lib/travis/cli/sshkey.rb in travis-1.10.1.travis.1341.9 vs lib/travis/cli/sshkey.rb in travis-1.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
on '-u', '--upload FILE', 'upload key from given file'
on '-s', '--stdin', 'upload key read from stdin'
on '-c', '--check', 'set exit code depending on key existing'
on '-g', '--generate', 'generate SSH key and set up for given GitHub user'
on '-p', '--passphrase PASSPHRASE', 'pass phrase to decrypt with when using --upload'
+ on '-g', '--github-token TOKEN', 'identify by GitHub token'
def_delegators :repository, :ssh_key
def run
error "SSH keys are not available on #{color(session.config['host'], :bold)}" if org?
@@ -49,31 +50,38 @@
rescue Travis::Client::NotFound
warn "no key found to remove"
def generate_key
- github.with_basic_auth do |gh|
- login = gh['user']['login']
- check_access(gh)
- empty_line
+ access_token = nil
+ github.with_token do |token|
+ access_token = github_auth(token)
+ end
+ session.access_token = nil
+ unless access_token
+ raise Travis::Client::GitHubLoginFailed, "all GitHub tokens given were invalid"
+ end
+ gh = GH.with(token: github_token)
+ login = gh['user']['login']
+ check_access(gh)
+ empty_line
- say "Generating RSA key."
- private_key = Tools::SSLKey.generate_rsa
- self.description ||= "key for fetching dependencies for #{slug} via #{login}"
+ say "Generating RSA key."
+ private_key = Tools::SSLKey.generate_rsa
+ self.description ||= "key for fetching dependencies for #{slug} via #{login}"
- say "Uploading public key to GitHub."
-"/user/keys", :title => "#{description} (Travis CI)", :key => Tools::SSLKey.rsa_ssh(private_key.public_key))
+ say "Uploading public key to GitHub."
+"/user/keys", :title => "#{description} (Travis CI)", :key => Tools::SSLKey.rsa_ssh(private_key.public_key))
- say "Uploading private key to Travis CI."
- ssh_key.update(:value => private_key.to_s, :description => description)
+ say "Uploading private key to Travis CI."
+ ssh_key.update(:value => private_key.to_s, :description => description)
- empty_line
- say "You can store the private key to reuse it for other repositories (travis sshkey --upload FILE)."
- if agree("Store private key? ") { |q| q.default = "no" }
- path = ask("Path: ") { |q| q.default = "id_travis_rsa" }
- File.write(path, private_key.to_s)
- end
+ empty_line
+ say "You can store the private key to reuse it for other repositories (travis sshkey --upload FILE)."
+ if agree("Store private key? ") { |q| q.default = "no" }
+ path = ask("Path: ") { |q| q.default = "id_travis_rsa" }
+ File.write(path, private_key.to_s)
def remove_passphrase(value)
return value unless Tools::SSLKey.has_passphrase? value
@@ -95,24 +103,21 @@
@github ||= begin
load_gh['github']) do |g|
g.note = "token for fetching dependencies for #{slug} (Travis CI)"
g.explode = explode?
- g.ask_login = proc { ask("Username: ") }
- g.ask_password = proc { |user| ask("Password for #{user}: ") { |q| q.echo = "*" } }
- g.ask_otp = proc { |user| ask("Two-factor authentication code for #{user}: ") }
+ g.github_token = github_token
g.login_header = proc { login_header }
g.debug = proc { |log| debug(log) }
g.after_tokens = proc { g.explode = true and error("no suitable github token found") }
def login_header
- say "We need the #{color("GitHub login", :important)} for the account you want to add the key to."
- say "This information will #{color("not be sent to Travis CI", :important)}, only to #{color(, :info)}."
- say "The password will not be displayed."
- empty_line
+ say "GitHub deprecated its Authorizations API exchanging a password for a token."
+ say "Please visit for more information."
+ say "Try running with #{color("--github-token", :info)} or #{color("--auto-token", :info)} ."