config/ in traquitana-0.0.25 vs config/ in traquitana-0.0.26
- old
+ new
@@ -166,20 +166,20 @@
msg "Gem dir owner is \e[1m${owner}\e[0m"
# if gemdir owner and current user is root, try to install gems system wide
if [ "${owner}" == "root" -a "${curuser}" == "root" ]; then
msg "Performing a \e[1msystem wide gem install using root\e[0m"
- bundle install
+ bundle install --without development test
# install gems on rvm system path or vendor/bundle
# if gemdir is the current user dir, install there
if [ "${basedir}" == "/home/${owner}" ]; then
msg "Performing a \e[1mlocal gem install on home dir\e[0m"
- bundle install
+ bundle install --without development test
# if user is not root and gemdir is not the home dir, install on vendor
msg "Performing a \e[1mlocal gem install on vendor/bundle\e[0m"
- bundle install --path vendor/bundle
+ bundle install --path vendor/bundle --without development test