tubedl.gemspec in tubedl-0.1.8 vs tubedl.gemspec in tubedl-0.1.9
- old
+ new
@@ -10,14 +10,18 @@ = [""]
spec.summary = %q{This gem parses youtube playlists to an object with an instance that named as playlist_data(hash: video_names => links)
also can save that instance as yaml, can check a video link format with regex, can create link to specific resulation
can take whole page data of a link, can take video ID from link and can save object as yaml and also can save a smplayer
- compatible playlist file. Now user can pass path to save playlist for yaml and smplalyewr playlists. }
+ compatible playlist file. Now user can pass path to save playlist for yaml and smpalyer playlists. SMPlayer can play youtube
+ and other online videos and while playing a plistlist it ill continue from previous session item and time so i hope
+ it will helpful for tutorial kind videos. }
spec.description = %q{This gem parses youtube playlists to an object with an instance that named as playlist_data(hash: video_names => links)
also can save that instance as yaml, can check a video link format with regex, can create link to specific resulation
can take whole page data of a link, can take video ID from link and can save object as yaml can save a smplayer
- compatible playlist file. Now user can pass path to save playlist for yaml and smplalyewr playlists.}
+ compatible playlist file. Now user can pass path to save playlist for yaml and smplayer playlists. SMPlayer can play youtube
+ and other online videos and while playing a plistlist it will continue from previous session item and time so i hope
+ it will helpful for tutorial kind videos.}
spec.homepage = ""
spec.license = "MIT"
# Prevent pushing this gem to To allow pushes either set the 'allowed_push_host'
# to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host.