data/twss.txt in twss-0.0.1 vs data/twss.txt in twss-0.0.2

- old
+ new

@@ -1943,5 +1943,463 @@ #twss RT @BtsNHos: called someone back that I was helping remotely. She said "I see you got it up" Had to stop myself from laughing. I have too many icons in my dock. And I have to make them smaller so they'll fit. #twss #nerdpredicaments hahaha! Forgot you knew about that one @KCJetSetter #TWSS #oops @heathermg @samerfarha Is your conversation about telescope size a TWSS? Because, TWSS! #twss @daverrrrrrrr hows the brown card coming along? takes all but 5 minutes right? #twss +I heard that @AaronHawn likes to run 13-day Banner jobs. #whatareyoudoinginthere #twss +RT @sweetsarahs I want some ice cream... :-/ - #twss +@nolimes OMG OMG #twss #twss lol +RT @collegiate84: I want a hotdog. - #twss +@Prophessur tell me what she says. make sure she doesnt take it the wrong way (lolol #TWSS) + + +we're here for her +RT: #twss @VertigoMonster: I do not wanna go to the doctor's tomorrow. #fb +@thtswhtshesd Well I'm just going to eat that up. #TWSS (in reference to cake) +Random joke by @desrosj: "What a bunch of effers!" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +The reason I'll be up all night: #PaulNarang. *Sigh* And before you say it - Yes, #TWSS. +It's easy get in, impossible to rise up. #twss +RT @iAmSuperHuman_: RT @BeatSupreme: @draztyk412 so!? #ItsAllPinkInTheMiddle <-- #twss <---#fail. Why would she say that?? Lol. +#twss & #PAUSE !!!! RT @NekaLaToya: @MrRobbieo @KMcnair30 shhhhh! And mind your business! I'm sure u need more than what he gave me lol +To protect and defend the United States of America from all enemies, internal and external. #TWSS #PaulNarang +BOOM! I had high hopes for you, my friend, and you did not disappoint. RT @Rainyfool: @Wildsau "got a little longer than anticipated" #twss +@Wildsau "got a little longer than anticipated" #twss +@nolimes mine is way more revealing than yours already! #twss +#twss #twstweets "You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big." +#Preguntasabandas The Ataris: por qué en asteroids la navecita salía por arriba y entraba por abajo #TWSS +Random joke by @bexwrex: "But it was already in my mouth." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +RT @TWSTweets: Random joke by @wscollins06: "Aint no use cryin ova spilled milk! Unless some of it got inside the cookie." #twss +@mariasellery thanks. As I you. Its always better with someone else rather than doing it alone (#twss) +The axiom 'Sex is overrated' is not an insult to your partner. But a cold, hard truth. Also #TWSS. +@shannonsas1 @alexandriacadyh They can't, but I'll handle your "truth"! #twss ;-) +@NoBatteries #TWSS! +@heathermg I'm sure I'm late to this party, but #TWSS! +@arielleloren I have another client/friend that also loves contracts @morenaceo. Lol! We biz ladies loves to do it right! #twss +@freeyourheart FINALLY SOME SANITY! But I gave you something else to chew on.... #twss +I was bored anyway, so I set up a free snow cone booth in honor of @andrewslack's birthday. #MAC4SLACK! #myhandsarereallysticky #twss +Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar! #twss +Random joke by @mynameismobydic: "I told you I was gonna give it to you." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@ScottHepburn #twss +#twss RT @yoitsadrian: doing the thang, ya know the thang and im doin it. #ambiguousupdates +"I'm just trying to fit it all in" +#twss +"Schumaker has found the openings." #TWSS +RT @mikeymike010: #oneofmyfollowers always finds the best #twss +BUFFALO WILD WIIIIIIIIIIIIINGS! i want it in my mouth. #twss. +RT @mikeymike010 #oneofmyfollowers always finds the best #twss +don't make me do it. #twss RT @tayedrums +well I'm not THAT small. But GoKits do kick ass..RT @cgouldin: @tayedrums you should buy a go-kit. +#oneofmyfollowers always finds the best #twss +For all my followers who don't know...#TWSS = #thatswhatshesaid +@raytida I was abt to severely #twss that. But I guess it's like playing into her hands. +@imasouvenir @lauren_alayne how dare u make fun of me with that #twss. I didn't know +@homeloan_ninja And again, I say: #TWSS +RT @Schnik: #TWSS (i knew it was coming, and you did not disappoint!) +Random joke by @joshthebandboy: "How in da world would it soften in 2 minutes?!" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +What is #twss? @imasouvenir +#TWSS @Ra_1911_Q_DAWG @lauren_alayne @imasouvenir hey let's not fight we can settle this like tru greeks. Where's the WOOD +@homeloan_ninja #TWSS +RT @B_Penny: Watching The Wood till I fall asleep<<#twss? +"I might otherwise occupy myself"#thatswhatshesaid #twss #twstweets +Random joke by @wscollins06: "Aint no use cryin ova spilled milk! Unless some of it got inside the cookie." #twss +Today's featured user is @lehoop18. They have submitted 1 joke. Their joke: #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@atlasdanced what is #TWSS? is it "that's what she said" @naina @flyyoufools gimme the link.. +@Ms_Bossy88 Lol want more?? #TWSS +@atlasdanced #LOL @ #TWSS +There was a tie for Tuesday's top rated That's What She Said joke. Check them out here: #twss +#TWSS RT @twilightfairy: @flyyoufools I caught @naina's incident 'live' last night. but dunno Wat what happened next +Penalty on @YossiAbadi for using #twss on his own comment. Twice. #violation +Random joke by @angelswilliam: "Geez, how many times do I have to put this on here?" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +#TWSS RT @SashG: There's nothing cute about single guys who can't clean after themselves or cook. Not. Endearing. At. All. +@kirstycroft you do the beating, I'll do the eating. #twss +A friend was in a car accident today, said she "took a full impact hit to the back end" #twss +@WilsonTech1 #twss #ridingonadonkey +@falibrahim #twss +Has someone made a 'That's What She Said' twitter yet ? If not , I will ! #twss +@NikPasic Lots of people have commented on how awesome & big it is (#twss), so I figured I'd put the word out in case anyone's keen. +RT @MarcFace2032: RT @travsowavy: @MarcFace2032 yoooooo that thing is huuuuggeeeee!!!! Hahahahaha @thtswhtshesd #TWSS I'm buggin now hahah but its tough!! +But seriously. Sleep. Now. Much. Needed. #overandout #TWSS +Mabrook to @yossiabadi for getting his first ever purple ($500) and beinf up $400 #cloud400 #bestBJ #twss +#twss RT @elg3cko @SkreeferMadness you're a long story. +I want in n out #twss +@Justinebiever Its long #TWSS +#TWSS RT @jayiam: Finger licking good. +RT @travsowavy: @MarcFace2032 yoooooo that thing is huuuuggeeeee!!!! Hahahahaha @thtswhtshesd #TWSS I'm buggin now hahah but its tough!! +No one voted on any jokes yesterday, so no top rated joke for Tuesday. Make sure to vote for new jokes as they are added! #twss +“@CheFonz: #twss RT @Oshi23: Why is it that I never see this shit coming???” GOOD One +RT @WhoaLottaBody: I <3 me some Juice... - #twss +@KristySteward #sometimesitrytoohard #TWSS #butthehastagsareworthit :) +#twss RT @ZoeSymone: Damn. He quick as hell. +RT @TreyDukes: RT @mixedbunny: @TreyDukes I downloaded it! And me likey![Damn u didn't even wait for me!! ◄- #twss] +@core_APPLER yeah then less flesh and stuff on the tenderizer ... #twss ? +#twss RT @Mark_Schlabach: Come again? RT @gamecocksblog: Another play Braves shoulda made. Tough play. But gotta make ... +Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +@MarkHardcore thank you for recognizing me and your package in the same tweet. #TWSS +RT @jaimeedmondson: #overheardatgamenight "I will swallow it!" @thtswhtshesd #twss +#TWSS RT @organeiser: @kmueller62 @Quartz164 don't knock it man that's an excellent position to be in +#TWSS RT: @kmueller62 @Quartz164 you're merely an object. a plaything +#TWSS RT: @NeilRhen @odonnellsteve did you sign up for tomorrow night? +#TWSS " that came out wrong." -@ThaSportsChick +Go hard or go home #twss +well I'm gonna fill her up #twss +@kkilimnik: Ironically, taco pie looks exactly the same going in as it does coming out. // nice. #TWSS +@core_APPLER I'm good. U get my tweet about my meat tenderizer? #twss +#TWSS " duuuuude i need to know where i can get a new one!" -@ThaSportsChick +#twss u know better! RT @UrbanInformer: Tryna wait to watch bad Girls Club so I can see it from the beginning but w/ ... +@Taybreaux come again? #twss +@forshannonski WOW.. I walked right into that one! I'm usually the #TWSS guy, so I try and watch what I say. #wellplayed +#TWSS RT @somegoodpixels: Where is Harris teeter hiding the chocolate sauce? +I can't wait to get home and ride it #twstweets @twstweets #thatswhatshesaid #twss +#twss RT @Sum12eNvii: RT @SELECTIVE_GURU: Lmao everbody asking me if the bbm link real«it is I jus downloaded it! Errything looks bigger lol +Ha! RT @ChadDiller: #twss +RT @granulac: Steely Dan comes out of fucking nowhere // #twss +#TWSS RT @MisterOcean: RT @fCuKiNAMAZING: As soon as I finish let me quench your thirst - Hmmm... :X +Sam said, "I come a lot" to our waitress. #twss +#twss +@AngstGoddess003 Taking her down, one crab at a time. #twss +#TWSS RT @Lea_Ellen @chas3r_van the pie is very powerful +Random joke by @A_Wonderland: "He really takes the as many as can fit thing to heart." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +LMAOOO RT @SELECTIVE_GURU #Twss »» RT @AnasBelle: So happily stuffed right now =) +RT @315Ness: RT: @DrJayJack Now I'm late.<#twss +#Twss »» RT @AnasBelle: So happily stuffed right now =) +@Kreggo_Eats felt it! LOL #TWSS +Time 2 eat! #thatswhatshesaid #twss +RT @anKato: Cualquier cosa gritan.... :D // That's what she said #TWSS +#TWSS RT @chanthaBADGiRL: RT @quiesh_: #WheniwasLittle I was the fastest girl on the block +That's what she said? #TWSS RT @petershankman "I love when interesting things just plop into my lap." +True story. RT @mikefelts #TWSS RT @BriHoffman: Those gotta be some smallllll crabs! +#TWSS RT @BriHoffman: Those gotta be some smallllll crabs! +Random joke by @ev0ldave: "Eh, nm, I give up on dick." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +#twss +I got blowpop residue all over my screen.... Oh shit.... #TWSS! I knew it the second I finished that statement... +RT: @DrJayJack Now I'm late.<#twss +#TWSS..!!! Jajaja que te den que?? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA RT @heero83: corrción: Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener Wiener +Random joke by @A_Wonderland: "I'm holding my breath hoping it won't end." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@tabone what's #twss? +@its_amber i absolutely do. gaming mechanism, works every time (for me). also, to your tweet: #twss (that one's for @bud_caddell) +#Twss RT @BocaChula201: I'm playing wit ya heads ya so gullible smh O_O +#TWSS Hee hee hee.. RT @aneebunee: @blahssome Hehe! Missing your night rituals is it? ;) +@bacardi_queen @AshleyThizzdale that was an excellent use of #TWSS lol. +#TWSS AHAHA RT @kavenbrown: @AvPerkins LMAO ... I can't get with you man. You're too much, I thought making everyone laugh was my job. +Random joke by @mystickitten: "If you're getting on, I'm getting off." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +RT @thtswhtshesd: Hold on...I need to change position.. #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +Hold on...I need to change position.. #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +RT @TayElaine - @Sharkbitenyc = Problem solver. #thanksforthepowertools +(#TWSS) +#TWSS RT @AshleyThizzdale fuck the work life. imma be working my ass off today +@AshleyThizzdale @ElSleemz ... #twss +Cuz I always get my best ideas when Im wet. #iCarly #ohdear #twss +I did a porn to explore sexuality O_o #TWSS +My English Teacher today: "Come in! Stay out then.. whatever!" hahah #twst @thatswhatshetweets #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Random joke by @angelswilliam: "So, are you in or out?" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +You make this too easy! RT @amanda_nan: You know, 4 oz. of meat is a lot more than I thought. #twss +#twss RT @PrettySP: Geee!! Your back on?! I was just watching our video! RT @ChicagoGee I told her look ma no hands!! +#TWSS RT @BocaChula201: Today I'm on a rollercoaster ride... One minute things is up n real quick shit is doooowwwwnnn!!! FML +RT @Kat_La: @thehuxman @aussienick uhh my appreciation and laughter, what else is there to get from it? < #twss +@thehuxman should come and meet my Sys Admin, she gives be #twss setups all day +Tonight I have tweeted about 5 or 6 #twss.... Just too easy today +RT @aussienick: @Kat_La @thehuxman do i have to get up to find it for you? < #twss +RT @aussienick: @thehuxman well it was funny at the time.. /cc: @Kat_La #twss +Random joke by @desrosj: "One down, two to go." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +#Twss RT @TaanaDatsMe: RT @Stretchmula: Just made it to heaven.! - u r literally in my backyard. Lol +Today's featured user is @Gautch. They have submitted 1 joke. Their joke: #twss #thatswhatshesaid +#TWSS RT @purnimarao What a great news day..."Momota is hebbing chaist pain." +@Gorillamonk I love the smell of the wood there. #twss +@capitalfellow It could be? #TWSS +@kjannfischer isn’t that a #TWSS +Post your best #ThatsWhatSheSaid jokes at and vote! #TWSS #TheOffice +@k1t10 #twss that's what she said +RT: @Coursey: "It would be a lot of work, and your hand would be really dirty, but it would be worth it in the end." @ckey5570” // #TWSS! +@k1t10 #twss = That's what she said +RT @k1t10: my bf will not let me spank him with the egg flip. How -un - fun :P < #twss /cc: @aussienick +@thehuxman @k1t10 @GTRoberts LMAO! Thanks @theuxman for the #twss funnies I should work some into #swug preso +RT @k1t10: @GTRoberts bang them out this week and then you can come :) < #twss /cc: @aussienick +Random joke by @VertigoMonster: "I'd be afraid of losing it in the middle of the night." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +RT @k1t10: @alanjlee yeah or you could look on the Internet.... #twss /cc: @aussienick +@SupaMagg #thatswhatshesaid #twss +#TWSS RT @perniciously: Yay. @qtfan is awesome! +@VioletKanian i am nice, but there's just some things that i just dont let down.. especially really good #TWSS jokes. +Hadid! I was down $100 with 15 bucks left to play! Heck b4 I sleep let's bj! UP $200 BITCH! #niceBJ #TWSS +RT @thtswhtshesd: RT @ahoy_katherine @thtswhtshesd "It can't fit through the hole, it's too thick!" #TWSS +ROFLMAO!! RT @thtswhtshesd: RT @ahoy_katherine @thtswhtshesd "It can't fit through the hole, it's too thick!" #TWSS +RT @ahoy_katherine @thtswhtshesd "It can't fit through the hole, it's too thick!" #TWSS +Woot off to steam my milk. #anotherinanetweet #TWSS +@JBagherpour I think you need to make them new posts, because when they go in as replies they just get all sucked up together. #TWSS +#twss RT @h_olman @SleepyBrwn yo COME OVER +@timgarlitz You are on fire tonight! #TWSS +@rammy318 - I wonder what he would taste like... #TWSS +"It's wrong, but it feels so right!" #twss +#twss RT @RegalDee: @SirDeeAye just getting the beef tender tonight. I'll prolly finish tomorrow. +I'm doing a to-do list! This is *huge* for me. #twss Item 1? Piss off @ryanrcraggs #andivealreadyscratcheditoffthelist #yay +ahem #TWSS #justsayin RT @mahjerle: @Earringopia I decided to give a free hashtag tonight. cc: @markeze +Mal Pensados! RT @akustiks: #TWSS ?? jk RT @whatsg00d @akustiks i want a huge one.. lol +#TWSS ?? jk RT @whatsg00d @akustiks i want a huge one.. lol +There was a tie for Monday's top rated That's What She Said joke. Check them out here: #twss +@foodieslikeus @iamchanelle #hardcore! it's bigger than i'd expected. #twss +@purnimarao Suffice it to say that were there an award for perverted inventions, #TWHS & #TWSS would be right up there @daddy_san +#twss RT @JennaAubrey: Can't believe it took me so long! +@_AnaGarcia omg! I want some now! Soooo goood! #twss +Scrape on my right knee is no joke. Right where my knee bends. I can't stretch it out otherwise it feels weird #twss +“@SaraLang: In case you were wondering, we're now at 40 min and definitely still gooey in the middle.” #twss +@ancyru #TWSS +@vasser40 oh now i look you said "go" so i said going. then i said coming. then #twss. ive only had 2 beers lol +@vasser40 *going* or *coming* or #twss. ;-D +Edited: RT @eClassique Trevor filled up my tank, AGAIN. #TWSS #Giggity +What is twss!? RT @unclichejay: Wow....this is huge *grabs popcorn* lol #twss +Wow....this is huge *grabs popcorn* lol #twss +Let the games begin!! RT @Schnik: #TWSS RT @diam0ndhead94: (@sarahmsalter @markeze) I'm not quite sure how to take it!! ;-) +#TWSS RT @diam0ndhead94: (@sarahmsalter @markeze) I'm not quite sure how to take it!! ;-) +@TippyL I TOLD YOU they were married. I win at life! #iliketorubitin #twss +#TWHS /#TWSS or Hauunnn #youprefer @i_r_squared @rukmaniram +RT @BeatSupreme: RT @draztyk412: I made somethin but can't release it yet. <- #twss <---i made a lot of those actually. +A real woman does not keep her mouth shut.... #TWSS +I snorted and swallowed and popped my way through life #TWSS o_O +@DaveClutton @richardjames_ haha, robs not that big - #twss +Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +LMAO! So bad! RT @Schnik: #twss RT @sarahmsalter: @diam0ndhead94 Well, until @Schnik, @markeze, @weightwhat ganged up on me it was fine! +@B3ckyJ #TWSS #beerclub +Too easy ** RT @KaelynRea Bones! Even better! Go for it @bandprof #twss +#TWSS RT @kristy: @lookadoo I'm watching you get double teamed by @brentcsutoras and @chriswinfield and thinking you better just give in ;) +Random joke by @wscollins06: "Wow lol." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +dude @joestgen quiz hint... "secondary characters in Family Guy!" seriously??? why aren't you coming??? #twss +@bootyp Oh there will be I'm putting money on @Einley sayin it #beerclub #twss +#twss RT @sarahmsalter: @diam0ndhead94 Well, until @Schnik & @markeze & @weightwhat ganged up on me (*sniff sniff*) it was fine! ;-) +#TWSS RT @sarahmsalter: @weightwhat Oh, c'mon Wendy! Don't gang up on me with the boys! (cc: @markeze) +Bones! Even better! Go for it @bandprof #twss +@markeze Well done. CC: @sarahmsalter #TWSS +@sarahmsalter @schnik #TWSS +Post your best #ThatsWhatSheSaid jokes at and vote! #TWSS #TheOffice +#twss #twstweets #twhs #twhtweets "I want it right here, Ray." +lol Oh really... #Twss RT @MissSweetheartD: This Cinnabon has magical powers! +RT @SkreeferMadness #cosign RT @gnarleybynature @AshleyThizzdale unless there's a big ass tattoo under there... but otherwise true. <- #TWSS +@dpatenaude @paulletourneau #twss. +Just got the most aMAZing backpack EVER! +!#twss#! +Ill do both if you want. #twss #kidsthesedays +#TWSS RT @runamyrun: Do it in the shower (less mess) and use warm water. +Random joke by @angelswilliam: "A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking." #twss +It's not even, like, a small hole. #twss - +i just tried to re-tweet, but that tweet didn't fit in the Twitter box. #TWSS @Venezia Roma ? DID I DO IT? +@amandacdykes #twss +I hate sitting in the back of planes. People take for fucking ever to get off the damn thing. #twss +@kattz_R si ahora hazte la policia de merida... aun chinazo bien explicito. Te doy el chance de buscarlo si no te pongo el #Twss XD +@hibecki That's what she said! #twss +RT @Josie_Bee My back is tighter than charlotte's web- I need a massage!! #TWSS +Random joke by @angelswilliam: "He let me drive his probe home." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@florisa25 I haven't been on that site in over a month. I'm gonna get on that tonight. #twss +@becker64 @cshontz I really, REALLY want to #TWSS that.... +#TWSS too! RT @MsNieceC: Damn u Gerold! Lol! RT @SELECTIVE_GURU: #Twss RT @MsNieceC: @SELECTIVE_GURU my jaw dropped. +Damn u Gerold! Lol! RT @SELECTIVE_GURU: #Twss RT @MsNieceC: @SELECTIVE_GURU my jaw dropped. +RT @jeffbeamish: @devinneeley So apparently today is "International That's What She Said" day. Drink it in. #twss +Where's the meat?! #twss RT @DeJa_J: Yams and greens for breakfast lol. Yuhm. :) +#Twss RT @MsNieceC: @SELECTIVE_GURU my jaw dropped. +Bout to ride the Magnum #twss +#TWSS (@weightwhat) RT @duane_scott: You know, eating a banana could be a pleasant experience if the texture didn't workout my gag reflexes. +@devinneeley So apparently today is "International That's What She Said" day. Drink it in. #twss +Random joke by @VertigoMonster: "He turns backwards to the breath." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +#TWSS but that is not what she meant! RT @ruhiseth: Tu bin bataye...mujhe le chal kahi...jaha tuuu muskuraye...meri manzil wahi +@BriteComplexity #TWSS +#TWSS RT @kavenbrown: @AvPerkins Wow. You're unbelievable! Hee! Hee! +@BellaRopa it ain't the stride length, its the turnover rate! #twss +@richardjames_ and yep, #twss ;) +This vanilla frosty is everything I thought it would be and more... *closes eyes and swallows# and yes @AN_PYT @Twit_Starter212 #TWSS +Sugar Beach opens today #twss +Random joke by @VertigoMonster: "We're on; he's coming today." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Im supposes to be painting again today, but my back hurts... Them walls will still be here tommorrow. #twss +@AshleyThizzdale #twss hell yes!! +#inception #twss +I'll have the pulled pork #TWSS @carolyncitygirl +Random joke by @KKrisR: "Release the Kraken!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Today's featured user is pollorojo. They have submitted 1 joke. Their joke: #twss #thatswhatshesaid +RT @alanjlee RT @aussienick: @alanjlee double bag them and you should be sweet. <-- #twss ! <-- boom-tish +RT @aussienick: @alanjlee double bag them and you should be sweet. <-- #twss ! +RT @MzQueshia: @FlawsAndAllDoll don't do universal you will be so bored and wet!<< #twss haha and I loveee universal! +Random joke by @TheVeganOne: "I love the weather down here." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Ummm, #TWSS ?? RT @chrismaddox: Yuck the Fankees. +#TWSS RT @saffrontrail @satanbhagat heh! You are unstoppable :) +@irishtwisisters HA, I was just about to say that #twss ;) +RT @thtswhtshesd: At least you're deep enough to admit you're shallow. #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +@andrewkfromaz @bobrox i have too many handfuls already. #oops #twss +#TWSS RT @iBeGoinHAM: I wanna make love to your mouth +RT @noellephx: @AZVern Damn Vern. you are good. #TWSS +just put ya lips together and blow - britney spears #TWSS +RT @woohoo507: RT @ESTAH_R: Rt @woohoo507: RT @thtswhtshesd: I can't get my tongue in the hole! #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSa ... +RT @estah_r: Rt @woohoo507: RT @thtswhtshesd: I can't get my tongue in the hole! #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid weirdly gross ish?!?! +Rt @woohoo507: RT @thtswhtshesd: I can't get my tongue in the hole! #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid weirdly gross ish?!?! +RT @thtswhtshesd: I can't get my tongue in the hole! #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +@iFeel__Pretty ummm how long of a train ride is that? That's the slowest moving thing on earth. #twss +RT @thtswhtshesd: I can't get my tongue in the hole! #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +RT @thtswhtshesd: At least you're deep enough to admit you're shallow. #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +I can't get my tongue in the hole! #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +At least you're deep enough to admit you're shallow. #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +I'm waiting in suspense for @alexpardee to update me on this lady, keep em coming #twss +There was a tie for Sunday's top rated That's What She Said joke. Check them out here: #twss +@MeReBe sadly, no. i'll have to work it in next time. it's harder than you think. #twss +@BobbyFreeman Probably very few. They actually screw on the backs (#TWSS) so that doesn't happen. +theres a show on called Eating out: all you can eat....Thats what she said!!! #twss +RT @SupaBadDiddy: My cheeks are soooooo chunky lmao!<-#twss +& before anyone else does it........... #TWSS RT @smola04: @ktdeeds mmmmmmmmmmm..... sounds awesome. with fudge. +@TheJennC @LovelyBlue27 Yea, I tried long & hard to corrupt her, I just couldnt topple the halo.... and yes - #TWSS +Only one mention needed so that The Grudge ghost is gone from view. Please don't make me tweet myself. #twss +#twss RT @YankeeMegInPHL: @Stefmara @yankee32879 It's too big. I need to edit/compress. Hopefully tomorrow. @alisonfaye +just about to say that RT @iammykei: @hdloverforever #twss +So does this fucking train!!!! -__- #twss RT @AshleyThizzdale julie drives at the same speed as grass grows +@RITmusic2k @InsultsByMiLo I missed that until I blew it up! #TWSS #YoMomma +@obviousdesigner musta been a great wet ride. #twss +"I cannot believe you came!" #twss on Hannah Montana Forever +#twss RT @JessicaHansley: @radseed Of course it is, but I wanted a tasty treat. +And #twss lmaoo RT @JessicaHansley @radseed Of course it is, but I wanted a tasty treat. +Arent you supposed to do the other end? Either end works. #twss #kazoo +Random joke by @wscollins06: "I call next!" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +#TWSS RT @RangerDenni ladies and gentlemen, it's sandwich time :) +@Supra_Kitty Lol Thats What She Said = #TWSS .. +well i USED to have more than one day off work... new schedule says thats over. i work eight shifts in six days. i wont last long! #twss +@techrsr You just set yourself up for a #TWSS there. +Random joke by @KKrisR: "He left me totally cold." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Uncle hondo was on fire yesterday: not a single person turned me down. #twss Today's turndown rate is 50 percent or more. #bah #suburbanskew +#TWSS ;-) RT @Supra_Kitty: Good wood! +#TWSS RT @Bew_D @amoghranadive Tsk, tsk. Now you're trying too hard. +RT @hmorast: SIGHHHH IM SO BORED. #twss +Don't tell her!!! LMAO! RT @FrankiScenes: Lmao what is twss RT @streetztalk: @FrankiScenes @DSTBlaze I already ate :( #TWSS +Lmao what is twss RT @streetztalk: @FrankiScenes @DSTBlaze I already ate :( #TWSS +@SI_PeterKing That's what she said! #twss +@tdhurst #twss +Do you, like, need little fingers? #twss #twstweets cc: @Schiger +These cookies look mighty tasty #TWSS (via @mshazeleyesdc) +@joeruiz Can I send you the paper again for you to check out? It's kinda long. #twss +#TWSS RT @IceColdSoloAce: RT #easilymisconstruedphrases @Emoney486 That was really hard  +Random joke by @TheVeganOne: "Oh no, up here." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Yall are on a roll wit #TWSS today! ROTFL! ==» @streetztalk @FrankiScenes @MikaFlyyMommy +#TWSS, in a three-way gone bad. RT @Bew_D: @amoghranadive You're just being a bitch cuz you want it too. You know it. +#TWSS RT @Bew_D: @amoghranadive Muwahahahaha! *licks cream off mouth, smacks lips* +MOM: That's it! I've had it up to here! Me: That's what she said. MOM: what?! Me: huh? MOM: one more of you and it's your ass...#TWSS :D +@FrankiScenes @DSTBlaze I already ate :( #TWSS +First time in Memphis. I thought it would be bigger #twss +"Will you grab front?" #TWSS +RT @thtswhtshesd: Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +Random joke by @JB2050: "This has to be just you and me." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@kartographer We need to have a hashtag called #TWSSBijli - a failed #TWSS or a bulb #TWSS +@kartographer hahahaha. You and @I_r_squared have the whole #twss tag covered. Epic stuff. +NEver thought...RT @kartographer: #EPIC #TWSS RT @livetimefe @techrsr YEs, you eat his kathrikka @diogeneb, give him my share of it too. +#EPIC #TWSS RT @livetimefe @techrsr YEs, you eat his kathrikka @diogeneb, give him my share of it too. +RT @brittnisade ...lemme get on it <---#twss +Just saw the Johnsonville brats commercial. Their slogan? "Sausage is all we do." #twss +Random joke by @VertigoMonster: "That's pretty hard, Alan. That's pretty hard." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@coraxaroc #AllesOK mein Freund, das sieht schlimmer aus, als es ist (Self- #twss) +#twss RT @justcoolem: That shyt bodied me last nite @skeetaluv.. +I'm sorry but that really sounds like a #twss RT @IamWJC RT @GCChurch: It's never to late to experience Jesus! +Random joke by @KKrisR: "Yes yes yes." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Today's featured user is @koduckgirl. They have submitted 1 joke. Their joke: #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Its so warm and its so wet! #twss +@jinxxedout sigh. #twhs or #twss is "that is what he/she said" @_wbrodrigues +@DingDongMong ROFL. I just noticed the #TWSS here! +Random joke by @KKrisR: "Swipe it down the middle." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Dekh yaar. Mauqe ki Nazaaqat ko samjha kar yaar. #TWSS +#TWSS RT @pratichee I like kids.I play with them.for FOUR minutes! +Post your best #ThatsWhatSheSaid jokes at and vote! #TWSS #TheOffice +Attn: @madraslover #TWSS RT @AbsolutDiamond: I miss my girlfriends. +RT @thtswhtshesd: Just stick that thru the hole and keep going in and out #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +@idoliseisaiahx #twss +#TWSS RT @SonicBooomm: PENIS! +There was a tie for last week's top rated That's What She Said joke. Check them out here: #twss +There was a tie for Saturday's top rated That's What She Said joke. Check them out here: #twss +@weightwhat a #TWSS woulda been better +@christinarizer so you use the plug as a switch, ey? #insertasneeded #twss +@batteredgnome also, I'm totally looking forward to a Big Mick in the morning. #twss +@MzStarrBurst its always hard #twss +RT @isDa1Nonly Can't wait to take off this skirt<#thatswhatshesaid #TWSS +You need to be 21 already so you can party with big homie Mick RT @FANgelo: @yoMICK yeah man, I love the feel of it #TWSS +@SueSpaight That's HUGE! #TWSS @bootyp +@yoMICK yeah man, I love the feel of it #TWSS +RT @SeBaMaGaGa: A week ago, @ladygaga liberated me. Damn, time flied. I'm a Free Bitch. // That's what she said! #TWSS +RT @smola04 @ThaSportsChick I love it!! You're good!#twss +Last night in GC #fsu #finallycleanstuffup #sothatiswhatthecarpetlookslike #thiscametoofast #twss +*cough* #TWSS RT @JoannaInTexas: As in life, the harder it is, the more fun it is! RT @RockstarJedi: Um playing guitar is hard. That is all. +@Ryan1021 im seriously wearing a #TWSS tshirt right now while cleaning/packing +Im just OCD. I like it on top. #twss #bailey +@kristinburbey #TWSS +The big ones scare me. #twss +Random joke by @VertigoMonster: "I kinda got carried away with the whipped cream." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +RT @Pretty_HotPink: Gotta buy some new kitchenware...think I'll make his fav & he BETTER eat it<#thatswhatshesaid #twss +@householdhacker Make it fit! >:D #twss +@rammy318 - Hmm. Damn, that's a hard one. #TWSS +Just busted out a #TWSS. Are those retro-cool yet? +#TWSS No, really. RT: @rajeshmacha: Tickle my Vagina +Random joke by @CaitHealy: "It's creamy, it's gentle, it's effective" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +still waiting for a native iPad Apple Remote app. Album art is pixel-y & the fonts are HUGE. #twss +#TWSS RT @sarahmsalter: Actually, I slept the last two hours to recover from the work and of course, the snakehandling. +#TWSS! RT @isaachowe: And I quote " I guess I just need to stay stimulated " - @adammyerson +RT @NillaBooty: Omg. He's like 5 foot. Lol. <--#TWSS. +TWSS - a pretrained That's-What-She-Said classifier written in Ruby. Let the mashups begin! #twss +@1rving Hahahahaha #TWSS!! +Thahaha I'm havin the biggest ( #TWSS ) convo eva.. sittin here rollin.. only if she knew lmao +#twss #twstweets "This is gonna get so big." +#TWSS RT @perniciously I could do it before and I can do it now. +@chicabeingme of course we'll drag you there! Even if you don't wanna go. Also #TWSS :P @mizarcle @nautanki @aneebunee +Random joke by @wscollins06: "He said I barely passed his test" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@xGolden HAHA yeah me too everytime I talk to @TeamPeterick_ I make at least 5 #TWSS lmao xDD yur awesum for RTing lol d(^_^)b <--thumbs up +RT @hotKimmodity: RT @Ant_ThunderUp: Im tight - #TWSS +i know #OneOfMyFollowers is gonna read that last tweet and hit me w/ that #twss shit. *sets stopwatch* Waaaiit foooor iiit. =/ +RT @CheFonz: #twss @KelvinDaAPE1906 #GOTEM RT @MizKerr: Guess what I'm gettin ready to dooooo....EAT *does happy dance* :D--thats corny +this boy in the hair salon just said "open it up and taste it" #TWSS +Warren G was the shit. He didn't do "This Dj" but fuck it. <— #twss but yeah there are some punks out there I'd advise y'all to skip on. +RT @fadingecho: @AZVern Yeah, Dude, you're tellin' me! It was all up in my eye and shit... #TWSS +@thtswhtshesd "My god! It was so hot I had to open the back door!" You know that's what she said #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +Just stick that thru the hole and keep going in and out #TWSS #ThatsWhatSheSaid +How? RT @gargneha: #TWSS :) RT @BrettLeeholic: @jhayu Unfollow you and miss the fun? No friggin' way. =P @gargneha +@thtswhtshesd "Stop banging things over there!" #TWSS +Post your best #ThatsWhatSheSaid jokes at and vote! #TWSS #TheOffice +#TWSS :) RT @BrettLeeholic: @jhayu Unfollow you and miss the fun? No friggin' way. =P @gargneha +#TWSS!!!! RT @Sazzle2485: @elusivekoolaid .."i dont like my meats mixed up".... totallt "trip and hendy"..... lolololololololololololololol +#TWSS RT @preetidhingra: @sunilea Abhi to raat jawan hai... +RT @ted_c619: C'mon #Padres, let's turn things around tonight and get a winning streak going! #lastnight'sperformancewasunacceptable #twss +C'mon #Padres, let's turn things around tonight and get a winning streak going! #lastnight'sperformancewasunacceptable #twss +#TWSS in d brackets good night :-D RT @Lady_shweta: Good night World. Peace. Sleep. Dream. (No sweets today i am on a diet) +Random joke by @KKrisR: "Let's get this party started!!!" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +I think I died and went to food heaven. No way I can fit all this in me. #twss +@NateBDavis I have a single in autotune it bangs hard in the club #twss (no need 2 say it) lol its nice right @arielcherie +B3d ma yabela.. #TWSS "@Q8ROFL: Its fuck, not fudge not fak not funk. IT IS FUCK OK??!" +Just found out other people abbreviate that's what she said, too! #TWSS! +Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +Its so big.... #twss +Lmao RT @taut_7: @couturefreak i know but it's hard. #twss +Random joke by @desrosj: "My lettuce is wilting." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +@fatdaddystacks rub it in....#TWSS +My butt is sore. WTF?! #TWSS +I'm gonna have to go with #TWSS on that. Just about. RT @oneblackcoffee: I used all my energy on doing nothing +Me: "We couldn't use the cooler on the river, they have a size limit." Mom: "Yeah. That's what she said. [high five]" Wow. #TWSS +Random joke by @VertigoMonster: "I hurt; I don't wanna do any more." #twss #thatswhatshesaid +Today's featured user is @AZX3RIC. They have submitted 1 joke. Their joke: #twss #thatswhatshesaid +'I don't like the big balls, I like the small balls' #TWSS +RT @BeatSupreme: Ok, these back muscle spasms are getting ridiculous!!!!!!! <----#TWSS. +@OnTheFlyTour thats what she said! #twss +Random joke by @TheVeganOne: "Was last night enjoyable for you?" #twss #thatswhatshesaid +RT @diogeneb: Haunnnnnnn #TWSS RT: @lavanyam: @gradwolf I DO +#TWSS RT @ratichaudhary: @parswani_pri #pms? +Haunnnnnnn #TWSS RT: @lavanyam: @gradwolf I DO +RT @thtswhtshesd: Post your best #ThatsWhatSheSaid jokes at and vote! #TWSS #TheOffice +Post your best #ThatsWhatSheSaid jokes at and vote! #TWSS #TheOffice +#TWSS :) RT @TeenThings: It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you never stop. #teenthings +@YANNAHness That's what she said! #TWSS +@phishgirl3 @herselfwpg you've never failed me on a #twss +@rukmaniram New DP. Blatant #TWSS on the DP too. :P +"It tasted really good, I just felt like it was in my best interests not to swallow it. #TWSS +@stevekaw @KeithAllGamer "...practiced hands..." #TWSS +No one voted on any jokes yesterday, so no top rated joke for Friday. Make sure to vote for new jokes as they are added! #twss +#TWSS RT @diam0ndhead94: @sarahmsalter @mahjerle Or just a twisted obsession. Either way, I'll take it! +#TWSS RT @sarahmsalter: @homeloan_ninja NEVER AGAIN. I like meat. +@deonmims #twss +OH: all I do is move balls around. +Yeah, I do the same thing #TWSS +@PinkFluffGirl I have to go there this weekend, so I will look for indestructable balls. #TWSS +@ja_dono #twss +@mayhemstudios yah lol my old handle got taken. @AnythingAnthony told me to add the Supa. I'm happy with it. It's really long #twss +RT @BeatSupreme: @ily_aloha u always know when I'm coming <--#twss +LOL! @shareski threw a huge #twss softball: +@jonbecker That's got to be one of the best #twss responses I've seen. +@crawfordcomeaux @JayCalle that's what she said! #twss +@thtswhtshesd (talking about chocolate) js:i can't break it!its too hard! me: that's what she said! #twss +Heard a good #ThatsWhatSheSaid? Go to and share it! #TWSS +@Dr_Phil I wish I could come tomorrow!! #twss but yeah today's decent enough +"The sorrier you get, the harder I become." #twss #wifeswap