lib/trifle/stats/driver/ in trifle-stats-0.1.0 vs lib/trifle/stats/driver/ in trifle-stats-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,59 +1,11 @@
# Driver
Driver is a wrapper class that persists and retrieves values from backend. It needs to implement:
-- `inc(key:, **values)` method to store values
+- `inc(key:, **values)` method add values
+- `set(key:, **values)` method set values
- `get(key:)` method to retrieve values
-## Packer Mixin
+## Documentation
-Some databases cannot store nested hashes/values. Or they cannot perform increment on nested values that does not exist. For this reason you can use Packer mixin that helps you convert values to dot notation.
-class Sample
- include Trifle::Stats::Mixins::Packer
-values = { a: 1, b: { c: 22, d: 33 } }
-=> {:a=>1, :b=>{:c=>22, :d=>33}}
-packed = Sample.pack(hash: values)
-=> {"a"=>1, "b.c"=>22, "b.d"=>33}
-Sample.unpack(hash: packed)
-=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>{"c"=>22, "d"=>33}}
-## Dummy driver
-Sample of using custom driver that does, well, nothing useful.
-irb(main):001:1* class Dummy
-irb(main):002:2* def inc(key:, **values)
-irb(main):003:2* puts "Dumping #{key} => #{values}"
-irb(main):004:1* end
-irb(main):005:2* def get(key:)
-irb(main):006:2* puts "Random for #{key}"
-irb(main):007:2* { count: rand(1000) }
-irb(main):008:1* end
-irb(main):009:0> end
-=> :get
-irb(main):010:0> c =
-=> #<Trifle::Stats::Configuration:0x00007fe179aed848 @separator="::", @ranges=[:minute, :hour, :day, :week, :month, :quarter, :year], @beginning_of_week=:monday, @time_zone="GMT">
-irb(main):011:0> c.driver =
-=> #<Dummy:0x00007fe176302ac8>
-irb(main):012:0> c.track_ranges = [:minute, :hour]
-=> [:minute, :hour]
-irb(main):013:0> Trifle::Stats.track(key: 'sample', at:, values: {count: 1}, config: c)
-Dumping sample::minute::1611696240 => {:count=>1}
-Dumping sample::hour::1611694800 => {:count=>1}
-=> [{2021-01-26 21:24:00 +0000=>{:count=>1}}, {2021-01-26 21:00:00 +0000=>{:count=>1}}]
-irb(main):014:0> Trifle::Stats.values(key: 'sample', from:, to:, range: :hour, config: c)
-Random for sample::hour::1611694800
-=> [{2021-01-26 21:00:00 +0000=>{:count=>405}}]
+For more details about Drivers, please refer to