resources/locales/is/currencies.yml in twitter_cldr-3.0.10 vs resources/locales/is/currencies.yml in twitter_cldr-3.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,954 +1,763 @@
:one: "Andorrskur peseti"
- :other: "Andorran pesetas"
:one: "arabískt dírham"
:other: "arabísk dírhöm"
- :AFA:
- :one: "Afghan afghani (1927–2002)"
- :other: "Afghan afghanis (1927–2002)"
+ :symbol: "AED"
:one: "afgani"
:other: "afganar"
- :ALK:
- :one: "Albanian lek (1946–1965)"
- :other: "Albanian lekë (1946–1965)"
+ :symbol: "AFN"
:one: "albanskt lek"
:other: "albönsk lek"
+ :symbol: "ALL"
:one: "armenskt dramm"
:other: "armensk drömm"
+ :symbol: "AMD"
:one: "hollenskt Antillugyllini"
:other: "hollensk Antillugyllini"
+ :symbol: "ANG"
:one: "angólsk kvansa"
:other: "angólskar kvönsur"
- :AOK:
- :one: "Angolan kwanza (1977–1991)"
- :other: "Angolan kwanzas (1977–1991)"
- :AON:
- :one: "Angolan new kwanza (1990–2000)"
- :other: "Angolan new kwanzas (1990–2000)"
- :AOR:
- :one: "Angolan readjusted kwanza (1995–1999)"
- :other: "Angolan readjusted kwanzas (1995–1999)"
+ :symbol: "AOA"
:one: "Argentine Austral"
- :other: "Argentine australs"
- :ARL:
- :one: "Argentine peso ley (1970–1983)"
- :other: "Argentine pesos ley (1970–1983)"
- :ARM:
- :one: "Argentine peso (1881–1970)"
- :other: "Argentine pesos (1881–1970)"
:one: "Argentískur pesi (1983–1985)"
- :other: "Argentine pesos (1983–1985)"
:one: "argentínskur pesi"
:other: "argentínskir pesar"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "ARS"
:one: "Austurrískur skildingur"
- :other: "Austrian schillings"
:one: "ástralskur dalur"
:other: "ástralskir dalir"
- :symbol: "A$"
+ :symbol: "AUD"
:one: "arúbönsk flórína"
:other: "arúbanskar flórínur"
- :AZM:
- :one: "Azerbaijani manat (1993–2006)"
- :other: "Azerbaijani manats (1993–2006)"
+ :symbol: "AWG"
:one: "aserskt manat"
:other: "asersk manöt"
- :BAD:
- :one: "Bosnia-Herzegovina dinar (1992–1994)"
- :other: "Bosnia-Herzegovina dinars (1992–1994)"
+ :symbol: "AZN"
:one: "skiptanlegt Bosníu og Hersegóvínu-mark"
:other: "skiptanleg Bosníu og Hersegóvínu-mörk"
- :BAN:
- :one: "Bosnia-Herzegovina new dinar (1994–1997)"
- :other: "Bosnia-Herzegovina new dinars (1994–1997)"
+ :symbol: "BAM"
:one: "barbadoskur dalur"
:other: "barbadoskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "BBD"
:one: "bangladessk taka"
:other: "bangladesskar tökur"
- :symbol: "৳"
- :BEC:
- :one: "Belgian franc (convertible)"
- :other: "Belgian francs (convertible)"
+ :symbol: "BDT"
:one: "Belgískur franki"
- :other: "Belgian francs"
- :BEL:
- :one: "Belgian franc (financial)"
- :other: "Belgian francs (financial)"
:one: "Lef"
- :other: "Bulgarian hard leva"
- :BGM:
- :one: "Bulgarian socialist lev"
- :other: "Bulgarian socialist leva"
:one: "búlgarskt lef"
:other: "búlgörsk lef"
- :BGO:
- :one: "Bulgarian lev (1879–1952)"
- :other: "Bulgarian leva (1879–1952)"
+ :symbol: "BGN"
:one: "bareinskur denari"
:other: "bareinskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "BHD"
:one: "búrúndískur franki"
:other: "búrúndískir frankar"
+ :symbol: "BIF"
:one: "Bermúdadalur"
:other: "Bermúdadalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "BMD"
:one: "brúneiskur dalur"
:other: "brúneiskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "BND"
:one: "bólivíani"
:other: "bólivíanar"
- :BOL:
- :one: "Bolivian boliviano (1863–1963)"
- :other: "Bolivian bolivianos (1863–1963)"
+ :symbol: "BOB"
:one: "Bólivískur pesi"
- :other: "Bolivian pesos"
:one: "Bolivian Mvdol"
- :other: "Bolivian mvdols"
- :BRB:
- :one: "Brazilian new cruzeiro (1967–1986)"
- :other: "Brazilian new cruzeiros (1967–1986)"
- :BRC:
- :one: "Brazilian cruzado (1986–1989)"
- :other: "Brazilian cruzados (1986–1989)"
- :BRE:
- :one: "Brazilian cruzeiro (1990–1993)"
- :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1990–1993)"
:one: "brasilískt ríal"
:other: "brasilísk ríöl"
- :symbol: "R$"
- :BRN:
- :one: "Brazilian new cruzado (1989–1990)"
- :other: "Brazilian new cruzados (1989–1990)"
- :BRR:
- :one: "Brazilian cruzeiro (1993–1994)"
- :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1993–1994)"
- :BRZ:
- :one: "Brazilian cruzeiro (1942–1967)"
- :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1942–1967)"
+ :symbol: "BRL"
:one: "Bahamadalur"
:other: "Bahamadalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "BSD"
:one: "bútanskt núltrum"
:other: "bútönsk núltrum"
+ :symbol: "BTN"
:one: "Búrmverskt kjat"
- :other: "Burmese kyats"
:one: "botsvönsk púla"
:other: "botsvanskar púlur"
- :BYB:
- :one: "Belarusian new ruble (1994–1999)"
- :other: "Belarusian new rubles (1994–1999)"
+ :symbol: "BWP"
:one: "hvítrússnesk rúbla"
:other: "hvítrússneskar rúblur"
- :symbol: "р."
+ :symbol: "BYR"
:one: "belískur dalur"
:other: "belískir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "BZD"
:one: "kanadískur dalur"
:other: "kanadískir dalir"
:symbol: "CAD"
:one: "kongóskur franki"
:other: "kongóskir frankar"
- :CHE:
- :one: "WIR euro"
- :other: "WIR euros"
+ :symbol: "CDF"
:one: "svissneskur franki"
:other: "svissneskir frankar"
- :CHW:
- :one: "WIR franc"
- :other: "WIR francs"
- :CLE:
- :one: "Chilean escudo"
- :other: "Chilean escudos"
+ :symbol: "CHF"
:one: "Chilean Unidades de Fomento"
- :other: "Chilean units of account (UF)"
:one: "síleskur pesi"
:other: "síleskir pesar"
- :symbol: "$"
- :CNX:
- :one: "Chinese People’s Bank dollar"
- :other: "Chinese People’s Bank dollars"
+ :symbol: "CLP"
:one: "kínverskt júan"
:other: "kínversk júön"
:symbol: "CN¥"
:one: "kólumbískur pesi"
:other: "kólumbískir pesar"
- :symbol: "$"
- :COU:
- :one: "Colombian real value unit"
- :other: "Colombian real value units"
+ :symbol: "COP"
:one: "kostarískt kólon"
:other: "kostarísk kólon"
- :symbol: "₡"
- :CSD:
- :one: "Serbian dinar (2002–2006)"
- :other: "Serbian dinars (2002–2006)"
+ :symbol: "CRC"
:one: "Tékknesk króna, eldri"
- :other: "Czechoslovak hard korunas"
:one: "kúbverskur skiptanlegur pesi"
:other: "kúbverskir skiptanlegir pesar"
+ :symbol: "CUC"
:one: "kúbverskur pesi"
:other: "kúbverskir pesar"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "CUP"
:one: "grænhöfðeyskur skúti"
:other: "grænhöfðeyskir skútar"
+ :symbol: "CVE"
:one: "Kýpverskt pund"
- :other: "Cypriot pounds"
:one: "tékknesk króna"
:other: "tékkneskar krónur"
+ :symbol: "CZK"
:one: "Austurþýskt mark"
- :other: "East German marks"
:one: "Þýskt mark"
- :other: "German marks"
:one: "djíbútískur franki"
:other: "djíbútískir frankar"
+ :symbol: "DJF"
:one: "dönsk króna"
:other: "danskar krónur"
+ :symbol: "DKK"
:one: "dóminískur pesi"
:other: "dóminískir pesar"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "DOP"
:one: "alsírskur denari"
:other: "alsírskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "DZD"
:one: "Ecuador Sucre"
- :other: "Ecuadorian sucres"
- :ECV:
- :one: "Ecuadorian unit of constant value"
- :other: "Ecuadorian units of constant value"
:one: "Eistnesk króna"
- :other: "Estonian kroons"
:one: "egypskt pund"
:other: "egypsk pund"
+ :symbol: "EGP"
:one: "erítresk nakfa"
:other: "erítreskar nökfur"
- :ESA:
- :one: "Spanish peseta (A account)"
- :other: "Spanish pesetas (A account)"
- :ESB:
- :one: "Spanish peseta (convertible account)"
- :other: "Spanish pesetas (convertible account)"
+ :symbol: "ERN"
:one: "Spænskur peseti"
- :other: "Spanish pesetas"
:symbol: "₧"
:one: "eþíópískt birr"
:other: "eþíópísk birr"
+ :symbol: "ETB"
:one: "evra"
:other: "evrur"
- :symbol: "€"
+ :symbol: "EUR"
:one: "Finnskt mark"
- :other: "Finnish markkas"
:one: "fídjeyskur dalur"
:other: "fídjeyskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "FJD"
:one: "falklenskt pund"
:other: "falklensk pund"
+ :symbol: "FKP"
:one: "Franskur franki"
- :other: "French francs"
:one: "sterlingspund"
:other: "sterlingspund"
- :symbol: "£"
- :GEK:
- :one: "Georgian kupon larit"
- :other: "Georgian kupon larits"
+ :symbol: "GBP"
:one: "georgískur lari"
:other: "georgískir larar"
- :GHC:
- :one: "Ghanaian cedi (1979–2007)"
- :other: "Ghanaian cedis (1979–2007)"
+ :symbol: "GEL"
:one: "ganverskur sedi"
:other: "ganverskir sedar"
- :symbol: "₵"
+ :symbol: "GHS"
:one: "Gíbraltarspund"
:other: "Gíbraltarspund"
- :symbol: "£"
+ :symbol: "GIP"
:one: "gambískur dalasi"
:other: "gambískir dalasar"
+ :symbol: "GMD"
:one: "Gíneufranki"
:other: "Gíneufrankar"
- :GNS:
- :one: "Guinean syli"
- :other: "Guinean sylis"
- :GQE:
- :one: "Equatorial Guinean ekwele"
- :other: "Equatorial Guinean ekwele"
+ :symbol: "GNF"
:one: "Drakma"
- :other: "Greek drachmas"
:one: "gvatemalskt kvesal"
:other: "gvatemölsk kvesöl"
+ :symbol: "GTQ"
:one: "Portúgalskur, gíneskur skúti"
- :other: "Portuguese Guinea escudos"
- :GWP:
- :one: "Guinea-Bissau peso"
- :other: "Guinea-Bissau pesos"
:one: "gvæjanskur dalur"
:other: "gvæjanskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "GYD"
:one: "Hong Kong-dalur"
:other: "Hong Kong-dalir"
:symbol: "HK$"
:one: "hondúrsk lempíra"
:other: "hondúrskar lempírur"
- :HRD:
- :one: "Croatian dinar"
- :other: "Croatian dinars"
+ :symbol: "HNL"
:one: "króatísk kúna"
:other: "króatískar kúnur"
+ :symbol: "HRK"
:one: "haítískur gúrdi"
:other: "haítískir gúrdar"
+ :symbol: "HTG"
:one: "ungversk fórinta"
:other: "ungverskar fórintur"
+ :symbol: "HUF"
:one: "indónesísk rúpía"
:other: "indónesískar rúpíur"
+ :symbol: "IDR"
:one: "Írskt pund"
- :other: "Irish pounds"
:one: "Ísraelskt pund"
- :other: "Israeli pounds"
- :ILR:
- :one: "Israeli sheqel (1980–1985)"
- :other: "Israeli sheqels (1980–1985)"
:one: "nýr ísraelskur sikill"
:other: "nýir ísraelskir siklar"
:symbol: "₪"
:one: "indversk rúpía"
:other: "indverskar rúpíur"
- :symbol: "₹"
+ :symbol: "INR"
:one: "írakskur denari"
:other: "írakskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "IQD"
:one: "íranskt ríal"
:other: "írönsk ríöl"
- :ISJ:
- :one: "Icelandic króna (1918–1981)"
- :other: "Icelandic krónur (1918–1981)"
+ :symbol: "IRR"
:one: "íslensk króna"
:other: "íslenskar krónur"
- :symbol: "kr"
+ :symbol: "ISK"
:one: "Ítölsk líra"
- :other: "Italian liras"
:one: "jamaískur dalur"
:other: "jamaískir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "JMD"
:one: "jórdanskur denari"
:other: "jórdanskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "JOD"
:one: "japanskt jen"
:other: "japönsk jen"
:symbol: "JP¥"
:one: "kenískur skildingur"
:other: "kenískir skildingar"
+ :symbol: "KES"
:one: "kirgiskt som"
:other: "kirgisk som"
+ :symbol: "KGS"
:one: "kambódískt ríal"
:other: "kambódísk ríöl"
- :symbol: "៛"
+ :symbol: "KHR"
:one: "kómoreyskur franki"
:other: "kómoreyskir frankar"
+ :symbol: "KMF"
:one: "norðurkóreskt vonn"
:other: "norðurkóresk vonn"
- :KRH:
- :one: "South Korean hwan (1953–1962)"
- :other: "South Korean hwan (1953–1962)"
- :KRO:
- :one: "South Korean won (1945–1953)"
- :other: "South Korean won (1945–1953)"
+ :symbol: "KPW"
:one: "suðurkóreskt vonn"
:other: "suðurkóresk vonn"
- :symbol: "₩"
+ :symbol: "KRW"
:one: "kúveiskur denari"
:other: "kúveiskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "KWD"
:one: "caymaneyskur dalur"
:other: "caymaneyskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "KYD"
:one: "kasakst tengi"
:other: "kasöksk tengi"
- :symbol: "₸"
+ :symbol: "KZT"
:one: "laoskt kip"
:other: "laosk kip"
- :symbol: "₭"
+ :symbol: "LAK"
:one: "líbanskt pund"
:other: "líbönsk pund"
+ :symbol: "LBP"
:one: "srílönsk rúpía"
:other: "srílanskar rúpíur"
+ :symbol: "LKR"
:one: "líberískur dalur"
:other: "líberískir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "LRD"
:one: "Lesotho Loti"
- :other: "Lesotho lotis"
:one: "litháískt lít"
:other: "litháísk lít"
+ :symbol: "LTL"
:one: "Lithuanian Talonas"
- :other: "Lithuanian talonases"
- :LUC:
- :one: "Luxembourgian convertible franc"
- :other: "Luxembourgian convertible francs"
:one: "Lúxemborgarfranki"
- :other: "Luxembourgian francs"
- :LUL:
- :one: "Luxembourg financial franc"
- :other: "Luxembourg financial francs"
:one: "lettneskt lat"
:other: "lettnesk löt"
+ :symbol: "LVL"
:one: "Lettnesk rúbla"
- :other: "Latvian rubles"
:one: "líbískur denari"
:other: "líbískir denarar"
+ :symbol: "LYD"
:one: "marokkóskt dírham"
:other: "marokkósk dírhöm"
+ :symbol: "MAD"
:one: "Marokkóskur franki"
- :other: "Moroccan francs"
- :MCF:
- :one: "Monegasque franc"
- :other: "Monegasque francs"
- :MDC:
- :one: "Moldovan cupon"
- :other: "Moldovan cupon"
:one: "moldavískt lei"
:other: "moldavísk lei"
+ :symbol: "MDL"
:one: "Madagaskararjari"
:other: "Madagaskararjarar"
+ :symbol: "MGA"
:one: "Madagaskur franki"
- :other: "Malagasy francs"
:one: "makedónskur denari"
:other: "makedónskir denarar"
- :MKN:
- :one: "Macedonian denar (1992–1993)"
- :other: "Macedonian denari (1992–1993)"
+ :symbol: "MKD"
:one: "Malískur franki"
- :other: "Malian francs"
:one: "mjanmarskt kjat"
:other: "mjanmörsk kjöt"
+ :symbol: "MMK"
:one: "mongólskur túríkur"
:other: "mongólskir túríkar"
- :symbol: "₮"
+ :symbol: "MNT"
:one: "Makaópataka"
:other: "Makaópatökur"
+ :symbol: "MOP"
:one: "máritönsk úgía"
:other: "máritanskar úgíur"
+ :symbol: "MRO"
:one: "Meltnesk líra"
- :other: "Maltese lira"
:one: "Maltneskt pund"
- :other: "Maltese pounds"
:one: "máritísk rúpía"
:other: "máritískar rúpíur"
- :MVP:
- :one: "Maldivian rupee"
- :other: "Maldivian rupees"
+ :symbol: "MUR"
:one: "maldíveysk rúpía"
:other: "maldíveyskar rúpíur"
+ :symbol: "MVR"
:one: "malavísk kvaka"
:other: "malavískar kvökur"
+ :symbol: "MWK"
:one: "mexíkóskur pesi"
:other: "mexíkóskir pesar"
:symbol: "MXN"
:one: "Mexíkóskur silfurpesi (1861–1992)"
- :other: "Mexican silver pesos (1861–1992)"
:one: "Mexíkóskur pesi, UDI"
- :other: "Mexican investment units"
:one: "malasískt ringit"
:other: "malasísk ringit"
+ :symbol: "MYR"
:one: "Mósambískur skúti"
- :other: "Mozambican escudos"
- :MZM:
- :one: "Mozambican metical (1980–2006)"
- :other: "Mozambican meticals (1980–2006)"
:one: "mósambískt metikal"
:other: "mósambísk metiköl"
+ :symbol: "MZN"
:one: "namibískur dalur"
:other: "namibískir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "NAD"
:one: "nígerísk næra"
:other: "nígerískar nærur"
- :symbol: "₦"
- :NIC:
- :one: "Nicaraguan córdoba (1988–1991)"
- :other: "Nicaraguan córdobas (1988–1991)"
+ :symbol: "NGN"
:one: "níkarögsk kordóva"
:other: "níkaragskar kordóvur"
+ :symbol: "NIO"
:one: "Hollenskt gyllini"
- :other: "Dutch guilders"
:one: "norsk króna"
:other: "norskar krónur"
+ :symbol: "NOK"
:one: "nepölsk rúpía"
:other: "nepalskar rúpíur"
+ :symbol: "NPR"
:one: "nýsjálenskur dalur"
:other: "nýsjálenskir dalir"
- :symbol: "NZ$"
+ :symbol: "NZD"
:one: "ómanskt ríal"
:other: "ómönsk ríöl"
+ :symbol: "OMR"
:one: "balbói"
:other: "balbóar"
- :PEI:
- :one: "Peruvian inti"
- :other: "Peruvian intis"
+ :symbol: "PAB"
:one: "perúskt sól"
:other: "perúsk sól"
- :PES:
- :one: "Peruvian sol (1863–1965)"
- :other: "Peruvian soles (1863–1965)"
+ :symbol: "PEN"
:one: "papúsk kína"
:other: "papúskar kínur"
+ :symbol: "PGK"
:one: "filippseyskur pesi"
:other: "filippseyskir pesar"
- :symbol: "₱"
+ :symbol: "PHP"
:one: "pakistönsk rúpía"
:other: "pakistanskar rúpíur"
+ :symbol: "PKR"
:one: "pólskt slot"
:other: "pólsk slot"
+ :symbol: "PLN"
:one: "Slot"
- :other: "Polish zlotys (PLZ)"
:one: "Portúgalskur skúti"
- :other: "Portuguese escudos"
:one: "paragvæskt gvaraní"
:other: "paragvæsk gvaraní"
- :symbol: "₲"
+ :symbol: "PYG"
:one: "katarskt ríal"
:other: "katörsk ríöl"
- :RHD:
- :one: "Rhodesian dollar"
- :other: "Rhodesian dollars"
+ :symbol: "QAR"
:one: "Rúmenskt lei (1952–2006)"
:other: "Rúmenskt lei (1952–2006)"
:one: "rúmenskt lei"
:other: "rúmensk lei"
+ :symbol: "RON"
:one: "serbneskur denari"
:other: "serbneskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "RSD"
:one: "rússnesk rúbla"
:other: "rússneskar rúblur"
+ :symbol: "RUB"
:one: "Rússnesk rúbla (1991–1998)"
- :other: "Russian rubles (1991–1998)"
:symbol: "р."
:one: "rúandskur franki"
:other: "rúandskir frankar"
+ :symbol: "RWF"
:one: "sádiarabískt ríal"
:other: "sádiarabísk ríöl"
+ :symbol: "SAR"
:one: "salómonseyskur dalur"
:other: "salómonseyskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "SBD"
:one: "Seychellesrúpía"
:other: "Seychellesrúpíur"
+ :symbol: "SCR"
:one: "Súdanskur denari"
- :other: "Sudanese dinars (1992–2007)"
:one: "súdanskt pund"
:other: "súdönsk pund"
+ :symbol: "SDG"
:one: "Súdanskt pund (1957–1998)"
- :other: "Sudanese pounds (1957–1998)"
:one: "sænsk króna"
:other: "sænskar krónur"
+ :symbol: "SEK"
:one: "singapúrskur dalur"
:other: "singapúrskir dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "SGD"
:one: "helenskt pund"
:other: "helensk pund"
+ :symbol: "SHP"
:one: "Slóvenskur dalur"
- :other: "Slovenian tolars"
:one: "Slóvakísk króna"
- :other: "Slovak korunas"
:one: "síerraleónsk ljóna"
:other: "síerraleónskar ljónur"
+ :symbol: "SLL"
:one: "sómalískur skildingur"
:other: "sómalískir skildingar"
+ :symbol: "SOS"
:one: "Súrínamdalur"
:other: "Súrínamdalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "SRD"
:one: "Suriname Guilder"
- :other: "Surinamese guilders"
:one: "suðursúdanskt pund"
:other: "suðursúdönsk pund"
- :symbol: "£"
+ :symbol: "SSP"
:one: "Saó Tóme og Prinsípe-dóbra"
:other: "Saó Tóme og Prinsípe-dóbrur"
+ :symbol: "STD"
:one: "Soviet Rouble"
- :other: "Soviet roubles"
:one: "El Salvador Colon"
:other: "El Salvador Colon"
:one: "sýrlenskt pund"
:other: "sýrlensk pund"
+ :symbol: "SYP"
:one: "svasílenskur lílangeni"
:other: "svasílenskir lílangenar"
+ :symbol: "SZL"
:one: "taílenskt bat"
:other: "taílensk böt"
- :symbol: "฿"
+ :symbol: "THB"
:one: "Tadsjiksk rúbla"
- :other: "Tajikistani rubles"
:one: "tadsjikskur sómóni"
:other: "tadsjikskir sómónar"
+ :symbol: "TJS"
:one: "Túrkmenskt manat (1993–2009)"
:other: "Túrkmenskt manat (1993–2009)"
:one: "túrkmenskt manat"
:other: "túrkmensk manöt"
+ :symbol: "TMT"
:one: "túniskur denari"
:other: "túniskir denarar"
+ :symbol: "TND"
:one: "Tongapanga"
:other: "Tongapöngur"
+ :symbol: "TOP"
:one: "Tímorskur skúti"
- :other: "Timorese escudos"
:one: "Tyrknesk líra (1922–2005)"
- :other: "Turkish Lira (1922–2005)"
:one: "tyrknesk líra"
:other: "tyrkneskar lírur"
- :symbol: "₺"
+ :symbol: "TRY"
:one: "Trínidad og Tóbagó-dalur"
:other: "Trínidad og Tóbagó-dalir"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "TTD"
:one: "taívanskur dalur"
:other: "taívanskir dalir"
- :symbol: "NT$"
+ :symbol: "TWD"
:one: "tansanískur skildingur"
:other: "tansanískir skildingar"
+ :symbol: "TZS"
:one: "úkraínsk hrinja"
:other: "úkraínskar hrinjur"
- :symbol: "₴"
+ :symbol: "UAH"
:one: "Ukrainian Karbovanetz"
- :other: "Ukrainian karbovantsiv"
- :UGS:
- :one: "Ugandan shilling (1966–1987)"
- :other: "Ugandan shillings (1966–1987)"
:one: "úgandskur skildingur"
:other: "úgandskir skildingur"
+ :symbol: "UGX"
:one: "Bandaríkjadalur"
:other: "Bandaríkjadalir"
:symbol: "USD"
:one: "Bandaríkjadalur (næsta dag)"
- :other: "US dollars (next day)"
:one: "Bandaríkjadalur (sama dag)"
- :other: "US dollars (same day)"
- :UYI:
- :one: "Uruguayan peso (indexed units)"
- :other: "Uruguayan pesos (indexed units)"
- :UYP:
- :one: "Uruguayan peso (1975–1993)"
- :other: "Uruguayan pesos (1975–1993)"
:one: "úrúgvæskur pesi"
:other: "úrúgvæskir pesar"
- :symbol: "$"
+ :symbol: "UYU"
:one: "úsbekskt súm"
:other: "úsbeksk súm"
+ :symbol: "UZS"
:one: "Bolívar í Venesúela (1871–2008)"
- :other: "Venezuelan bolívars (1871–2008)"
:one: "venesúelskur bólívari"
:other: "venesúelskir bólívarar"
+ :symbol: "VEF"
:one: "víetnamskt dong"
:other: "víetnömsk dong"
- :symbol: "₫"
- :VNN:
- :one: "Vietnamese dong (1978–1985)"
- :other: "Vietnamese dong (1978–1985)"
+ :symbol: "VND"
:one: "vanúatúskt vatú"
:other: "vanúatúsk vatú"
+ :symbol: "VUV"
:one: "Samóatala"
:other: "Samóatölur"
+ :symbol: "WST"
:one: "miðafrískur franki"
:other: "miðafrískir frankar"
:symbol: "FCFA"
- :XAG:
- :one: "troy ounce of silver"
- :other: "troy ounces of silver"
- :XAU:
- :one: "troy ounce of gold"
- :other: "troy ounces of gold"
- :XBA:
- :one: "European composite unit"
- :other: "European composite units"
- :XBB:
- :one: "European monetary unit"
- :other: "European monetary units"
- :XBC:
- :one: "European unit of account (XBC)"
- :other: "European units of account (XBC)"
- :XBD:
- :one: "European unit of account (XBD)"
- :other: "European units of account (XBD)"
:one: "austurkarabískur dalur"
:other: "austurkarabískir dalir"
:symbol: "EC$"
:one: "Sérstök dráttarréttindi"
- :other: "special drawing rights"
- :XEU:
- :one: "European currency unit"
- :other: "European currency units"
:one: "Franskur gullfranki"
- :other: "French gold francs"
:one: "Franskur franki, UIC"
- :other: "French UIC-francs"
:one: "vesturafrískur franki"
:other: "vesturafrískir frankar"
:symbol: "CFA"
- :XPD:
- :one: "troy ounce of palladium"
- :other: "troy ounces of palladium"
:one: "pólinesískur franki"
:other: "pólinesískir frankar"
:symbol: "CFPF"
- :XPT:
- :one: "troy ounce of platinum"
- :other: "troy ounces of platinum"
- :XRE:
- :one: "RINET Funds unit"
- :other: "RINET Funds units"
- :XSU:
- :one: "Sucre"
- :other: "Sucres"
- :XTS:
- :one: "Testing Currency unit"
- :other: "Testing Currency units"
- :XUA:
- :one: "ADB unit of account"
- :other: "ADB units of account"
:one: "(óþekktur gjaldmiðill)"
:other: "(óþekktur gjaldmiðill)"
:one: "Jemenskur denari"
- :other: "Yemeni dinars"
:one: "jemenskt ríal"
:other: "jemensk ríöl"
- :YUD:
- :one: "Yugoslavian hard dinar (1966–1990)"
- :other: "Yugoslavian hard dinars (1966–1990)"
+ :symbol: "YER"
:one: "Júgóslavneskur denari"
- :other: "Yugoslavian new dinars (1994–2002)"
- :YUN:
- :one: "Yugoslavian convertible dinar (1990–1992)"
- :other: "Yugoslavian convertible dinars (1990–1992)"
- :YUR:
- :one: "Yugoslavian reformed dinar (1992–1993)"
- :other: "Yugoslavian reformed dinars (1992–1993)"
:one: "Rand (viðskipta)"
- :other: "South African rands (financial)"
:one: "suðurafrískt rand"
:other: "suðurafrísk rönd"
+ :symbol: "ZAR"
:one: "Zambian Kwacha (1968–2012)"
- :other: "Zambian kwachas (1968–2012)"
:one: "sambísk kvaka"
:other: "sambískar kvökur"
- :ZRN:
- :one: "Zairean new zaire (1993–1998)"
- :other: "Zairean new zaires (1993–1998)"
- :ZRZ:
- :one: "Zairean zaire (1971–1993)"
- :other: "Zairean zaires (1971–1993)"
+ :symbol: "ZMW"
:one: "Simbabveskur dalur"
- :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (1980–2008)"
- :ZWL:
- :one: "Zimbabwean dollar (2009)"
- :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (2009)"
- :ZWR:
- :one: "Zimbabwean dollar (2008)"
- :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (2008)"