Rakefile in u3d-1.0.4 vs Rakefile in u3d-1.0.5

- old
+ new

@@ -100,10 +100,11 @@ raise "Missing pr_branch argument" unless pr_branch UI.user_error! "Prepare git PR stopped by user" unless UI.confirm("Creating PR branch #{pr_branch}") run_command("git checkout -b #{pr_branch}") end +desc 'Prepare a release: check repo status, generate changelog, create PR' task pre_release: 'ensure_git_clean' do require 'u3d/version' nextversion = U3d::VERSION # check not already released @@ -130,10 +131,11 @@ sh "hub pull-request -m '#{msg}'" # requires hub pre-release " -l nochangelog" sh 'git checkout master' sh "git branch -D #{pr_branch}" end +desc 'Bump the version number to the version entered interactively; pushes a commit to master' task bump: 'ensure_git_clean' do nextversion = UI.input "Next version will be:" UI.user_error! "Bump version stopped by user" unless UI.confirm("Next version will be #{nextversion}. Confirm?") U3dCode.version = nextversion GithubChangelogGenerator.future_release = nextversion @@ -141,14 +143,16 @@ sh 'git add .github_changelog_generator lib/u3d/version.rb Gemfile.lock' sh "git commit -m 'Bump version to #{nextversion}'" sh 'git push' end +desc 'Update the changelog, no commit made' task :changelog do puts "Updating changelog #{ENV['CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN']}" sh "github_changelog_generator" if ENV['CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN'] end +desc 'Run all rspec tests' task :test_all do formatter = "--format progress" if ENV["CIRCLECI"] Dir.mkdir("/tmp/rspec/") formatter += " -r rspec_junit_formatter --format RspecJunitFormatter -o /tmp/rspec/rspec.xml"