app/helpers/trestle/url_helper.rb in trestle-0.10.0 vs app/helpers/trestle/url_helper.rb in trestle-0.10.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,82 +1,152 @@
module Trestle
module UrlHelper
MODAL_ACTIONS = [:new, :show, :edit]
- def admin_link_to(content, instance_or_url=nil, options={}, &block)
+ # Generates a link to an admin, optionally for a specific instance on a resourceful admin.
+ #
+ # It has a few additional conveniences over using the standard `link_to` helper:
+ #
+ # 1) It can automatically infer the admin from the given instance.
+ # 2) It will automatically add data-controller="modal-trigger" when linking to a form
+ # action that is set to show as a modal.
+ # 3) It sets data-turbo-frame appropriately for modal and non-modal contexts to ensure
+ # the admin can correctly detect modal requests.
+ #
+ # content - HTML or text content to use as the link content
+ # (will be ignored if a block is provided)
+ # instance - Optional model instance, or explicit String path
+ # admin - Optional admin instance to link to. Will be inferred from instance if provided,
+ # otherwise falling back to the current admin if available
+ # action - Optional admin action to link to. Will default to :show if instance is provided,
+ # otherwise the admin's root action (usually :index) will be used
+ # method - Optional request method (e.g. :delete), that will be set as `data-turbo-method`
+ # params - Hash of URL parameters to pass to `instance_path` or `path` admin methods (default: {})
+ # options - Hash of options to forward to the `link_to` helper (default: {})
+ # block - Optional block to capture to use as the link content
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # <%= admin_link_to, article %>
+ #
+ # <%= admin_link_to admin: :dashboard, action: :index do %>
+ # <%= icon "fas fa-gauge" %> Dashboard
+ # <% end %>
+ #
+ # Returns a HTML-safe String.
+ # Raises ActionController::UrlGenerationError if the admin cannot be automatically inferred.
+ def admin_link_to(content=nil, instance=nil, admin: nil, action: nil, method: nil, params: {}, **options, &block)
# Block given - ignore content parameter and capture content from block
if block_given?
- instance_or_url, options = content, instance_or_url || {}
- content = capture(&block)
+ instance, content = content, capture(&block)
- if instance_or_url.is_a?(String)
- # Treat string URL as regular link
- link_to(content, instance_or_url, options)
- else
- # Normalize options if instance is not provided
- if instance_or_url.is_a?(Hash)
- instance, options = nil, instance_or_url
- else
- instance = instance_or_url
- end
+ # Treat string URL as regular link
+ if instance.is_a?(String)
+ return link_to(content, instance, options)
+ end
- # Determine admin
- if options.key?(:admin)
- admin = Trestle.lookup(options.delete(:admin))
- elsif instance
- admin = admin_for(instance)
- end
+ # Determine target admin
+ target = lookup_admin_from_options(
+ instance: instance,
+ admin: admin,
+ fallback: self&.admin,
+ raise: true
+ )
- admin ||= self.admin if respond_to?(:admin)
+ # Set default action depending on instance or not
+ action ||= (instance ? :show : target.root_action)
- if admin
- # Ensure admin has controller context
- admin = if admin.is_a?(Class)
+ path = admin_url_for(instance, admin: target, action: action, **params)
- # Generate path
- action = options.delete(:action) || :show
- params = options.delete(:params) || {}
+ # Determine link data options
+ options[:data] ||= {}
- if admin.respond_to?(:instance_path) && instance
- path = admin.instance_path(instance, params.reverse_merge(action: action))
- else
- params[:id] ||= admin.to_param(instance) if instance
- path = admin.path(action, params)
- end
+ if MODAL_ACTIONS.include?(action) && target&.form&.modal?
+ options[:data][:controller] ||= "modal-trigger"
+ else
+ options[:data][:turbo_frame] ||= (modal_request? ? "modal" : "_top")
+ end
- # Determine link data options
- options[:data] ||= {}
+ options[:data][:turbo_method] ||= method if method
- if MODAL_ACTIONS.include?(action) && admin.respond_to?(:form) && admin.form.modal?
- options[:data][:controller] ||= "modal-trigger"
- else
- options[:data][:turbo_frame] ||= (modal_request? ? "modal" : "_top")
- end
- link_to(content, path, options)
- else
- raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError, "An admin could not be inferred. Please specify an admin using the :admin option."
- end
- end
+ link_to(content, path, options)
- def admin_url_for(instance, options={})
- admin = Trestle.lookup(options.delete(:admin)) if options.key?(:admin)
- admin ||= admin_for(instance)
- return unless admin
+ # Returns the admin path for a given instance.
+ #
+ # An admin can either be explicitly specified (as a symbol or admin class),
+ # or it can be automatically inferred based the instance type using `admin_for`.
+ #
+ # instance - The model instance to generate a path for
+ # admin - Optional admin (symbol or admin class)
+ # action - Optional admin action to generate the URL for. Will default to :show if
+ # instance is provided, otherwise the admin's root action (usually :index)
+ # will be used
+ # raise - Whether to raise a ActionController::UrlGenerationError if the admin
+ # cannot be determined, either from the admin parameter or automatically
+ # params - Hash of URL parameters to pass to `instance_path` or `path` admin methods
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # <%= admin_url_for(article, action: :edit) %>
+ # <%= admin_url_for(article, admin: :special_articles) %>
+ #
+ # Returns a String, or nil if the admin cannot be automatically inferred.
+ def admin_url_for(instance=nil, admin: nil, action: nil, raise: false, **params)
+ target = lookup_admin_from_options(
+ instance: instance,
+ admin: admin,
+ fallback: self&.admin,
+ raise: raise
+ )
+ return unless target
- # Ensure admin has controller context
- admin = if admin.is_a?(Class)
+ # Set default action depending on instance or not
+ action ||= (instance ? :show : target.root_action)
- if admin.respond_to?(:instance_path)
- admin.instance_path(instance, options)
+ if instance
+ if target.respond_to?(:instance_path)
+ target.instance_path(instance, action: action, **params)
+ else
+ target.path(action, params.merge(id: target.to_param(instance)))
+ end
- admin.path(options[:action] || :show, id: admin.to_param(instance))
+ target.path(action, params)
+ # Looks up the registered Trestle admin for a given model instance.
+ #
+ # The lookup is performed on the global `Trestle::Registry` instance,
+ # which tracks admin resource models unless the resource was created
+ # with `register_model: false`.
+ #
+ # instance - The model instance to look up in the registry
+ #
+ # Returns a Trestle::Admin subclass or nil if no matching admin found.
def admin_for(instance)
+ end
+ private
+ def lookup_admin_from_options(instance: nil, admin: nil, fallback: nil, raise: true)
+ if admin
+ result = Trestle.lookup(admin)
+ elsif instance
+ result = Trestle.lookup_model(instance.class) || fallback
+ else
+ result = fallback
+ end
+ if result && result.is_a?(Class)
+ # Instantiate admin with current context
+ elsif result
+ result
+ elsif raise
+ raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError,
+ "An admin could not be inferred. Please specify an admin using the :admin option."
+ end