docs/ in treezor_client-1.5.0 vs docs/ in treezor_client-1.6.0
- old
+ new
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# TreezorClient::Body
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**card_id** | **Integer** | The id of the card on which to create an issuerInitiatedDigitizationData request |
-**token_requestor** | **String** | The Token Requestor also named wallet provider. |
-**additionnal_data** | [**IssuerInitiatedDigitizationDatasAdditionnalData**]( | | [optional]
+**tag** | **String** | Custom data that could be used by caller to search the instance. | [optional]
+**user_id** | **Integer** | Beneficiary's userId |
+**nick_name** | **String** | Name choosen by end user to easily recognize the beneficiary. | [optional]
+**name** | **String** | Beneficiary name, linked to bank account. |
+**address** | **String** | Beneficiary address, linked to bank account. | [optional]
+**iban** | **String** | Beneficiary International Bank Account Number. Mandatory if usableForSct is true. | [optional]
+**bic** | **String** | Beneficiary Bank Identifier Code. Mandatory if usableForSct is true. | [optional]
+**sepa_creditor_identifier** | **String** | Beneficiary SEPA Creditor Identifier. Mandatory to validate incoming direct debit, useless other wise. Between 8 and 35 caracters. If sddB2bWhitelist or sddCoreBlacklist is provided then sepaCreditorIdentifier is mandatory. | [optional]
+**sdd_b2b_whitelist** | [**Array<BeneficiariesSddB2bWhitelist>**]( | Each unique mandate reference, with its frequency type, must be explicitely allowed when doing B2B Direct Debit. Furthermore, a mandate not used during more than 36 months will be automatically rejected even if in the white list. If provided, sepaCreditorIdentifier is mandatory. | [optional]
+**sdd_core_blacklist** | **Array<String>** | Core Direct Debit are accepted by default. If a Core mandate is to be refused on reception, it has to be added to this list. If wild char * (star) is used instead of a UMR, all Direct Debit from this beneficiary will be refused. If provided, sepaCreditorIdentifier is mandatory. | [optional]
+**usable_for_sct** | **BOOLEAN** | Indicated if the beneficiary can be used for SEPA Credit Transfer. This field is a conveniant way to filter all beneficiaries for a user that would like to do a Credit Transfer. Indeed, beneficaries are created automatically when receiving a Core Direct Debit and therefor by looking at the list you won't be able to idnetify which beneficary to use on SCT. | [optional] [default to false]
+**fields** | **Array<String>** | List of the object's properties you want to pick up. | [optional]