Rakefile in twitter-text-1.10.0 vs Rakefile in twitter-text-1.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,51 +3,23 @@
task :default => ['spec', 'test:conformance']
task :test => :spec
+require 'rubygems'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-def conformance_version(dir)
- require 'digest'
- Dir[File.join(dir, '*')].inject(Digest::SHA1.new){|digest, file| digest.update(Digest::SHA1.file(file).hexdigest) }
namespace :test do
namespace :conformance do
- desc "Update conformance testing data"
- task :update do
- puts "Updating conformance data ... "
- system("git submodule init") || raise("Failed to init submodule")
- system("git submodule update") || raise("Failed to update submodule")
- puts "Updating conformance data ... DONE"
- end
- desc "Change conformance test data to the lastest version"
- task :latest => ['conformance:update'] do
- current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- submodule_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test", "twitter-text-conformance")
- version_before = conformance_version(submodule_dir)
- system("cd #{submodule_dir} && git pull origin master") || raise("Failed to pull submodule version")
- system("cd #{current_dir}")
- if conformance_version(submodule_dir) != version_before
- system("cd #{current_dir} && git add #{submodule_dir}") || raise("Failed to add upgrade files")
- system("git commit -m \"Upgraded to the latest conformance suite\" #{submodule_dir}") || raise("Failed to commit upgraded conformacne data")
- puts "Upgraded conformance suite."
- else
- puts "No conformance suite changes."
- end
- end
desc "Run conformance test suite"
task :run do
ruby '-rubygems', "test/conformance_test.rb"
desc "Run conformance test suite"
- task :conformance => ['conformance:update', 'conformance:run'] do
+ task :conformance => ['conformance:run'] do
require 'rdoc/task'
namespace :doc do