'shipping' => :'shipping',
+ :'summary' => :'summary',
+ :'tags' => :'Tags',
+ :'taxes' => :'taxes'
+ }
+ end
+ # Returns all the JSON keys this model knows about
+ def self.acceptable_attributes
+ attribute_map.values
+ end
+ # Attribute type mapping.
+ def self.openapi_types
+ {
+ :'affiliates' => :'Array<OrderAffiliate>',
+ :'auto_order' => :'OrderAutoOrder',
+ :'billing' => :'OrderBilling',
+ :'buysafe' => :'OrderBuysafe',
+ :'channel_partner' => :'OrderChannelPartner',
+ :'checkout' => :'OrderCheckout',
+ :'coupons' => :'Array<OrderCoupon>',
+ :'creation_dts' => :'String',
+ :'currency_code' => :'String',
+ :'current_stage' => :'String',
+ :'customer_profile' => :'Customer',
+ :'digital_order' => :'OrderDigitalOrder',
+ :'edi' => :'OrderEdi',
+ :'exchange_rate' => :'Float',
+ :'fraud_score' => :'OrderFraudScore',
+ :'gift' => :'OrderGift',
+ :'gift_certificate' => :'OrderGiftCertificate',
+ :'internal' => :'OrderInternal',
+ :'items' => :'Array<OrderItem>',
+ :'language_iso_code' => :'String',
+ :'linked_shipment' => :'OrderLinkedShipment',
+ :'marketing' => :'OrderMarketing',
+ :'merchant_id' => :'String',
+ :'order_id' => :'String',
+ :'payment' => :'OrderPayment',
+ :'properties' => :'Array<OrderProperty>',
+ :'quote' => :'OrderQuote',
+ :'refund_dts' => :'String',
+ :'reject_dts' => :'String',
+ :'salesforce' => :'OrderSalesforce',
+ :'shipping' => :'OrderShipping',
+ :'summary' => :'OrderSummary',
+ :'tags' => :'Array<OrderTag>',
+ :'taxes' => :'OrderTaxes'
+ }
+ end
+ # List of attributes with nullable: true
+ def self.openapi_nullable
+ ])
+ end
+ # Initializes the object
+ # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash
+ def initialize(attributes = {})
+ if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash))
+ fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `UltracartClient::Order` initialize method"
+ end
+ # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key
+ attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h|
+ if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym))
+ fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `UltracartClient::Order`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect
+ end
+ h[k.to_sym] = v
+ }
+ if attributes.key?(:'affiliates')
+ if (value = attributes[:'affiliates']).is_a?(Array)
+ self.affiliates = value
+ end
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'auto_order')
+ self.auto_order = attributes[:'auto_order']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'billing')
+ self.billing = attributes[:'billing']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'buysafe')
+ self.buysafe = attributes[:'buysafe']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'channel_partner')
+ self.channel_partner = attributes[:'channel_partner']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'checkout')
+ self.checkout = attributes[:'checkout']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'coupons')
+ if (value = attributes[:'coupons']).is_a?(Array)
+ = value
+ end
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'creation_dts')
+ self.creation_dts = attributes[:'creation_dts']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'currency_code')
+ self.currency_code = attributes[:'currency_code']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'current_stage')
+ self.current_stage = attributes[:'current_stage']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'customer_profile')
+ self.customer_profile = attributes[:'customer_profile']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'digital_order')
+ self.digital_order = attributes[:'digital_order']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'edi')
+ self.edi = attributes[:'edi']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'exchange_rate')
+ self.exchange_rate = attributes[:'exchange_rate']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'fraud_score')
+ self.fraud_score = attributes[:'fraud_score']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'gift')
+ = attributes[:'gift']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'gift_certificate')
+ self.gift_certificate = attributes[:'gift_certificate']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'internal')
+ self.internal = attributes[:'internal']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'items')
+ if (value = attributes[:'items']).is_a?(Array)
+ self.items = value
+ end
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'language_iso_code')
+ self.language_iso_code = attributes[:'language_iso_code']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'linked_shipment')
+ self.linked_shipment = attributes[:'linked_shipment']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'marketing')
+ = attributes[:'marketing']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'merchant_id')
+ self.merchant_id = attributes[:'merchant_id']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'order_id')
+ self.order_id = attributes[:'order_id']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'payment')
+ self.payment = attributes[:'payment']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'properties')
+ if (value = attributes[:'properties']).is_a?(Array)
+ = value
+ end
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'quote')
+ self.quote = attributes[:'quote']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'refund_dts')
+ self.refund_dts = attributes[:'refund_dts']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'reject_dts')
+ self.reject_dts = attributes[:'reject_dts']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'salesforce')
+ self.salesforce = attributes[:'salesforce']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'shipping')
+ self.shipping = attributes[:'shipping']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'summary')
+ self.summary = attributes[:'summary']
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'tags')
+ if (value = attributes[:'tags']).is_a?(Array)
+ self.tags = value
+ end
+ end
+ if attributes.key?(:'taxes')
+ self.taxes = attributes[:'taxes']
+ end
+ end
+ # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid?
+ # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons
+ def list_invalid_properties
+ invalid_properties =
+ if !@currency_code.nil? && @currency_code.to_s.length > 3
+ invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "currency_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.')
+ end
+ if !@language_iso_code.nil? && @language_iso_code.to_s.length > 3
+ invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "language_iso_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.')
+ end
+ invalid_properties
+ end
+ # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid
+ # @return true if the model is valid
+ def valid?
+ return false if !@currency_code.nil? && @currency_code.to_s.length > 3
+ current_stage_validator ='String', ["Accounts Receivable", "Pending Clearance", "Fraud Review", "Rejected", "Shipping Department", "Completed Order", "Quote Request", "Quote Sent", "Least Cost Routing", "Unknown", "Pre-ordered"])
+ return false unless current_stage_validator.valid?(@current_stage)
+ return false if !@language_iso_code.nil? && @language_iso_code.to_s.length > 3
+ true
+ end
+ # Custom attribute writer method with validation
+ # @param [Object] currency_code Value to be assigned
+ def currency_code=(currency_code)
+ if !currency_code.nil? && currency_code.to_s.length > 3
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "currency_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.'
+ end
+ @currency_code = currency_code
+ end
+ # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum).
+ # @param [Object] current_stage Object to be assigned
+ def current_stage=(current_stage)
+ validator ='String', ["Accounts Receivable", "Pending Clearance", "Fraud Review", "Rejected", "Shipping Department", "Completed Order", "Quote Request", "Quote Sent", "Least Cost Routing", "Unknown", "Pre-ordered"])
+ unless validator.valid?(current_stage)
+ fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"current_stage\", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}."
+ end
+ @current_stage = current_stage
+ end
+ # Custom attribute writer method with validation
+ # @param [Object] language_iso_code Value to be assigned
+ def language_iso_code=(language_iso_code)
+ if !language_iso_code.nil? && language_iso_code.to_s.length > 3
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "language_iso_code", the character length must be smaller than or equal to 3.'
+ end
+ @language_iso_code = language_iso_code
+ end
+ # Checks equality by comparing each attribute.
+ # @param [Object] Object to be compared
+ def ==(o)
+ return true if self.equal?(o)
+ self.class == o.class &&
+ affiliates == o.affiliates &&
+ auto_order == o.auto_order &&
+ billing == o.billing &&
+ buysafe == o.buysafe &&
+ channel_partner == o.channel_partner &&
+ checkout == o.checkout &&
+ coupons == &&
+ creation_dts == o.creation_dts &&
+ currency_code == o.currency_code &&
+ current_stage == o.current_stage &&
+ customer_profile == o.customer_profile &&
+ digital_order == o.digital_order &&
+ edi == o.edi &&
+ exchange_rate == o.exchange_rate &&
+ fraud_score == o.fraud_score &&
+ gift == &&
+ gift_certificate == o.gift_certificate &&
+ internal == o.internal &&
+ items == o.items &&
+ language_iso_code == o.language_iso_code &&
+ linked_shipment == o.linked_shipment &&
+ marketing == &&
+ merchant_id == o.merchant_id &&
+ order_id == o.order_id &&
+ payment == o.payment &&
+ properties == &&
+ quote == o.quote &&
+ refund_dts == o.refund_dts &&
+ reject_dts == o.reject_dts &&
+ salesforce == o.salesforce &&
+ shipping == o.shipping &&
+ summary == o.summary &&
+ tags == o.tags &&
+ taxes == o.taxes
+ end
+ # @see the `==` method
+ # @param [Object] Object to be compared
+ def eql?(o)
+ self == o
+ end
+ # Calculates hash code according to all attributes.
+ # @return [Integer] Hash code
+ def hash
+ [affiliates, auto_order, billing, buysafe, channel_partner, checkout, coupons, creation_dts, currency_code, current_stage, customer_profile, digital_order, edi, exchange_rate, fraud_score, gift, gift_certificate, internal, items, language_iso_code, linked_shipment, marketing, merchant_id, order_id, payment, properties, quote, refund_dts, reject_dts, salesforce, shipping, summary, tags, taxes].hash
+ end
+ # Builds the object from hash
+ # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash
+ # @return [Object] Returns the model itself
+ def self.build_from_hash(attributes)
+ new.build_from_hash(attributes)
+ end
+ # Builds the object from hash
+ # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash
+ # @return [Object] Returns the model itself
+ def build_from_hash(attributes)
+ return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+ attributes = attributes.transform_keys(&:to_sym)
+ self.class.openapi_types.each_pair do |key, type|
+ if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? && self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(key)
+ self.send("#{key}=", nil)
+ elsif type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i
+ # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute
+ # is documented as an array but the input is not
+ if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array)
+ self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) })
+ end
+ elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil?
+ self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]]))
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Deserializes the data based on type
+ # @param string type Data type
+ # @param string value Value to be deserialized
+ # @return [Object] Deserialized data
+ def _deserialize(type, value)
+ case type.to_sym
+ when :Time
+ Time.parse(value)
+ when :Date
+ Date.parse(value)
+ when :String
+ value.to_s
+ when :Integer
+ value.to_i
+ when :Float
+ value.to_f
+ when :Boolean
+ if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ when :Object
+ # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly
+ value
+ when /\AArray<(?<inner_type>.+)>\z/
+ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type]
+ { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) }
+ when /\AHash<(?<k_type>.+?), (?<v_type>.+)>\z/
+ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type]
+ v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type]
+ {}.tap do |hash|
+ value.each do |k, v|
+ hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v)
+ end
+ end
+ else # model
+ # models (e.g. Pet) or oneOf
+ klass = UltracartClient.const_get(type)
+ klass.respond_to?(:openapi_one_of) ? : klass.build_from_hash(value)
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the string representation of the object
+ # @return [String] String presentation of the object
+ def to_s
+ to_hash.to_s
+ end
+ # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility)
+ # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash
+ def to_body
+ to_hash
+ end
+ # Returns the object in the form of hash
+ # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash
+ def to_hash
+ hash = {}
+ self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param|
+ value = self.send(attr)
+ if value.nil?
+ is_nullable = self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(attr)
+ next if !is_nullable || (is_nullable && !instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attr}"))
+ end
+ hash[param] = _to_hash(value)
+ end
+ hash
+ end
+ # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash
+ # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value
+ # @param [Object] value Any valid value
+ # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash
+ def _to_hash(value)
+ if value.is_a?(Array)
+ { |v| _to_hash(v) }
+ elsif value.is_a?(Hash)
+ {}.tap do |hash|
+ value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) }
+ end
+ elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash
+ value.to_hash
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ end