Rakefile in twilio-ruby-5.31.5 vs Rakefile in twilio-ruby-5.31.6
- old
+ new
@@ -6,59 +6,5 @@
desc 'Run all specs'
task default: :spec
task test: :spec
-task :authors do
- `make authors`
-task :deploy, [:version] => [:spec, :authors] do |t, args|
- current_version = Twilio::VERSION
- if args.version.nil?
- version = Twilio::VERSION
- version_parts = version.split('.')
- increment = version_parts.pop
- increment_prefix = increment.split(/\d/)[0]
- increment = increment[increment_prefix.length..-1] if increment_prefix
- increment = increment.to_i + 1
- increment = "#{increment_prefix}#{increment}" if increment_prefix
- version = [*version_parts, increment].join('.')
- else
- version = args.version
- end
- puts("Deploying #{version}")
- # Update version.rb
- version_file = <<SRC
-module Twilio
- VERSION = '#{version}'
- File.write('lib/twilio-ruby/version.rb', version_file)
- # Update README.md
- current_readme = File.read('README.md')
- new_readme = current_readme.gsub(Regexp.new(current_version.gsub('.', '\.')), version)
- File.write('README.md', new_readme)
- # Make a git commit
- `git commit -am "Bumping to version #{version}"`
- # Do the gem deployment
- `make gem`
- # Push the branch back up
- `git push`
- # Tag the branch
- `git tag #{version}`
- # Push the tags
- `git push --tags`