docs/ in ultracart_api-3.10.41 vs docs/ in ultracart_api-3.10.42

- old
+ new

@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ **name** | **String** | Name of email flow | [optional] **open_rate_formatted** | **String** | Open rate of emails, formatted | [optional] **revenue_formatted** | **String** | Revenue, formatted | [optional] **revenue_per_customer_formatted** | **String** | Revenue per customer, formatted | [optional] **screenshot_large_full_url** | **String** | URL to a large full length screenshot | [optional] +**sms_esp_twilio_uuid** | **String** | Twilio Account UUID. Null for none | [optional] +**sms_phone_number** | **String** | Twilio SMS Phone Number. Null for none | [optional] **status** | **String** | Status of the campaign of draft, archived, active, and inactive | [optional] **status_dts** | **String** | Timestamp when the last status change happened | [optional] **storefront_oid** | **Integer** | Storefront oid | [optional] **trigger_parameter** | **String** | Trigger parameter | [optional] **trigger_parameter_name** | **String** | Trigger parameter name | [optional]