app/helpers/trestle/tab_helper.rb in trestle-0.10.0 vs app/helpers/trestle/tab_helper.rb in trestle-0.10.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,21 +1,56 @@
module Trestle
module TabHelper
- def tabs
- @_trestle_tabs ||= {}
- end
+ # Creates a tab pane using content via the given block, :partial option or partial
+ # template automatically inferred from the tab name.
+ #
+ # It also appends a Trestle::Tab object to the list of declared tabs that is
+ # accessible via the #tabs helper (e.g. for rendering the tab links).
+ #
+ # name - (Symbol) Internal name for the tab
+ # options - Hash of options (default: {}):
+ # :label - Optional tab label. If not provided, will be inferred by the
+ # admin-translated tab name (`admin.tabs.{name}` i18n scope)
+ # :badge - Optional badge to show next to the tab label (e.g. a counter)
+ # :partial - Optional partial template name to use when a block is not provided
+ #
+ # Examples
+ #
+ # <%= tab :details %>
+ # => Automatically renders the 'details' partial (e.g. "_details.html.erb") as the tab content
+ #
+ # <%= tab :metadata, partial: "meta" %>
+ # => Renders the 'meta' partial (e.g. "_meta.html.erb") as the tab content
+ #
+ # <%= tab :comments do %> ...
+ # => Renders the given block as the tab content
+ #
+ # Returns a HTML-safe String.
+ def tab(name, **options)
+ tabs[name] = tab =, **options)
- def tab(name, options={})
- tabs[name] = tab =, options)
- content_tag(:div, id:"modal" if modal_request?)), class: ["tab-pane", ('active' if name == tabs.keys.first)], role: "tabpanel") do
+ tag.div(id:"modal" if modal_request?)), class: ["tab-pane", ('active' if name == tabs.keys.first)], role: "tabpanel") do
if block_given?
elsif options[:partial]
render partial: options[:partial]
render partial: name.to_s
+ end
+ # Returns a hash (name => Trestle::Tab) of the currently declared tabs.
+ def tabs
+ @_trestle_tabs ||= {}
+ end
+ # Captures the given block (using `content_for`) as the sidebar content.
+ def sidebar(&block)
+ content_for(:sidebar, &block)
+ end
+ def render_sidebar_as_tab?
+ modal_request? && content_for?(:sidebar)