lib/tryouts.rb in tryouts-0.5.1 vs lib/tryouts.rb in tryouts-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
require 'ostruct'
require 'rye'
require 'yaml'
begin; require 'json'; rescue LoadError; end # json may not be installed
-GYMNASIUM_HOME = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'tryouts')
+GYMNASIUM_HOME = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'tryouts') ## also check try (for rye)
GYMNASIUM_GLOB = File.join(GYMNASIUM_HOME, '**', '*_tryouts.rb')
# = Tryouts
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
class Exception < RuntimeError; end
# = BadDreams
# Raised when there is a problem loading or parsing a Tryouts::Drill::Dream object
class BadDreams < Exception; end
- VERSION = "0.5.1"
+ VERSION = "0.6.0"
require 'tryouts/mixins'
require 'tryouts/tryout'
require 'tryouts/drill'
@@ -47,10 +47,21 @@
# An Hash of Tryouts instances stored under the name of the Tryouts subclass.
@@instances =
# An instance of SysInfo
@@sysinfo =
+ @@debug = false
+ @@verbose = 0
+ def self.debug?; @@debug; end
+ def self.enable_debug; @@debug = true; end
+ def self.disable_debug; @@debug = false; end
+ def self.verbose; @@verbose; end
+ def self.verbose=(v); @@verbose = (v == true) ? 1 : v; end
# Returns +@@instances+
def self.instances; @@instances; end
# Returns +@@sysinfo+
def self.sysinfo; @@sysinfo; end
@@ -58,30 +69,22 @@
attr_accessor :group
# A Symbol representing the default drill type. One of: :cli, :api
attr_accessor :dtype
# An Array of file paths which populated this instance of Tryouts
attr_accessor :paths
- # A Hash of dreams for all tryouts in this class. The keys should
- # match the names of each tryout. The values are hashes will drill
- # names as keys and response
- attr_accessor :dreams
# An Array of Tryout objects
attr_accessor :tryouts
# A Symbol representing the command taking part in the tryouts. For @dtype :cli only.
attr_accessor :command
# A Symbol representing the name of the library taking part in the tryouts. For @dtype :api only.
attr_accessor :library
- # The name of the most recent dreams group (see self.dream)
- attr_accessor :dream_pointer
def initialize(group=nil)
@group = group || "Default Group"
@tryouts =
@paths = []
@command = nil
- @dreams =
- @dream_pointer = nil
# Populate this Tryouts from a block. The block should contain calls to
# the external DSL methods: tryout, command, dreams
def from_block(b, &inline)
@@ -99,10 +102,11 @@
def run; @tryouts.each_pair { |n,to| }; end
# Add a shell command to Rye::Cmd and save the command name
# in @@commands so it can be used as the default for drills
def command(name=nil, path=nil)
+ raise "command testing is temporarily disabled"
return @command if name.nil?
@command = name.to_sym
@dtype = :cli
Rye::Cmd.module_eval do
define_method(name) do |*args|
@@ -137,13 +141,10 @@
def group(name=nil)
return @group if name.nil?
@group = name unless name.nil?
- # Preload dreams if possible
- dfile = self.class.find_dreams_file(GYMNASIUM_HOME, @group)
- self.load_dreams_file(dfile) if dfile
# Raises a Tryouts::Exception. +group+ is not support in the standalone syntax
# because the group name is taken from the name of the class. See inherited.
@@ -169,12 +170,11 @@
to = find_tryout(name, dtype)
if to.nil?
to =, dtype, command)
@tryouts[name] = to
- # Populate the dreams if they've already been loaded
- to.dreams = @dreams[name] if @dreams.has_key?(name)
# Process the rest of the DSL
to.from_block block if block
# Calls Tryouts#tryout on the current instance of Tryouts
@@ -199,71 +199,10 @@
# This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a tryout.
# NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method.
def self.xtryout(*args, &block); end
- # Load dreams from a file or directory or if a block is given
- # it's processed
- # Raises a Tryouts::BadDreams exception when something goes awry.
- #
- # This method is used in two ways:
- # * In the dreams file DSL
- # * As a getter method on a Tryouts object
- def dreams(tryout_name=nil, &definition)
- return @dreams unless tryout_name
- #
- # dreams "path/2/dreams"
- # OR
- # dreams "path/2/file_of_dreams.rb"
- #
- if File.exists?(tryout_name)
- dfile = tryout_name
- # If we're given a directory we'll build the filename using the class name
- if
- dfile = self.class.find_dreams_file(tryout_name, @group)
- end
- raise BadDreams, "Cannot find dreams file (#{tryout_name})" unless dfile
- @dreams = load_dreams_file( dfile) || {}
- #
- # dreams "Tryout Name" do
- # dream "drill name" ...
- # end
- #
- elsif tryout_name.kind_of?(String) && definition
- to = find_tryout(tryout_name, @dtype)
- if to.nil?
- @dream_pointer = tryout_name # Used in Tryouts.dream
- @dreams[ @dream_pointer ] ||= {}
- else
- to.from_block &definition
- end
- else
- raise BadDreams, tryout_name
- end
- @dreams
- end
- # Without arguments, returns a Hash of all known dreams.
- # With arguments, it calls Tryouts#dreams on the current instance of Tryouts.
- #
- # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method.
- def self.dreams(*args, &block)
- if args.empty? && block.nil?
- dreams = {}
- @@instances.each_pair do |name,inst|
- dreams[name] = inst.dreams
- end
- return dreams
- else
- # Call the Tryouts#dreams instance method
- @@instances.last.dreams(*args, &block)
- end
- end
# Returns +@tryouts+.
# Also acts as a stub for Tryouts#tryout in case someone
# specifies "tryouts 'name' do ..." in the DSL.
def tryouts(*args, &block)
@@ -273,70 +212,10 @@
# An alias for Tryouts.tryout.
def self.tryouts(*args, &block)
tryout(args, &block)
- # +name+ of the Drill associated to this Dream
- # +output+ A String or Array of expected output. A Dream object will be created using this value (optional)
- # +definition+ is a block which will be run on an instance of Dream
- #
- # This method is different than Tryout#dream because this one stores
- # dreams inside an instance variable of the current Tryouts object.
- # This allows for the situation where the dreams block appears before
- # the tryout block. See Tryouts#tryout
- #
- # NOTE: This method is DSL-only. It's not intended to be used in OO syntax.
- def dream(name, output=nil, format=nil, rcode=0, emsg=nil, &definition)
- to = find_tryout(@dream_pointer, @dtype)
- if to.nil?
- if output.nil?
- dobj = Tryouts::Drill::Dream.from_block definition
- else
- dobj =
- dobj.format, dobj.rcode, dobj.emsg = format, rcode, emsg
- end
- @dreams[@dream_pointer][name] = dobj
- else
- # Let the Tryout object process the dream DSL.
- # We'll get here if the dream is placed after
- # the drill with the same name in the same block.
- to.dream name, output, format, rcode, emsg, &definition
- end
- end
- # Calls Tryouts#dream on the current instance of Tryouts
- #
- # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method.
- def self.dream(*args, &block)
- @@instances.last.dream(*args, &block)
- end
- # This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a dream.
- #
- # NOTE: This is a DSL-only method and is not intended for OO use.
- def xdream(*args, &block); end
- # This method does nothing. It provides a quick way to disable a dream.
- #
- # NOTE: this is a standalone DSL-syntax method.
- def self.xdream(*args, &block); end
- # Populate @@dreams with the content of the file +dpath+.
- #
- # NOTE: this is an OO syntax method
- def load_dreams_file(dpath)
- type = File.extname dpath
- if type == ".yaml" || type == ".yml"
- @dreams = YAML.load_file dpath
- elsif type == ".json" || type == ".js"
- @dreams = JSON.load_file dpath
- elsif type == ".rb"
- @dreams = instance_eval
- else
- raise BadDreams, "Unknown kind of dream: #{dpath}"
- end
- @dreams
- end
# Parse a +_tryouts.rb+ file. See Tryouts::CLI::Run for an example.
# NOTE: this is an OO syntax method
def self.parse_file(fpath)
raise "No such file: #{fpath}" unless File.exists?(fpath)
@@ -384,30 +263,8 @@
## run = "poop"
## def self.t2(*args)
## end
- # Find a dreams file in the directory +dir+ based on the current group name.
- # The expected filename format is: groupname_dreams.ext where "groupname" is
- # the lowercase name of the Tryouts group (spaces removed) and "ext" is one
- # of: yaml, js, json, rb.
- #
- # e.g.
- # Tryouts.find_dreams_file "dirpath" # => dirpath/tryouts_dreams.rb
- #
- def self.find_dreams_file(dir, group=nil)
- dpath = nil
- group ||=
- group =' ', '')
- [:rb, :yaml].each do |ext|
- tmp = File.join(dir, "#{group}_dreams.#{ext}")
- if File.exists?(tmp)
- dpath = tmp
- break
- end
- end
- dpath
- end