lib/travis/cli/repo_command.rb in travis-1.6.18.travis.596.5 vs lib/travis/cli/repo_command.rb in travis-1.6.18.travis.604.5
- old
+ new
@@ -6,10 +6,14 @@
module CLI
class RepoCommand < ApiCommand
GIT_REGEX = %r{/?(.*/.+?)(\.git)?$}
TRAVIS = %r{^https://(staging-)?api\.travis-ci\.(org|com)}
on('-r', '--repo SLUG', 'repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)') { |c, slug| c.slug = slug }
+ on('-R', '--store-repo SLUG', 'like --repo, but remembers value for current directory') do |c, slug|
+ c.slug = slug
+ c.send(:store_slug, slug)
+ end
attr_accessor :slug
def setup
@@ -50,14 +54,41 @@
def detected_endpoint?
def find_slug
- git_head = `git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>#{IO::NULL}`.chomp
- git_remote = `git config --get branch.#{git_head}.remote 2>#{IO::NULL}`.chomp
- git_remote = 'origin' if git_remote.empty?
- git_info = `git config --get remote.#{git_remote}.url 2>#{IO::NULL}`.chomp
- $1 if Addressable::URI.parse(git_info).path =~ GIT_REGEX
+ load_slug || store_slug(detect_slug)
+ end
+ def detect_slug
+ git_head = `git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>#{IO::NULL}`.chomp
+ git_remote = `git config --get branch.#{git_head}.remote 2>#{IO::NULL}`.chomp
+ git_remote = 'origin' if git_remote.empty?
+ git_info = `git config --get remote.#{git_remote}.url 2>#{IO::NULL}`.chomp
+ if Addressable::URI.parse(git_info).path =~ GIT_REGEX
+ detectected_slug = $1
+ if interactive?
+ if agree("Detected repository as #{color(detectected_slug, :info)}, is this correct? ") { |q| q.default = 'yes' }
+ detectected_slug
+ else
+ ask("Repository slug: ") { |q| q.default = detectected_slug }
+ end
+ else
+ info "detected repository as #{color(detectected_slug, :bold)}"
+ detectected_slug
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_slug
+ stored = `git config --get travis.slug`.chomp
+ stored unless stored.empty?
+ end
+ def store_slug(value)
+ `git config travis.slug #{value}` if value
+ value
def repo_config
config['repos'] ||= {}
config['repos'][slug] ||= {}