config/log_rules.json in u3d-1.0.12 vs config/log_rules.json in u3d-1.0.13
- old
+ new
@@ -135,18 +135,66 @@
"end_pattern": ".*",
"type": "error"
- "JENKINS": {
+ "LICENSE": {
"active": true,
"silent": false,
- "comment": "Jenkins specific, used to catch build launchs via Jenkins",
- "phase_start_pattern": "Started by",
+ "comment": "Unity license system logic",
+ "phase_start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM",
"rules": {
- "start": {
+ "next_check": {
"active": true,
- "start_pattern": "Started by"
+ "start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] Next license update check is after (?<date>[\\d\\-]+)T(?<time>[\\d+\\:]+)",
+ "start_message": "Next update check after %{date} at %{time}"
+ },
+ "opening": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] Opening (?<address>.*)$",
+ "start_message": "Opening %{address}",
+ "store_lines": false,
+ "end_pattern": "(?:\\[CEF\\]|LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] Received)",
+ "end_message": false
+ },
+ "received": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] Received (?<address>.*)$",
+ "start_message": "Received %{address}",
+ "store_lines": false,
+ "end_pattern": "(?:\\[CEF\\]|LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] (?!Headers)|Cancelling)",
+ "end_message": false
+ },
+ "cef_undefined": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "\\[CEF\\] undefined in.*$",
+ "type": "warning"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] (?<message>Error.*)",
+ "start_message": "%{message}",
+ "store_lines": true,
+ "end_pattern": "(?:^\\n|\\[CEF\\] undefined)",
+ "end_message": false,
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ "timeout": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "Cancelling.*Timeout",
+ "start_message": "Timeout while trying to activate license. Please try again later or contact",
+ "type": "error"
+ },
+ "starting_activation": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] Starting license activation with account (?<account>.*)$",
+ "start_message": "Starting license activation for account %{account}"
+ },
+ "successful_activation": {
+ "active": true,
+ "start_pattern": "LICENSE SYSTEM \\[.*\\] License activated successfully with user: (?<account>.*)$",
+ "start_message": "License activated for account %{account}",
+ "type": "success"
"INIT": {
"active": true,