app/views/festivity_locations/show.html.haml in trusty-festivity-extension-2.3.10 vs app/views/festivity_locations/show.html.haml in trusty-festivity-extension-2.3.11g
- old
+ new
@@ -1,66 +1,27 @@
-- cache(@location) do
- .container
- .row
- .col-xs-12.location-landing-page-header{style: "background-image: url('#{@location.image}')"}
- %h1
- = @location.title
+- cache(@location, base_domain: current_site.base_domain) do
+ = @location.title
+ =link_to area_path(id: @location.parent.slug) do
+ = @location.parent.title
+ .content-wrapper
+ %section.primary-content
+ %h4.tertiary-title
+ = @location.festivity_address
+ %br
+ = "#{@location.festivity_city}, #{@location.festivity_state} #{@location.festivity_zip}"
+ - unless @location.festivity_directions_url.blank?
- =link_to area_path(id: @location.parent.slug) do
- = @location.parent.title
- %p
- = @location.festivity_address
- %br
- = "#{@location.festivity_city}, #{@location.festivity_state} #{@location.festivity_zip}"
- - unless @location.festivity_directions_url.blank?
= link_to "Directions", "#{@location.festivity_directions_url}", class: 'btn btn-default', target: '_blank'
- .col-xs-12
- %h2
- Events at
- = @location.title
- .event-list
- - cache(@location_events) do
- - do |event|
- .row.event-list-item{data:{genre:, date: event.performances.first.start_date, location: @location.slug}, class: event.title.to_slug}
- %hr
- .event-list-item__photo.col-xs-12.col-md-2
- .photo
- = link_to event_path( do
- %img.img-responsive{ src: "#{event.image}"}
- - if event.featured_item
- .event_list-item__photo-featured-item
- Featured Event!
- .event-list-item__info.col-xs-12.col-md-8
- = link_to event_path( do
- %h2
- = event.title
- %h3
- %span.strong
- = event.title
- %span.light
- = event.header
- - if event.performances.count > 1
- %p
- Multiple dates and times
- %button.btn.btn-sm.btn-default.btn-popover{type: "button", data: {content: date_time_popover(event.performances), html: "true", placement:"top", toggle: "popover"}, title:"All Dates and Times"}
- Show all
- - else
- - event.performances.each do |perf|
- %p
- = perf.start_date.strftime("%A, %B %d")
- = ", "
- = perf.start_date.strftime("%I:%M%p").downcase
- = " - "
- = perf.end_date.strftime('%I:%M%p').downcase
- -#- for c in e.event_categories do
- p
- a.strong(href="#")= c
- .more-dates.hidden
- ul
- / - e.event_dates_and_times.each do |date,index|
- / li = "#{}, #{date.time}"
- .event-list-item__button-group.col-xs-12.col-md-2
- %p
- = link_to "Details", event_path(, class: 'btn btn-default'
- - unless event.buy_url.blank?
- %p
- =link_to "Tickets", "#{event.buy_url}", class: 'btn btn-default', target: '_blank'
+ .event-media
+ %img{src: @location.image, alt: "Lead Image"}
+ - if
+ %section.related-events
+ %h3
+ Events at
+ = @location.title
+ - cache(, base_domain: current_site.base_domain) do
+ - do |event|
+ = render partial: 'festivity_events/event', locals: {event: event}